Thursday, July 11, 2024

How do you manage urges to emotionally eat/binge during stressful chapters of life?

Title says it all. I've been doing CICO, getting more physically active, and making some healthier meals choices. So far I've lost 45 pounds. However, I'm going thru a breakup involving selling a house, dealing with new job responsibilities, and stress over the deteriorating health of a close loved one. When I'm not working, I'm doing a good deal of house stuff, and have been for months. It's a lot altogether.

I'm doing a lot of things to productively manage my stress - I'm staying active, staying social and seeking support from friends and family. I'm in therapy. I make art, I do a little mindfulness, I rest when I can. I cook most of my meals at home from scratch,and they tend to be protein heavy vegetarian meals, or with lean meats.

What I'm looking for are suggestions on how you let the urge(s) to binge or emotionally eat pass you by when you're tired from doing...uh, everything? My difficulty is that I'll get mentally tired, usually at the end of the day, and then hit the corner store even when I'm not hungry.

It isn't frequently enough that I'm gaining weight noticeably, but it has stalled my weight loss and I don't want to slip back to where I was. Any ideas on how to ride the wave when the urge to body a bag of flamin hot Cheetos strikes?

submitted by /u/PolyThrowaway01357
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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