Thursday, July 18, 2024

Story from someone being thin to gaining 30 kilos in 1 year and what caused it

So I've been naturally thin my whole life. Never ever thought about what i've eaten even once. Today Im 34 and 87 kilos at 183 cm male.

1 year ago I was 59 kilos (+2 kilos for dramatic title). Before this I was hovering around 73 kilos my whole life and had trouble gaining weight. During a period from age 17-23 I was going to the gym and trying to gain weight. I literally ate til I puked. Pasta+meat at 9 o clock you know. No weight gain.

Now? Had an operation for ileostomy which means you remove your colon and I also have ulcerative colitis since 4 years.

Boom, my weight is out of control. +28 kg in 1 year. Sure I was 10 kg short before operation than normal, but still. My diet is even better now than before with no fast food (before I could easily eat once a week) and i am gaining weight without doing anything. I eat fast food maybe once a month now. Snacks are just a 4-pack gluten free muffin that I consume over 2 weeks. Other than that it is a very clean diet with a lot of lean chicken (1-2kg a week).

What I've learned: Inflammation can increase metabolism by up to like 15%. And now when my colon is gone there is now inflammation so that 15% is turning me fat it feels like.

My activity level is more inactive now than before.

Another thing is absorption that I think many who are into weight loss rarely speak about. So my small intestine seem to have chronic diarrhea and many with ileostomy have. The doctors do not really care about the cause, they just treat it with bulking agents or loperamide. Doctors have checked me for Chrons but there is no inflammation going on they say.

My theory is that we have something going on that is undiagnosed. Anyways, so each day I take Psyllium that decrease the speed and thickens my output. I feel much better and more energy than ever. Not just because of inflammation is gone, but because I think my body it feels as now my body is absorbing everything I eat instead of just going through me even in small intestine where majority of nutrients are absorbed. Because it is interesting that cancer patients that does not have IBD seem to have much thicker output (slower process speed in stomach) naturally. Which seem to support my thesis.

I even believe that the chronic diarrhea is the real cause for my inflammation in my colon. Just think for yourself, if your small intestine just let everything through, no wonder your colon have to work really hard. B

As for cravings or hunger. I rarely feel hunger if ever. Maybe if there is a really good meal waiting. But other than that I push myself to eat. So that makes it easy.


submitted by /u/iConomy_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Losing weight may be a life-complete problem

I was reading this article by David Maciver and it made me think of you all. Anyone who has ever gone on a diet and had some success but then stopped what they're doing and gained it all back, or have failed to lose anything at all before giving up.

A life-complete problem is any problem (usually a simple, concrete, one) that you cannot solve without improving your life, because no matter how simple it seems, it is actually a manifestation of underlying issues.

Some of the good advice I see on this sub to help people to lose weight is not just that people should eat less, but to work out WHY they eat too much.

The article doesn't address weight loss specifically or give concrete advice, but you might find it interesting as something to think about. All of his writing is really good like that.

submitted by /u/moolric
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Proud of myself!

New lurker but just wanted to share some motivation!

I am 24F 5’4 and 3 weeks into my journey. My starting weight was 213lb, I’m currently at 206lb and down 7lb. My goal is 160lb by January as I’m going wedding dress shopping then!

I am not your average weight loss journey as I live with a chronic semi hidden illness that limits my mobility and daily energy levels. I wanted to share my experience for anyway else that may struggle with similar hurdles to hopefully be encouraged to keep at it!

As a teenager I was always on the thin side and enjoyed high energy activities, when I became an adult and left organized sport the weight started coming. I started a sedentary office job right out of high school and was living with my boyfriend. We both developed bad eating habits, drinking too much and lack of exercise. We had the mind frame we were young, we couldn’t get fat! But as we all know that was not the case, and I quickly went from 120-130lbs to 220lbs. The weight gain was shocking and scary, ruining my self esteem.

At 21 I decided I needed to do something, and began the unfortunate well known cycle of flip flop dieting, inconstant exercising and viewing food as a reward/comfort. By 22 I had gotten back down to 180-190, but was unfortunately hit with the diagnose I now live with. I allowed myself to fall back into my bad habits fully to cope with my new reality and thus got to 213lb. I knew at this point in my life I needed to adjust my previous ways of pursuing weight loss, as I was no longer physically able to perform at my previous level. I researched various weight loss programs for my disease, evaluated what struggles I had in the past and finally made a plan for success (fingers crossed).

Now today, I have been sticking to the Eat-Stop-Eat diet. This is a more aggressive form of intermittent fasting, I eat within a 1500-2000 calorie diet one day and the next day is 0-500 calorie diet. For my own personal journey I knew the easiest thing I could control was my calorie intake. I won’t lie and say the first week or so wasn’t hard and took tons of will power to stick with it! Especially when my first week I saw zero change on the scale, but by the second week I was down 5lbs! I immediately worried it was just water weight, but by week 3 I was down another 2lbs for a total of 7lbs! This isn’t a huge amount but I feel hopeful now for my weekly weigh-ins!

I would like to end this by saying give yourself grace! Weight loss is a journey not a race, there is ups and downs and you just need to do what you can to the best you can!

Can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you!

submitted by /u/bluedaisy777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you say to yourself when the weight loss seems non existent?

I’ve (25F, 5’2) been trying to lose weight for almost two years now. But its not my first time doing it. Between the struggles my low calorie deficit because of height and mental help problems, it’s been hard. This year I have been way more consistent with working out and staying on a deficit. I’ve lost approximately 8 lbs since february, kinda discouraging since this seems a relatively low amount to lose in the span of 5 months. But I also have been building muscle and I know this affects the scale. But since July started my mood and motivation kinda plummeted because I really thought my body was going to look way better and skinnier by this time. It makes me question if my hard work was even worth it. This week I haven’t been strict with ny deficit and I haven’t worked out. I feel like my efforts haven’t been rewarded so whats the point? I look in the mirror and compare my body to how I looked at my highest weight ( HW: 146 lbs, CW: 128 lbs) and I swear I look the same. It’s like I’m right where I started. How can I exit this slump and regain focus?

submitted by /u/Digital-Girl127
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Any other Food Service Workers?

Look…I’m struggling. I started this journey in February of this year, started getting serious about counting and exercise around March. I’ve so far lost 30 lbs and it shed FAST. It was easy, I was motivated, I was unlearning bad habits and overcoming a lot of ED mindset. Then, we had to move and it set me back a ton. I’ve got the ball rolling again but I’m reminded now that it’s that time of month again that the food noise and the cravings are relentless. What makes this worse is that I work in a grocery store and get a very good discount. The break room always has snacks and the past week I’ve broken down every time and gone over my calories by a LOT. My question is: Are there any other food service workers/ grocery store workers in this sub? How do y’all fight it? I know the second half of weight loss is usually harder for a multitude of reasons but I’m mostly struggling to stay motivated to hit my goal weight and not just maintain. I’ve already been maintaining for a month (intentionally) and I’m just over it!

submitted by /u/bigheadsoftlips
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"Normal" BMI

I have finally made it to 67kg! BMI went from 27.9 to 25.
I know BMI isn't really the best gauge for weight loss and what not but we all know how much doctors love using that to dismiss patients. I finally fall into the "normal" category if just barley and I'm well on my way to losing more and hopefully being taken more seriously.

I have 13kg more to go until my goal and my goodness does it seem so far away!
I'm getting there though, 1kg at a time.

Anyone else have a celebratory goal they made?
I wanna hear about others reaching their weekly goals, non scale goals any reason to celebrate! It helps keep the motivation going. We can do it!!!

submitted by /u/Intelligent_Health90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Suggest Apps to Gamify Weight Loss

I want to lose some weight. I am an F39, 170cm (5ft7) and have kept a weight record since 2013; my lowest weight was 65.8kg in 2014, and I am now 80kg. I have quite a long torso and short legs, so though 72kg is considered an overweight BMI at my height, I felt my healthiest at 70-73kg, and I am not too concerned with getting to a particular dress size.

I enjoy the gamification of things like DuoLingo, so I am looking for something similar to ensure I try to meet daily goals to help me lose weight. I have enabled the pedometer feature on my phone to aim for 15,000 steps a day. I also have Strava to record when I cycle to work or go to the gym, and I plan to start tracking meals in MyFitnessPal. I am on an Android phone.

Are there any other apps you recommend to help me on my journey?

submitted by /u/Ornery-Ad-8593
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from loseit - Lose the Fat