Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Proud of myself!

New lurker but just wanted to share some motivation!

I am 24F 5’4 and 3 weeks into my journey. My starting weight was 213lb, I’m currently at 206lb and down 7lb. My goal is 160lb by January as I’m going wedding dress shopping then!

I am not your average weight loss journey as I live with a chronic semi hidden illness that limits my mobility and daily energy levels. I wanted to share my experience for anyway else that may struggle with similar hurdles to hopefully be encouraged to keep at it!

As a teenager I was always on the thin side and enjoyed high energy activities, when I became an adult and left organized sport the weight started coming. I started a sedentary office job right out of high school and was living with my boyfriend. We both developed bad eating habits, drinking too much and lack of exercise. We had the mind frame we were young, we couldn’t get fat! But as we all know that was not the case, and I quickly went from 120-130lbs to 220lbs. The weight gain was shocking and scary, ruining my self esteem.

At 21 I decided I needed to do something, and began the unfortunate well known cycle of flip flop dieting, inconstant exercising and viewing food as a reward/comfort. By 22 I had gotten back down to 180-190, but was unfortunately hit with the diagnose I now live with. I allowed myself to fall back into my bad habits fully to cope with my new reality and thus got to 213lb. I knew at this point in my life I needed to adjust my previous ways of pursuing weight loss, as I was no longer physically able to perform at my previous level. I researched various weight loss programs for my disease, evaluated what struggles I had in the past and finally made a plan for success (fingers crossed).

Now today, I have been sticking to the Eat-Stop-Eat diet. This is a more aggressive form of intermittent fasting, I eat within a 1500-2000 calorie diet one day and the next day is 0-500 calorie diet. For my own personal journey I knew the easiest thing I could control was my calorie intake. I won’t lie and say the first week or so wasn’t hard and took tons of will power to stick with it! Especially when my first week I saw zero change on the scale, but by the second week I was down 5lbs! I immediately worried it was just water weight, but by week 3 I was down another 2lbs for a total of 7lbs! This isn’t a huge amount but I feel hopeful now for my weekly weigh-ins!

I would like to end this by saying give yourself grace! Weight loss is a journey not a race, there is ups and downs and you just need to do what you can to the best you can!

Can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you!

submitted by /u/bluedaisy777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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