Wednesday, July 10, 2024

6 weeks in to CICO and gym, lost 5cm but only 1kg, help me not feel bad at my gym weigh in

27 year old female, 101.6kg, 167cm.

So about 6 weeks ago I locked in and started counting my calories and working out 5 days a week. I do one day of 45 mins cardio where I’m left dripping in sweat, and 4 days of heavy weightlifting for 40 mins + 30 mins of moderate cardio after. I had 2 weeks off when I got Covid but other than that, have gone every single weekday. I eat 1800 calories, maybe one a week I eat 2000. On day 1 of gym I did my consultation and they weighed me on those special scales that do eveything. My stats were 103kg, 42.4% fat mass and 1862 BMR.

It’s probably silly but I’m anxious about my follow up weigh in next week. Although I’ve lost 5cm from my hips and my clothes are fitting drastically better, I’m scared to step on those scales having barely lost 1kg. My weight over the past week has literally been stuck on 101.6kg, and today it was 101.9. I try not to let the scale numbers get to me but I don’t want to feel like a failure at my weigh in. Has anyone dealt with this at the beginning of their weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/TemperatureOk4738
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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