Wednesday, May 24, 2023

How I stopped being emotionally affected by the number on the scale

BIG DISCLAIMER: I'm just sharing my own experience. I'm in no way saying that everyone should do this, or even needs to do this. There are many other metrics that can be used to track weight loss progess, and scale weight is just one of them. In no way, does it give the complete picture. If you feel that weighing yourself negatively affects your mental health, please skip this post.

Context: I've been on a couple weight loss "journeys" over the past decade, and in each of those I was anxious about stepping on the scale and seeing that number.

What I did -

  1. Weigh myself once daily (first thing in the morning after using the loo)
  2. Track my weight using HappyScale (alternatives are LibraScale for Android, or just using graphs on a spreadsheet)

Why this worked for me -

  1. Weigh myself once daily (first thing in the morning after using the loo) - the first 2-3 weeks of doing this, I would feel anxiety about stepping on the scale. I had to emotionally reassure myself that the weight is just a number. But after a month or so of doing this, patterns started emerging. If I had had fried food the previous day, I would see a spike in my weight. If I had eaten later than usual the previous day, I would see a spike. If I was consipated, I would see a spike. This is the mental change that happened - when I checked my weight everyday, if it had jumped by 1kg (2 lbs) in the span of one day, I understood that there was no way I gained 1kg in a day. I mean we always read/hear about this on social media, but watching it happen to me reaaally cemented it for me. And most times, if I ate according to plan that day, next day I would again see a drop of ~1kg (2 lbs).All of this just helped me understand on a deeper level that the weight is just a metric, and a pretty noisy one at that. But you can reduce the noise if you track it over time. Which brings me to point 2.
  2. Track my weight using HappyScale - this app calculates a moving average of your weight, along with other useful stats like current rate of weight loss, trends over the week/month/year. Again, seeing the pretty trend graphs reduced the importance of my weight that day - instead bringing my attention to longer term trends.

I plan to keep using this method even after reaching maintenance phase as I find the long term trends (monthy or more), a good indicator of my overall energy balance.

I hope this helps someone!

EDIT: fixed formatting

submitted by /u/Left_Opportunity9622
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV - 10kg lost! (SW 104kg, CW 94kg, GW 80kg)

When I (28m) started taking weight loss seriously, the scale gave me a reading that shocked me: 103.85kg. I had no idea I had crossed 100kg and it made me feel ashamed.

But today, on my morning weigh-in, the scale showed me something I've been waiting for: 93.85kg! Which is a clean 10kg down from my starting weight. Still not even the halfway point to my goal but an important milestone anyway.

The funny thing is, I see zero change in my body. But I guess it has to be there!

I've done nothing more complicated than count calories, and even that I mostly eyeball. I try to eat 1650cal a day, but I'm not that concerned if I accidentally eat a bit less or more. I make sure to stay over 1500cal though! I also have cheat days every now and then, but I very, very rarely eat above maintenance even with that. But when I do it's no big deal! I just get back to it the very next day.

As to exercise, I climb/boulder once a week and walk a lot. I should hit the gym though since I'm still worried about my muscle mass even though I try to cook high protein food.

Funny side effect is that this has made me think about my style and looks more, kind of in a positive way. I got new glasses, a new haircut and I think about upgrading my wardrobe as well. I feel like it's not too late for me to be stylish and attractive.

Anyway, I'm very happy with this, and the next goal is sub-90kg/Onederland! Hope I get to report that soon.

submitted by /u/alonealsoatnight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Just started my weight loss journey.. and then I break my ankle.

But I'm not stopping!

I already lost 1 pound (possibly more, I started at 215 at the doctor a month before but once I got a scale I was 210 then 209) in the 9 days since I started and even though I can't walk or exercise I CAN diet and I'm already doing so well.

This sub has given me all of the motivation I needed and more so even with this happening, I'm not letting it put me back to square one. I didn't know weight loss was mostly diet, which has also given me hope as I can never stick to a workout plan, but I know I can diet and count calories! Who knows, once I can step on a scale again I'll weight 20-30 lbs less! 🤞

submitted by /u/Nothingsomething7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What made you want to lose weight?

I’ll share my story but it isn’t the primary reason why I’m asking.

I had really sharp pains in my lower abdomen when I walked. I was basically limping. My periods had vanished for 6 months. I was diagnosed with PCOS. They said there was nothing they could do. Said it was too small to surgically removed (it was an 8cm ovarian cyst). The dr advised I lose 10% of my body weight. That for me was when I took weight loss seriously. Not just because of my health but also because I knew I had had a healthy bmi they would’ve surgically removed the cyst. But because I was overweight they let me suffer with it. I 100% think I was discriminated against because I was fat. And that sucks but I really couldn’t face it again.

My husband really really needs to lose weight. Yesterday evening he ate a whole packet of biscuits. This evening he ate a family sized chocolate bar followed by 4 large cookies (the big ones you get from the bakery). Did anyone here lose weight because their partner said something?

submitted by /u/Former_Influence_421
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This subreddit is hands down so motivational!

Been on my weight loss journey for just over 5 weeks now and have lost 12 pounds so far. Started at 202lbs, 6 feet tall.

Having some cheat days here and there, but today was the worst. Found myself eating ice cream after just downing an entire pizza. Was about to just call it a day but scrolled through this subreddit. Seeing all of you guys' posts has such a motivational effect on me and I'm sure it's the same for most people.

Decided to go out, burn some calories. Ended up cycling 16 miles burning an extra 700 calories, putting me just under my maintance for today. Not quite the daily goal I have but still feels good to not gain after a day like this.

I'll keep enjoying lurking around here and keep going everyone. Don't let off days get to you! :)

submitted by /u/Chance-Direction5624
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for a festival?

So I posted here last week saying my progress has been slow, but since then I have somehow lost 4lbs so trusting the process has paid off! HOWEVER - I am going to a festival this weekend which will involve some alcohol and eating from food trucks. This is making me nervous as although I know I need balance and to enjoy myself, I don’t want to undo all my progress, and I’m worried that going off track for a couple of days will make it hard to get back on track once I’m home. Anyone have any tips or words of wisdom on being able to enjoy yourself at a festival without completely throwing the weight loss?

submitted by /u/levio-saaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weight loss goal rewards do you have?

I see alot of people like me here who are incredibly discouraged, struggling, and sad about the current state of themselves.

So I want to take a moment to share some positivity! A bit of motivation and a reminder of what we're all working towards because invisioning a better future can be exciting.

Here are some rewards I look forward too when I reach my goals:

• Get rid of all my XL/XXL clothes and start wearing the "I save this for when I'm skinny" and my old clothes. • A ear piercing or belly button piercing (it probably wouldn't fit me but I always wanted one). •Wear my favorite ring again • A peice of mind that I'm a little less likely of getting all of those diseases that come with being overweight! • Take more pictures with family. I know I can do that now but I'm just not comfortable. Hopefully with weightloss I'll be able to jump that mental hurdle.

Losing weight sucks and everyday I think of the "should haves, could haves" but I'm still pushing! Very slowly, but slow progress is better than no progress! I don't have a goal weight so I'll first reward myself once I'm under 200lbs. 29 lbs from now... 🥲

Good luck with your goals!

submitted by /u/veronicaop3nthedoor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat