Wednesday, July 24, 2024

So hungry - and no longer losing

I have been slowly but steadily losing weight since January of last year. Currently down to around 140 from 220, and I estimate I have at least another 10-15 pounds to lose to get rid of my PCOS belly.

Current calories are 1200-1500 / day depending on how hungry I get (cronometer gives me ~1350 as an average over the past 2 weeks with a TDEE average of ~1940). I exercise every day. 6 days of running ~50 mins, 1 day a week of yoga for an hour, 3-4 days a week of strength training for about 30 mins. I added in the strength training about a 6 weeks ago. Macros-wise cronometer is telling me I'm pretty much on target. I'm averaging about 80g of protein and 30g of fiber a day.

My weight loss has completely stalled for a month, while at the same time my appetite has increased. I used to eat ~1200 calories/day and I now find that almost impossible to stick to. I do "volume eat" - I will grab fresh veggies as a snack if I need to eat, and a lot of my diet is fruit & veg (I'm a vegetarian).

When I started adding the weight training to my routine, I also upped my protein intake, as that has always been a struggle for me (previously more like 40g / day). I started making myself overnight oats with protein powder in it to eat for breakfast and ensure I have protein at dinner. Previously I ate a banana and an apple for breakfast, and usually had a small avocado for lunch. Certainly my new breakfast has more calories than my previous meal, and yet I am far hungrier. I thought protein was supposed to keep you satiated. I do measure and weigh my food. If anything, I've gotten more strict about this over the past month.

I've been at this for so long, and this is the first time I've really struggled with continual hunger. I haven't been gaining weight yet, but the scale is not budging - indicating that I'm eating maintenance calories. The tape measure isn't moving either, so it's not like I'm losing fat but gaining muscle. My waist is the same size as it was at the beginning of the month. The hunger is making me miserable, and if I'm eating at maintenance, that means I need to eat this amount forever.

If you'd told me a month ago I had to stick strictly to my ~1200 calorie diet forever, I wouldn't have been thrilled, but it would have been doable for me. I wasn't constantly hungry. Now I have a hard time getting through each day, and thinking of eating like this forever is dogging my thoughts non-stop. It just doesn't seem sustainable.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

submitted by /u/worthless_one_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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