Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hungry in the middle of the night

Loseit, I could use some advice. I keep waking up hungry around 5 AM (I go to bed around midnight and don’t need to be up until 8).

I’ve been trying to lose weight for about eight weeks. For reference, I am at 185lbs with a goal weight of 170lbs. I have MyFitnessPal and set it to lose half a pound per week. I don’t have a food scale but try super hard to get calories logged accurately. I thought I was doing a good job but haven’t really lost any weight yet (story for another post, I suppose).

I regularly hit the protein goal myfitnesspal gave me (88 grams), though I usually don’t make the 25 gram fiber mark (it’s more like 15 grams on an average day). I do eat a decent amount of veggies (carrots and celery lately) with protein. Yet I’m waking up almost every night hungry (and way too hot even though I keep my house at 66 at night and use only a light blanket). If I eat right away, I can go right back to sleep. If I don’t, I’m generally awake for a couple hours and sometimes the rest of the day. (I used to eat a couple years ago when the same thing happened but don’t any more.) when I was actually at 170lbs, this happened a fair amount I think. I just dealt with the sleep loss.

What is going on? What can I do? Losing sleep every night isn’t working for me, but it’s beginning to feel like I can choose sleep or (attempted) weight loss. (I think that isn’t accurate, but it’s certainly how I feel.)

Has this happened to anyone else?

submitted by /u/ImInTheFutureAlso
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friends and my Weight Loss Journey - Part One

We come across stories here about feelings of pride, motivation, failure, motivation, determination and a few in-your-face gloats. I want to share some stories of me, my friends and our weight loss journeys. This is the first.

I have a close friend who wants to lose weight very bad. It is hr life goal. If you know her, she'll tell you she wants to lose weight. She was skinny till a couple of years ago. She has been trying for as long as I ave known her. Jillian Michael's videos, HIIT, weight lifting, jogging, swimming, gymming, everything. A lot of people make fat jokes at her (she preempts this as sort of a self defense, so they feel they can too).

I wasn't ready to lose weight all this while. There was so much r/fatlogic in me that I don't even know where to begin. Seven months ago, I swam a whole month and lost 0 kg. I was pissed. Which motivated me to track what I was eating. I** called my friend, we joined the gym together.**

I lost 4kgs in my first month, was not very visible. When my friend asked me what I ate/drank, I told her. Protein powder and healthy recipes. The gym got crowded, I left. I continued CICO. She continued the gymming.

I am 13kg down from 6 months ago. She has maybe lost 1 kg since then.

Every time we meet, she brings up my weight loss - I have been consistently losing. She is amazed by my progress and LOVES IT (God bless her soul). There are no bad vibes there at all, which makes me want to help her SO BAD. She keeps asking me what magic I am doing.

I feel so helpless. She has been so supportive of my journey. I feel so bad and want her to lose the weight. I don't know how to go about it, really.

I have explained to her from day ONE (only when she asks me) that I am tracking my calories. I told her that I have calculated my TDEE and try and maintain a deficit. I log everything that goes in my mouth so I know how much I am eating. I showed her this sub. I showed her the LoseI! app(she downloaded it, I don't know if she logs), I showed her MFP, I even showed her this incredibly motivating weight loss article when I came across it a couple of months ago.

AS far as I know, she's still exercising a lot and not tracking her intake. She is denying herself a lot of high calorie food and eating equally high calorie foods in other forms due to lack of awareness.

I don't know what to do anymore. I guess I just have to be there for her, if she needs my help.

Tl;Dr: I can't seem to help my friend lose with me and I feel miserable

submitted by /u/CurlyMope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New Here

After the end of a short relationship in early 2017, along with a lot of stressful events, I gained about 20+ lbs. I’ve always been overweight. My BMI is in the morbidly obese category. I’m about 5ft 5, and prior to this chain of events I was about 270ish. I’ve always been mildly insecure, basically because my sister is thin. But I am mostly confident in intimate situations and I have zero issues wearing a bathing suit in public.

I always told myself I would not allow myself to reach 300 lbs. and end of September/early October, I reached that dreaded milestone.

I know I tend to eat crappy and I hate to cook so I go out too much. But I was also born without a thyroid so I always struggled with my weight.

I checked out keto and I’ve done Weight Watchers in the past with good success. I’ve spent months in a gym, but always had reasons for not sticking to it, work, money, parenting etc.

Since I hit the 300, I’m now down to 282. My biggest obstacle is fighting the fatigue associated with the lack of thyroid. I get labs done regularly and they come back “normal” but I still feel crappy. Around the time of the 300lb, my health was especially concerning me.

I lost the 18 by cutting back on carbs, scaling back my soda consumption (I use to drink several a day, now it’s one, but I’m motivated to eliminate that one as well), no more Redbull, no more fast food or Hostess breakfasts.

I have found that intermittent fasting has really helped me. But I don’t think keto is a sustainable plan for me. A functional medicine doctor told me to go low carb as much as possible, with high protein plus fresh fruits and veggies so that is basically what has helped me lose the 18 lbs over the last 8 weeks.

I was hoping some other hypothyroid sufferers might share what they’ve done to assist in their weight loss. This can be advice ranging from diet and exercise to vitamins or how they treat their thyroid disorder.

My primary doctor recommended weight loss surgery but my insurance doesn’t cover it and I have a friend who recently had it done and she had some complications. Surgery would be my last option.

Thanks all!

submitted by /u/NoThyroidWeightLoss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Workout App- Fitbod

Hey everyone, I’ve been on my weight loss journey since August and have lost about 40 lbs.

Lately I have been getting into working out more and decided to give Fitbod a try. I’ll just begin by saying that this app is great, even the free version will help you create a great workout.

It’ll make a workout based on how long you want it to last, what equipment you have available, what muscle groups to target, fitness goals (toning, strength, fat burn, and more), lets you save workouts you like to repeat later, and records weights you used so you can see progress. Give it a shot if you are going into it blind and are hesitant to hire a personal trainer!

submitted by /u/Jman1776
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m Not Going to Hide My Body Anymore

My entire life has revolved around my struggle with my weight, but more than that, my self-esteem. My hatred for my body has consumed me to the point where all I do is hide. I don’t have the courage to put myself out there and talk to people, opting to spend all my spare time at home. When I do have to go out, I wear baggy clothes to hide my shape and hardly bother with hair/makeup; because what’s the point when you’re going to look shabby anyways? I don’t approach people, and don’t really allow myself to be approached; all stemming from this deep insecurity about my weight.

And I’m done. I’m done not loving myself and not allowing myself to be loved by others just because I’m big. I’m a hot mess and clearly have a lot to work on, but I’ve decided to start by creating an Instagram account where I will be posting frequent progress photos of my body in all its glory as I embark on my weight-loss journey. I will NOT be ashamed of who I am, because the fact is that it can’t be changed today, at this moment. I will work towards becoming healthier, but until then I’m going to rock what I’ve got and let anyone and everyone come on this journey with me.

If anyone is interested in following me (and holding me tf accountable,) I’d honestly be more than happy to share the account here. Also, if anyone has something similar going on, I’d love to follow some other weight loss accounts to keep me going and feeling inspired!

But even just talking about this feels liberating. Thank you for this community. Though I haven’t really posted before, I do lurk and it’s taken the edge off the loneliness.

submitted by /u/veptavis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally starting to make some changes!

I’ve been trying to really get serious about weight loss for awhile now, and just kept gaining 5 more pounds here, 5 more there, etc. I hit 268 as of last week and decided to make some changes and wanted to share my progress.

I’ve always tried to go from a diet of McDonald’s twice a day to super clean vegan diet and that’s just not realistic. I end up caving after a few days and then right back to eating crap

However, I decided to make two simple changes. 1. No soda. 2. No fast food.

Last time I had fast food was Wednesday, and last time I had soda was on thanksgiving. I actually had a decent day eating on thanksgiving, shocker.

Proud to say, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and today (Tuesday) I haven’t caved and actually feel pretty darn good. I’m still eating certain comfort foods like French fries, fried chicken, spaghetti o’s, etc but even that is so much better than tons of soda and fast food meals.

I haven’t weighed myself but I wouldn’t be shocked if I lost a few pounds already. Just wanted to share the good news/progress and maybe Inspire someone else to start with just cutting one thing out to start vs going full out.

submitted by /u/thilonash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat