Thursday, November 15, 2018

[3generationweightloss] Update: Week 2, Day 11

Starting Date: 11/4/2018

Daughter 5’ 2”

SW: 131.2lbs

CW: 127.2lbs

CGW: 125lbs

GW: 118

Net Weight: -4lbs

Mom 4’ 11”

SW: 186.7lbs

CW: 177.6lbs

CGW: 180lbs ACHIEVED! 11/12/2018

CGW: 170 lbs

Net Weight: -9.1lbs

Total Weight loss: -13.1lbs

Grandma is out of the race for a little since she’s going on vacation. I showed my mom and grandma my previous post and they were so excited to see the encouraging comments! Thank you so much, Reddit! Mom has been more confident dancing around with each pound she has shed. She’s excited and started to notice her pants are getting loose. The other day, she was violently taking steps around the kitchen. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, “I need to get more steps in” Thank you again, Reddit for your kind words. Mom doesn’t have many people who are encouraging her on her journey and I am extremely blessed to see those kind words you all had for us.

*This week’s goals: *

  • 6,500 steps

  • 100 jumping jacks

  • 32 oz of water

submitted by /u/3genweightloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tonight’s the night...making the jump to a CONSISTENT, Healthy & Fun Weight Loss Journey

If there’s one thing I’m consistent at, it’s falling off the wagon. I’ve always jumped head-on and tried to do so many things at once, overwhelmed myself and bombed out hard and fast.

No more overwhelming myself. Making slow changes, develop small habits using the HabitBull app & going to get out more. I incorporate intermittent fasting some days but hope to make it more consistent of Sun-Fri.

I have been killing myself mentally, physically & emotionally at work for the last 3 months that I have decided to take tomorrow as a mental health day. I plan to spend my day figuring out workout schedule, setting up a visible weight tracker (I’ve seen some clever weight loss trackers from other redditors) & head to the gym for the first time in about a month or so.

I’ll be relearning a lot of things and asking a lot of questions to Reddit and my friends who are gym-goers, trainers and fitness gurus. I want this to stick this time around, I don’t want to wait for the New Year to start again. I want to start this now and be disciplined and make this the start of a better life for me.

submitted by /u/CaMNgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Guidance need in losing weight.

So a little background, I started going to a personal trainer last July when I realized that I weighed 397lbs, a full 50 lbs over where I thought I was. My diet was really consisted of 1-2 meals a day of not the best food. So I've been working with him regularly and I'm stronger than I've ever been (even when I played football in high school!), but the weight still isn't coming off. In addition to going to gym 2x a week with him, I walk my dog 4 miles a day and study filipino martial arts.

So I made an appointment through my insurance to meet with a nutritionist and he gave me a 2200-2500 calorie a day guideline to work with. And working with that, I was able to lose 10 lbs last month between doctors appointments (yay me!).

But the last couple weeks, I've been stuck in the 365 range. I want to be more serious about my food intake and calorie counting, so I can lose weight more consistently (but still safely), so I started lurking this sub where I learned about the app Lose It and BMR and TDEE.

Lose It put me on 2900 calories a day and when I calculated out my BMR it came to 2726 and my BMR 4158.

So my questions are (and thank you in advance for anyone that can help me make sense of all of this)

  1. Am I being unrealistic in expecting more of a weight loss, while at the same time doing so much weight lifting and HIIT?
  2. Should I aim for the 2900 a day budget Lose It gave me, or should I aim for under that? And how does the exercise bonus factor into this?
  3. I have the hardest time eating 2900 calories a day. What are some ways to bump up my calorie count healthily?
submitted by /u/makochile
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose weight


Due to the nature of my irl situation I am bored and lonely most of the time. Which leads to me eating. As a kid I've always been a bad eater. I would hardly eat any vegetables and i hardly ever liked anything.

Now a fast jump forward to now. For the past years I have been very reckless with my eating. Especially the first years I gave no f*ck." I will never get fat" I thought. Needless to say I did. I am a big fan of junk food and I like to order food from these places and have them delivered to my home. I also often go to supermarkets to buy many sodas, colas, energy drinks and buy cookies or candy or whatever I feel like eating that day.

The stats: I'm male, 22,170 cm (5''7?) and today I was 87,7 kg (193 lbs) i have been swinging between 85-88 kgs for the past year atleast. I check my weight daily and freak out when I am 88 kg and then I would drop to like 85 and be like "I can order some food now'' and then after that meal I'll check again and I'll be like 87 and be like" oh shit better start loosing it again" this is basically me right now. Now as I have understood it weight doesn't mean all right? With this lifestyle my weight might stay roughly the same but my body keeps storing more fat right?

My ideal weight goal would be to drop to healthy bmi, which is I believe 72 kg. But my dream weight would be under 70 kg even. This would mean I have to lose 18 - 20 kg (39-44 lbs) that is for weight, I also want to look thinner again. I often look at pictures of me from before I gained weight and it makes me really sad and makes me believe I will never look like this. But how can I say that without even trying?

Problem is that I just don't know how to tackle this.. I read the wikis on this reddit and I get a general idea but the main thing that scares me is how much I love this food. Whilst I think about how bad I feel about being fat at the same time I'm thinking about what my next order is going to be or what I feel like eating it's almost comical how contradictory my mind is. I honestly think I have a food addiction and I was wondering if people relate to this and how they dealt with the urge to eat food.

I also have a question about exercise, I have a no contract gym membership which basically means that I pay as I go. I don't go to the gym often. Essentially maximum 1 day a week where I would go for 1-1,5 hour and dip. There's a small area where you can do spinning with a pre recorded video and I found out I quite enjoy it and it seems effective. It's heavy, but its working. But I was wondering, is this enough to maintain muscle and lose fat? Cause you don't really train any muscle other than your legs, can you maintain muscle and strictly lose fat by doing just spinning and cardio? Or do I really have to start lifting and other muscle training exercises?

I guess this also means that this will be day 1 for me. I kept thinking "just 1 more order and I'll do it" or "the year is almost over I'll just make 2019 my year. December is a month of cheating anyway '' but that is stupid. I've made these excuses too many times and they made me to what I am today. An unhappy lonely guy who is now also fat.

Tl:dr: I love junk food and I have gone severely overweight. Unsure how to battle weight loss and hoping to get answers to these questions; When having a bad diet whilst trying hard to maintain the same weight do I still get physically fatter? Advice on how to deal with food addiction? Can I do just spinning+cardio to maintain muscle and strictly lose fat or do I have to start lifting too?

This is the start of my weight loss journey and I'm nervous.

Ps. These questions might just be the most standard and obvious ones to find answers for so if my post is bad please let me know..

submitted by /u/OnTheEdgeOfObesity
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 lbs down, face gains are making me feel confident again!

Here is my face progress picture.

Height: 5’2” SW: 218lbs CW:168 GW: 128

I’ve started the weight loss process for a year now and it doesn’t seem like 50lbs is a lot, but that’s 50lbs less I’m hauling around! I’ve plateaued for a few months but I’m getting back on it.

I try to exercise 3-5x a week, eat 1500-1800 calories a day and sneak in as many veggies as I can. I had some trouble with depression and anxiety, but as soon as I found the right medication and therapist, I became myself again. Determined, hard-working, and caring. If you have either of those, I highly suggest finding someone who can help you. It can help you immensely.

submitted by /u/moodyhuman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is MyFitnessPal wrong?

So I've been starting my weight loss journey for a few weeks now. Basically starting one thing and then working in other parts of the diet.

I started with the intermittent fasting, doing 8-10 hours of eating then fasting the rest of the time. I would like to cut that down to a solid 8 but that's going to be hard due to my work and sleep schedule (40 minute commute and a 5 month and 2 year old). So far that's going well.

I started calorie tracking with MyFitnessPal and the app suggested that I needed to consume 1900 calories a day to lose 1 lb a week. That can't be right can it? I work at a desk with very little movement so I'm just skeptical. I've been tracking about 1300 calories a day and not been hungry. I figure I'm actually above that because of the two year old always giving me bites of his food. But there's no way the 1900 a day would really help me lose a pound a week would it?

Once the 5 month old starts sleeping better I hope to start working out.

submitted by /u/lytokk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I lose fat while gaining muscle?

I am really trying to get more fit and was inspired by this buzzfeed video where the employees decrease their body fat percentage. Which influenced me a lot on how to look towards my weight loss goal and how to handle eating.

However, I am confused on how to achieve this since I don't know how much protein, carbs, and fat I should be eating while trying to lose weight. I was hoping to do keto but I don't have access to a kitchen in my dorm(just a microwave oven) and was wondering if anyone had any sort of advice. I have also started working out recently and really enjoying it so don't really have a problem in that department.

submitted by /u/bebophouse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat