Monday, October 29, 2018

Things I heard during my weight loss journey

Starting with a BMI around 30

  • Men like women with a belly (Fine, but I don't like my belly)
  • Men like woman with meat
  • You are beautiful (Thanks, I know I don't have to put a paperbag over my face)
  • You aren't fat/overweight (Yes honey, I am)

During the weight loss

  • Oh, you are still doing that? (Yes, haven't reached my goal yet)
  • I could never go to the gym.
  • Oh, you are eating THAT? (Sure, sometimes some junk food, won't kill me or my progress)
  • Can you give me some of your recipes? (Sure!)
  • Well, I'm way too lazy to cook. (... You don't have to do it, but I love that)
  • Well... I have condition X/Y/Z, so I can't lose weight.
  • Oh, I want to lose weight, too! How are you doing that? (Me, explaining what I do, then hearing it's to complicated.)
  • Are you finished? (Nope!)
  • You look good. (Thanks!)

Reaching BMI around 20 (Things are getting weird here)

  • Are you anorexic? (Should have counted, how many times I heard that question)
  • You sure you don't have an eating disorder? (....)
  • There is nothing left of you.
  • You are waaaay to skinny now!
  • Why do you buy that, if you are going to purge later? (WTF? Yes, that was a serious question)
  • You are still counting your calories? (Sure, helps me to controll my food intake)
  • Damn girl, you look fantastic! (There are nice and encouraging people, too!)

It made me stop interacting with a lot of people, because I was so tired hearing those things over and over again. During the weight loss, I met with a dietitian from my health insurance a few times to made sure, my food plans were fine and I did the right things (and still doing them). I had no problem, when someone asked me, how I did it and if they have some tipps. But hearing so many times, from different people, that I have an eating disorder, pissed me of a lot.

Have you heard those or similar things?

submitted by /u/Tiaanjiaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone have problems with Myfitnesspals calculations for weight loss? Or ideas for why I'm meeting my goals but don't seem to be losing weight?

long story short I've started focusing on my diet to lose weight. Part of this is logging every item I eat into myfitnesspal

When I crated the mfp account I punched in my various details and it setup my caloric goals

info: 6'3 280lbs 31y/o male goal is to reach 240, then 220, set mfp to lose 1/2 a pound a week mfp set my caloric intake to 2620, which is a bit lower than other calculators ive seen online so I assumed that was a fair number

I typically end the day with 300-600 calories left available and just chock it up to "good job, you're eating a normal value and you'll lose weight faster"

I just reached week 6, I've had 2 days where I barely cross my calorie limit. After the first 2 weeks I had dropped 3lbs, I thought this was odd but figured it was a my stomach emptying out since I'm eating less now. Over the next 4 weeks (bringing us to today) I've not been able to lose another pound (some days the scale says I'm back to my starting weight even) but to make it even stranger I've dropped 2 belt notches since starting.

What in the world is going on? I assume the belt notches is just from de-bloating since I've cut out a lot of junkfood, but still this all seems odd

submitted by /u/throwaway65087378853
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, October 28, 2018

NSV: I bought straight sized clothing today

It has always been that unattainable dream, you know? Walking the mall, picking a random store, picking up something from a rack and trying it on and it fitting. It seemed so far away and it kept seeming far away even as my weight loss progressed. I have lost 83lbs in the last couple years. But it never seemed like my time yet.

Today I was buying some smaller jeans and took a lap around the mall, it seemed like a good way to get my steps in. As I strolled, I passed the H&M and figured why the hell not! It was so goddamn overwhelming, walking into that store. I knew they had some plus sizes but it wasn't clearly marked but I had no idea if those would fit. So I started wandering the store. Never in my life have I had an entire store's worth of possibilities and honestly, it was goddamn overwhelming. There was no squirreled away corner with limited options, it wasn't a boutique store catered to larger sizes. It was and entire goddamn store, where the hell do you even begin?

I panicked, I was so close to just walking out and not looking back but I thumbed through the clearance rack, finding a few items. Larges, my brain told me there was no way they would fit but I had come this far, I had nothing to lose. Luckily there was no line in the dressing room, otherwise I'd probably have left right then and there.

To my absolute shock and disbelief, 4 out of 5 items I picked up fit like a damn glove. And the 5th? That was too big. Imagine that!! I'm not going to lie, I sobbed happy tears in that dressing room. I finally made it to straight sizes. The entire world of shopping is my overwhelming oyster and I'm thrilled to bits. My wallet is going to hurt for a bit, there's no way I can't go out and try out more things now! I'm glad I didn't let myself get too overwhelmed that I left. It was an amazing experience and my absolute favorite nonscale victory so far in this journey.

I know H&M is notorious for vanity sizing but hey. I made it and I'm not done yet. I just still can't believe it!!

submitted by /u/jimmitdamn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

End of 100lb weight loss journey/next chapter

So in April 2017 I was 22 years old, lazy, unmotivated, and had just crossed over the 250lb mark. I had told myself if I ever hit 250 I would change and sure enough I did sometime that month. Over the last year and a half I began running extensively, tracking my calories, and I eliminated all alcohol and soda. The result? As of today I clock in at 154 lbs at right around 6ft tall. I had actually wanted to lose the full 100 lbs but I’ve decided instead to focus more on muscle building. My next goal is to put on 15 lbs of lean muscle to come out at around 170. I wish I had found this subreddit earlier in my journey, but maybe it can inspire someone. Here’s a link for a before/after pic and if anyone has good advice on diet/exercise plans for muscle growth I’d love to hear it bc all I really know is running lol

before/after pic

submitted by /u/spartanreign95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Habits make all the difference

Woo 5 lbs down! ok, 5 lbs is not a lot, but I am still happy with my accomplishment!

I am pretty typical-- been overweight since high school, struggled with depression (lost 30lbs, but then gained 50 after), ate lots of fast food (single, work a lot, and drive a lot), drank 2-3 sodas a day, attempted dieting and exercise before but quitting comfort foods cold turkey wasn't an attainable goal.

August: I decided I *needed* to make changes. Aside from being the heaviest I've ever been and being the most uncomfortable I've ever been, I also found out my blood pressure was a little higher than normal (still considered within normal range, doctor wasn't concerned, but I don't want to start having BP issues).

September: NSV-- dining out budget was $100 (because saving money is more motivational than my health lol). I ended up only spending $85, which included a pizza party for friends/family and one time going to dine in restaurant-- which means, most days, I brought my lunch to work and ate dinner at home! Now, the meals I ate at home, were not the best by any means, BUT my goal here was to form the habit of taking my lunch to work and eating at home. I realized by cutting fast food, I also ate much smaller portions AND I stopped craving sodas. I rarely drink soda any more!

Weight: (estimated) 218lbs

October: I randomly ran across the weight loss challenge, and I have gotten into the habit of tracking everything whether good or bad (weight, CICO), drinking more water (trying to drink half a gallon a day) and I'm starting to walk on my lunch hour (still need to work on that...only went 2x last week...). We are in week 2 of the challenge now, and this is (sadly) the longest I've kept up with anything.

Weight: 213lbs (on 10/14) to 208 (on 10/28)

November: NSV -- no spending on dining out. keep up with walks during lunch and hopefully start doing more exercise (though, one goal at a time.)

If there's anything to take away from my post, it's just to reflect on your habits. Taking small steps to change them can really make a huge difference! I know I have a lot to change still (and trust me, I know), but I finally feel like I am on the right track!

submitted by /u/iCan994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 29 October 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If I can do it, So can YOU!!!

Let’s start by saying that my wife told me to share this to maybe help/encourage somebody else!

Basics: 27M SW: 279 CW: 199 GW: don’t know cause I never thought I’d make it this far!

Pics if you want them:

I’ve been overweight for most of my life. I was a fairly thin child, but somewhere around 8 or 9 I started porking out. By the time I turned 13 I was 5ft 10in and weight in at 245 when they convinced me to play high school football. That was the least I ever weighed, until this year.

In January I entered a resolutions weight loss contest on another subreddit. Things kind of got out of hand and I lost 50#in 3 months. Honestly thought it would stop there when I upped my calories. But, I kept working out and kept losing weight, until here I am in onederland!

I didn’t do anything special. CICO. Simple. In the beginning I still ate crap, just less of it. Now I eat a ton of veg and cleaner protein. I still like my candy and popcorn, I just eat smaller portions. Sometimes I don’t know how I got here where I’m still in the process of replacing clothes (working it as needed by season lol!)

If you’re just starting out, take it slow and don’t be too hard on yourself. Life is a marathon. It’s a bunch of small decisions that get us to who we want to be. Don’t give up because you slipped up once! Today’s mistake is tomorrow’s challenge! You got this!

Also thanks to this subreddit for being here for me to lurk and take encouragement from! Y’all are great!!!

submitted by /u/chefliven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat