Monday, May 15, 2023

Weight is coming off too slow?

Hi everyone. I could really use some guidance and tips for my current cut. I have been on this cut since December from being overweight at 180 lbs to now 156 lbs. I am currently consuming 1300 cals a day, I’ve outlined my daily meals below to hit my target macros. I’m doing about 1-1.5 hours of liss cardio 5x a week. I feel as if my weight is coming down very slowly for the amount of cardio and deficit I am doing. I’ve been at 156 lbs for a couple weeks now I think. I’m at the skinny fat kind of stage, so maybe 15% - 17% body fat? My goal weight has been 150 lbs. Any advice? Anything I could improve or do to help keep my weight loss moving forward?

Meal 1: 370g egg whites, 2 slices low cal bread

Meal 2: 100g chicken breast, 120g veggies

Meal 3: 100g chicken breast, 120g veggies

Meal 4: 75g oatmeal mixed w/ whey protein

Meal 5: 170g chicken breast, 120g veggies

submitted by /u/Itchy-Routine517
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Only 170 days remaining until Halloween!

Hello /loseit

Have you purchased a goal weight outfit for motivation? Did it work?

For the last several years, I greeted trick-o-treaters at my door wearing a Charlie Brown outfit. Several years ago, at my heaviest I was Barf from Spaceballs.

My goal for this year is to dress as Captain Pike from StarTrek Strange New Worlds. I’m at a point where I can fit into most XXL shirts I’ve tried but I’m hoping to do more than simply fit. After my upcoming travels, I plan to start gathering items required for the outfit while continuing my weight loss transformation.

submitted by /u/HMSRathbone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need input from short women who have lost weight through diet and exercise alone

This is probably more of a rant but what are some tips/tricks that worked for you to lose weight and maintain without having to eat like a toddler?

As a “petite” woman the weight loss struggle is real. I’m 5’2, over 35, and have been trying to lose the covid weight these past two years with no luck. At my highest I got to 196, currently 180 and the scale hasn’t budged in a year. I track through my fitness pal, weigh and measure almost all of my food, and work out 4-6 days a week.

Per the tdee calculator my maintenance calories are 1966 and cutting calories 1466. I set it at “light exercise” even though I work out a lot because I don’t want to be overestimating how much I can eat. I tend to stick to 1500-1800 cals because of how much I work out. Sticking to less than 1500 cals results in me getting so hungry that I binge eat. I track meticulously with the only days that are “off” being days we go to a family party or eat out at restaurants since it’s hard to track those calories accurately. We have family parties approx 1x a month and eat out 1-2xs a week.

I do 1.5-2hr intense cardio 1 day a week- 60 min spin class plus 30-60 mins elliptical/treadmill combo. 2 days a week-45-60min walk. 3 days a week- less intense 30 min cycling session and 30 mins weight/strength training.

I had a personal trainer for over 1yr. Saw a registered dietitian for over 1yr. Hypothyroidism and insulin resistant

I’m worried that as menopause gets closer it’ll all be over for me. I’m absolutely not interested in weight loss surgery but am so frustrated I’m considering asking my doctor for the weight loss injections that are all the rage right now. However, I want a long term sustainable solution and I’ve heard you will gain all the weight back and then some of you stop taking the injections. Plus there aren’t any long-term studies about whether they will remain effective years down the line.

If anyone has similar stories/wants to rant/ has something that has worked, please share!

Edit to clarify: I know eating out can add a lot of calories but I did discuss this with my dietician. When I eat out I always cut my portions in half and add veggies. I also don’t regularly eat out 2xs a week. The 1x a week I do regularly eat out is after spin class. It’s a chipotle burrito bowl and per the online nutrition calculator comes out to a 325 calorie meal.

submitted by /u/MeliMelyMel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The little things

TDLR; I bought some Nike sweatpants a couple of years ago that were pretty tight on me then. I put them on this morning for the first time in probably six months and they are so baggy. I’m one happy girl today. I also went down a size in jeans :). My weight loss journey has been a very tough one but I did it.

I’ll start by saying that I’m in the army. If anyone here is in the military then you know how it is with body image and stuff. Just wanted to share my backstory because it’s important to me.

Three years ago I was getting ready to ship to basic training, 21 years old in the best place mentally I have ever been. I was 130lbs and so eager to start my new life. I gained about 15lbs during my basic training and everyone kept saying “it’s just muscle” no it wasn’t because muscle doesn’t come on that fast & my uniforms were getting tighter and not in a good way. Fast forward to the end of my job training and they call us to do a “practice” height and weight. 167lbs. I didn’t necessarily hate the way that I looked but I wasn’t necessarily happy.

I moved to Korea for 13 months, and the first 3-4 I spent trying to lose weight. Nothing was helping me and I couldn’t get past 165lbs. At some point I started making friends and was drinking very heavily. Getting drunk basically every night of the week. I don’t know how I didn’t notice all the weight I was gaining but I guess I didn’t care. In October of 2021 I had to do an official height and weight. 206lbs. Y’all I gained 40-45lbs in the span of a year. I had to lose 49lbs to “meet the standard”.

Well, it took me 19 months to do it, but I did it. Last week I hit my “army standard” weight and I feel on top of the world. At the end of 2021 any sort of positive self image I had of myself completely died because I realized how bad I actually got.

Today, I am 154lbs. I feel great in my body. My clothes fit the way I want them to. Old clothes that I squeezed on in 2021 actually fit correctly now. I still have one more goal to hit before I’m done with my weight loss but I did it. Slow and steady really wins the race.

I’m so incredibly proud of myself. I did this completely by myself with no help from anyone which makes me prouder. It was a hard and especially mentally challenging process.

submitted by /u/saladsIoth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Demotivation after gaining weight in a short time

Hello (Im a female that eats 1522 calories per day if that helps with anything) I have been on a weight loss journey for a year now and in that year i lost 18kg (~39lbs) but april was a hard month for me and i gained 7kg (~15lbs) back. In that month i struggled with binge eating and binged almost everyday. Having gained that much in a month really demotivated me. I am trying to get back into counting my calories but it seems so difficult now. I do a few perfect days and then i go way overboard on one and the whole week counts as no progress. Im currently 97kg (~213lbs) and my lowest weight was 89kg (~196lbs) (i got a nice taste of onederland though haha.) I mean i am trying to stay on track. I guess i want some advice on how to stop binging? Because that has been my nunber one problem since starting again. But what i did realize is that i have gained muscle too since i dont look as big this time at 97kg which does help a little.

submitted by /u/CooleSchneckeKrass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, May 13, 2023

F32 5'0" 250 lbs > 150 lbs = 100 lbs lost. 2 years in the making

I threw everything I could at this issue to get here. WLS (gastric sleeve), home gym five days a week (the first year I just did body weight workouts in my apartment), running every week day, therapy, dietician, personal training. I'm just getting started, I have a lot of goals I want to achieve this year!

Cico was the main thing using MyFitnessPal but it was physician supervised and I had weight loss surgery which causes a metabolic change in your body eliminating hunger for 18 months post op. Also the calories I ate were like 600 a day for many months. And my stomach volume has been reduced to 4 oz or half a cup of food. I workout almost every day and log my calories in my fitness pal. I've been doing this for two years so now I eat 1,600 cals a day.

I paid $1,500 for the surgery since that's my out of pocket max. My company has good health insurance.

As far as running goes, I started off walking to the end of my block for a year (0.25 miles), then jogging to the end of the block, then running there, then running.5 miles, then .75, then 1 mile. Now I'm trying to get my 15 minute mile to be 13 min. I think I'm always just setting goals then stretching them slowly. As long as I was better than I was the day before I've accomplished something

I lost 100 lbs before I started running. Makes me realize you can't outrun a bad diet...

submitted by /u/EmptySetCoffeeCakes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A few questions

So I'm trying to help my wife lose weight since she's stuck.

See this post for details

I gathered a few advices here but I noticed I may not know everything that's necessary to lost weight.

For exemple I never looked deep into macros.

1) Is it just using a calculator and trying to hit the numbers?

What happens if you don't hit one or the other, will it slow the weight loss down?

2) what's the role of muscle building compared to cardio?

She's only doing walking as of now considering her weight. But could some bodybuilding exercises unstuck the situation?

3) are cheat meals bad if you do it once a week but you're still in calories deficit over the week?

submitted by /u/AncientSlothGod
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from loseit - Lose the Fat