So I've been naturally thin my whole life. Never ever thought about what i've eaten even once. Today Im 34 and 87 kilos at 183 cm male.
1 year ago I was 59 kilos (+2 kilos for dramatic title). Before this I was hovering around 73 kilos my whole life and had trouble gaining weight. During a period from age 17-23 I was going to the gym and trying to gain weight. I literally ate til I puked. Pasta+meat at 9 o clock you know. No weight gain.
Now? Had an operation for ileostomy which means you remove your colon and I also have ulcerative colitis since 4 years.
Boom, my weight is out of control. +28 kg in 1 year. Sure I was 10 kg short before operation than normal, but still. My diet is even better now than before with no fast food (before I could easily eat once a week) and i am gaining weight without doing anything. I eat fast food maybe once a month now. Snacks are just a 4-pack gluten free muffin that I consume over 2 weeks. Other than that it is a very clean diet with a lot of lean chicken (1-2kg a week).
What I've learned: Inflammation can increase metabolism by up to like 15%. And now when my colon is gone there is now inflammation so that 15% is turning me fat it feels like.
My activity level is more inactive now than before.
Another thing is absorption that I think many who are into weight loss rarely speak about. So my small intestine seem to have chronic diarrhea and many with ileostomy have. The doctors do not really care about the cause, they just treat it with bulking agents or loperamide. Doctors have checked me for Chrons but there is no inflammation going on they say.
My theory is that we have something going on that is undiagnosed. Anyways, so each day I take Psyllium that decrease the speed and thickens my output. I feel much better and more energy than ever. Not just because of inflammation is gone, but because I think my body it feels as now my body is absorbing everything I eat instead of just going through me even in small intestine where majority of nutrients are absorbed. Because it is interesting that cancer patients that does not have IBD seem to have much thicker output (slower process speed in stomach) naturally. Which seem to support my thesis.
I even believe that the chronic diarrhea is the real cause for my inflammation in my colon. Just think for yourself, if your small intestine just let everything through, no wonder your colon have to work really hard. B
As for cravings or hunger. I rarely feel hunger if ever. Maybe if there is a really good meal waiting. But other than that I push myself to eat. So that makes it easy.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat