Saturday, November 28, 2020

Help Me Stay on the Bandwagon F20 SW200 CW 173 GW120

Hey all. I’ve tried a variety of things to lose weight since August 1. Since then I’ve lost 20-30 pounds depending where I assume my start weight to be. I’m now at the cusp of overweight/obese. I’ve tried a variety of things and...I’m scared that my lack of consistency in approach may leave me vulnerable to falling off the wagon, especially as weight loss increases in difficulty when there is less to lose. If anyone could give suggestions, that would be nice. I’d like to streamline my game-plan on my journey from overweight to normal weight.

I’d prefer something restrictive and quick. I’ve built up a decent amount of self control and feel I can do something pretty strict.

If I were to single out the thing that made the most difference, it would probably be 1) weight training and 2) Volume eating.

Does anyone have success not on a diet per se (Keto, CICO, etc.) but just losing weight by sticking to a certain set of rules? Am I shooting myself in the foot by not doing something universally tried and true? I’m just aware of myself not being likely to stick to something that’s tedious or restrictive of certain food groups (I don’t live alone), and then falling off the wagon and getting discouraged.

August (-9)

Intuitive eating. No exercise. Lived with my vegan stepfather and ate very little. Lived in a big city so was more active. Also was consistent with ADF.

September (-2)

Moved back in with my grandparents. Small town in the country so less movement. Intuitive eating and transitioned into occasional calorie counting. Running 2-3 times per week. Occasional 15 minute HIIT. Ate more than I should have and nearly gained half the weight back at points.

October (-4)

Consistent weight training. Intuitive eating w/ some macro/calorie counting. Began weight training 3x week.

November (-6 so far)

3-6 mile walks daily. Strength training 3x week. Week of ADF + Intuitive eating + volume eating with the following rules:

  • 3 meals a day
  • salad or fruit after every meal
  • no nighttime eating
  • no meal over 400-600 estimated calories
  • unless it’s a 8/10 or more on a strict desire scale
submitted by /u/okurh
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Newbie looking for weight loss inspiration/direction.

Hi all, I'm mainly a lurker but have plucked up the courage for trying this out...

I'm 25F 5'3" at 265 pounds, from Australia so did a bit of conversion aha (164cm, 120 kgs).

I've been digging through the archives but I wanted to ask in general for posts that people have found helpful, inspiring, and the like for someone in a similar range.

Working on diet is the big thing I want to get a handle on. I do physio exercises for my sciatica, and I'm able to do day to day things for chores and work from home.

I uh... diet is a problem... and strange... I grew up lacto-vegetarian because of the religious my grandmother and mother followed. The rest about that is for the raisedbynarcassists subreddit.

I really can't stomach eggs or meat or fish, so I'm vegetarian and love my dairy. I was thinking of maybe going a more Mediterranean diet? I'm not sure if Keto would be a good fit either.

I'm not looking to lose weight fast, I just want to make it sustainable, and well delicious.

submitted by /u/Hanajix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 27, 2020

New here! F/29. [SW: 230 CW: 205 GW: 185] stuck at 205 😕

I'm new to this sub and like what I've seen of the community so far so I wanted to say hi and share where I'm at.

I hit my highest weight after my pregnancy. I was always chubby but was never not confident like I was with my post-baby body (my pre pregnancy weight was 190 or so). My daughter was born September 2019, and I started actively trying to lose weight in February 2020. I fell off the wagon for awhile but just hopped back on it a month or so ago. Thankfully I hadn't gained weight from where I left off, but didn't really lose any either (left off at 212, picked up at 208.6 with about a 4 month hiatus). I think I was just so happy that my jeans fit again that I stopped caring for a bit. I've been using MFP since I started, and wear a fitbit. I pay the most attention to never going over on carbs or sugar, and do my best to hit my protein goal.

I'm having a really hard time getting past my current weight of 205, but I'm trying really hard to remember I will get there as long as I keep up with healthier habits. Being stuck in the low 200's is really frustrating me, I can't seem to break into the 'one-derland'. I typically burn between 2400-3000 calories a day, and consume 1850. The past couple weeks I've been trying to stay closer to 1600 a few days a week. When I had been at it earlier in the year, I felt like I had a period of slow weight loss, then hit a point where I was consistently seeing the scale go down after maybe 2 months.

submitted by /u/sunbathingturtle207
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The "wrong" motivation?

Hello friends, I'm looking for some advice.

I've been sort of chubby my entire life, and have never really had a dating life. But around the age of 20, I lost a LOT of weight because I had a very active job (I was maybe 140 lbs, the lowest in my adult body, but I was so confident in my body that I had never even weighed myself!), I started dating a 32y man and started having sex. I had some bodily insecurities but they weren't too bad. But our relationship was terrible and he treated me like shit, and I started eating in secret & gaining weight. He would making comments about my body too, if he had occasional ED he would blame it on my weight (though he would drink and smoke pot like crazy).
Anyway I left him, which was good for my self esteem, but I kept gaining weight. I'm currently at 185+ (and at 5"4, this is a lot on my frame). I'm 24 and it's been two years since we broke up, and I want to start dating again. But I don't feel comfortable dating, or making a move on anybody (choice is super limited with covid too!) with my body as it is. My stomach feels enormous and my face is huge and puffy.
I've been starting weight loss journeys for 2 years but haven't gone anywhere. In fact I've gained weight. I've been telling myself this entire time that I need to lose weight for my health, and to feel my best. That anybody I'd like to date, should be attracted to me in the body that I have now. I would feel more trusting of them, because of the guy I dated who was attracted to me while I was skinny but gave me a hard time when I fot fat.
But in all honesty, I think I do want to lose weight so that I can date. So that I can attract a potential romantic interest, or go on Tinder, or at least approach someone. Yes, I still want to lose it sustainably. But I want a body that I will feel super sexy in! I want to pull up my shirt in the mirror and feel good about what I see, not feel pregnant. And I want men to find me attractive. And I feel unfeminist for feeling this. And that if this is my motivation, it will not hold me sustainably throughout the journey. Sorry for the giant essay, but does anybody have any advice? Have you used wanting to look good/wanting to date as motivation? How does it sustain you?
I feel fat and ugly all the time, and after having been quite slim for around 2 years, I know how I could feel.

submitted by /u/yacantprayawaythegay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I Lost Ten Pounds of Quarantine Weight Recently

Using my new fitbit, getting sober, logging my food and steady workouts I have had success. I think that knowing my calories I burn from the fitbit estimate mixed with me knowing the total calories I put into my body, just that awareness, are 70% of the reasons for weight loss. 343 to 333 in two months, half of which was in the past two weeks from the addition of logging my calories. I wasn't trying a new diet but generally eating healthier, being sober and it all made me aware of how much I was eating. I stopped craving food as much as I used to. Truly this is an amazing feat for me to finally find out the equation for my own personal Weight loss.

submitted by /u/Bd7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there a calorie counting app that allows you to select a calorie goal range?

I'm not overly tech savvy.

Is there an android app that allows the user to select a calorie range for the daily calories?

I started weight loss at a 1000 calorie deficit and so I got in a bad habit of going over a few hundred calories a day. It's not a big deal, until you're in that habit at maintenance. So I tried reversing it, by tracking maintenance and staying under and I didn't lose weight, because I kept right around maintenance.

So, is there an app where I can say I want to lose between 1.5-2 lbs a week and it give me the target range?

Or even one where I can say I want to be between 1200 and 1450 calories a day?

Does this exist?

submitted by /u/Tired3318
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Recommendations for at home exercise/weight loss equipment / protein powders & supplements to put on a christmas wishlist

Hi folks. I just re-started my weight loss journey, and my in laws are being very supportive. I’ve been with them over the last week for thanksgiving (we all got Covid tests before the week started and were all negative so don’t worry about that) and they want to know what I want for Christmas.

Usually I ask for cooking implements since I am going to school to become a chef/have been working in kitchens for the past 6 years but this year I want to do something different. I want to ask for things to aid my weight loss!

I have already added a big container of protein powder, some resistance bands, and some free weights to my list, which is on Amazon.

Does anyone have some other recommendations for at home exercise tools or powders/supplements that are helpful for weight loss?

Much thanks,

The Boston chef

submitted by /u/bostonchef72296
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from loseit - Lose the Fat