Saturday, December 1, 2018

I think I might actually make it past the diet fatigue this time. 39F/5’3/SW 199/CW 180

I have been doing CiCo since September and, with a few planned exceptions, I have stayed pretty much in my 1200 calorie range and running 2-3 times a week. I haven’t seen the scale move for 3 weeks. Yes thanksgiving was is there so that week was a planned maintenance week.

Not seeing progress really put me in to diet fatigue. I was so sick of tracking everything and had a minor binge night Thursday after having a stressful day at work. I have been down this path before. Lost the same 10-15 lbs over and over again. Get fatigued, start to slip, turns into a slide, and I’m back where I started. I really thought Thursday’s slip was going to be like that.

What got me out of it was on Friday I had 2 separate people say they noticed my weight loss. Nobody had commented on it yet. It felt so good to have people start noticing! So now I am feeling renewed. And I stayed in my calories yesterday and am on track today as well. And when I weighed in this morning I have finally blasted through that plateau and lost 2 lbs.

We say it all the time, a slip doesn’t have to equal a slide. And this time I am making that true! Feeling pretty good about myself.

submitted by /u/Snarkchart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Never give up on yourself. I went from 450lbs to 195lbs in the last 18 months, from whole pizzas to half marathons

After many failed weight loss attempts and with the stress of law school behind me, I decided to take another shot at getting healthy on June 1, 2017. At the time I weighed around 450 pounds. Now, 18 months later I have been maintaining in the 190's for the past couple of months.

Progress Photos

I started with small changes to my diet, like removing fast food, and just kept eating less and less as my weight dropped. I went from drinking soda, to low calorie lemonade, to just water. A typical day includes a breakfast sandwich or wrap, a protein shake for lunch, and then chicken and vegetables for dinner. I don't count calories but I eat things that are lower in calories and low in carbs.

When I started I would walk a lot, 2-3 hours on workdays and 5-8 hours a day on the weekends. Over the past 4 or 5 months, I transitioned from just walking to running and I ran my first half marathon on November 11.

I am now just working to maintain my weight, and after I have shoulder surgery next week, I hope to add some muscle.

submitted by /u/FreethoughtChris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone else discovered that they are afraid of being hungry?

I’ve been trying to lose weight for just over a year and it slowed to halt about 2 months ago. I started off doing Slimming World because it seemed to fit with my lifestyle but as the weight loss slowed down I had to start looking seriously as to why I wasn’t losing when I was still on plan. I realised that it was because even though I was eating on plan and ‘healthy’ I was still eating about 2,000-2,500 calories a day.

I then took a long hard look at why this unsettled me so much and I’ve come to realise that I really hate being hungry, but not in a ‘ugh I don’t want to be hungry’ kind of way, in a ‘holy shit I better pack a ton of snacks wherever I go because what if I even feel peckish? That would be horrific’ kind of way.

So since realising how stupid that fear is I’ve started CICO and the weight has started coming off again, thank goodness. I’m nearly 50lbs down with another 50 to go. And yes, sometimes I can feel hungry but now it’s not the end of the world because I can tell myself ‘it’s okay, lunch is in an hour, just wait’.

So I guess what I want to know is, has anyone else had that realisation that they’re afraid of being hungry?

submitted by /u/earthtojem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Two months & 19lbs down -- November results!

Because pictures and graphs are awesome, here is the album: Drop It Like You’re Almost 30

TLDR: Lost 8lbs more in month two, totaling a 19.1lbs loss so far. Switched to calorie cycling, exercise changed quite a bit, got a Fitbit, made more spreadsheets, and find what works for you!

As with last month’s post, I’ll be starting this off with my positive thoughts for each pound lost! (Idea courtesy of u/groundstabber) Note: I don’t write down a positive thought every time I lose weight — I usually write them in bulk at the end of the month, therefore positive thoughts are not associated with a specific weight. :)

19 pounds, 19 positive thoughts


  1. I feel like I can actually do this.
  2. Water is the worst but I love it!
  3. For whatever reason, I can now actually visualize myself thin — for the first time ever.
  4. Eating unprocessed foods make me feel so much better.
  5. My path to losing weight is clear to me.
  6. My dog is getting healthier and happier, too!
  7. I can’t see it yet, but I know it’s happening.
  8. I’m having fun exploring my neighborhood on walks.
  9. I haven’t binged once despite the growing stress at work.
  10. Getting on (and back on) track makes me feel really good about myself.
  11. When things (calories) don’t go according to plan, I’m not beating myself up about it.


  1. I deserve great nutrition.

  2. I’m not depriving myself of things I love.

  3. I don’t have to be thinner to try things I was scared of before!

  4. I’m starting to see the changes!

  5. While my work situation still sucks, I’m not allowing it to ruin my progress or distract me from my health goals.

  6. Whether a low calorie day or a high one, I always go to bed full and satisfied.

  7. I’m feeling more confident in handling unplanned for activities.

  8. I’m beginning to trust myself in eating.

The Numbers

Timeframe: Nov 1, 2018 - Nov 30, 2018 (final weigh in for Nov: Dec 1 @ 7:15am)

Avg daily calories in: 1151cal (a little lower than I’d like, but not too far from my 1200cal goal)

Avg daily calories net (after exercise): 1093cal

Avg daily water consumption: 98.4oz

Total weight lost: 8.0lbs

Overall Inches lost (since Nov 12, 2018): 4.25”

BF% lost (since Nov 12, 2018): 1.7%

See the Difference

This month, I started noticing my face, neck, and shoulders change (face changes). I've also noticed my daily clothes fitting looser and my workout clothes fitting better (I bought my workout pants ages ago and they were a bit tight -- still are, just less so). Oddly, I also noticed there's a new slight curve to my forearm just below the wrist which I don't think I've ever had. Weight loss is weird.

The Details

Alright, so last month I made the switch to (mostly) unprocessed foods. While I’ve stuck with this plan for most meals, I was also struggling to eat 1200cal p/day. With just my normal food, I was only eating about 840cal p/day and was full, so I made a few changes. With the cooler months arriving, I added coffee to my daily intake (150cal for two cups) occasionally. In addition to drinking coffee a few times per week, I started mindfully calorie cycling and focusing on my weekly calorie intake average.

I started calorie cycling because I was feeling guilty and bad about myself for not eating as much as I should be. I was also starting to freak out about the side effects of eating too little — for instance, I love that I have a ton of hair and great nails. I didn’t want to lose those parts of me. On the flip side, though, I also felt incredibly sick and over full when I would force myself to hit 1,200cal on a daily basis. So, instead of torturing myself, I just go and have a burger or tex-mex a couple times per week. High calories? Yes. High delicious? Most certainly!

The eating that changed:

Dinner -

  • 6 oz tilapia
  • 4 oz baby bella mushrooms
  • 2 oz white wine (for cooking)
  • 2 tablespoons light butter
  • Calories p/serving: 376cal

Snacks -

  • Walnuts (200cal) and bananas (105cal) were once again my go-tos for the month — no more beef jerky because a) sodium and b) for two weeks of November I had temporary crowns in on my four front teeth, i.e. no tearing food

All calories based on the nutritional label and measuring. Note: I'm not super anal about measuring... for instance, I buy the mini bottles of wine for my cooking wine and know they hold about 6 ounces per bottle, so I "measure" my usage by eye and make sure one bottle lasts me 3 dinners.

My lunches remained the same throughout November (see previous post if interested). In October, though, I ate lean red meat for dinner. After several weeks of doing this, I was feeling ill after dinner so I switched to fish to see if it helped. Eating too much red meat has made me feel ill in the past, so I thought that might be the problem. While the feeling has been less frequent when eating tilapia, I can still easily go overboard on dinner and feel full-sick. It’s just easier to not eat too much in one sitting when I’m eating fish (I love red meat).

Exercise: This is still sporadic, but I'm getting more consistent. My dog couldn’t wear a collar for a few weeks because of an infection on his neck and has had another infection on his paw so we didn't get to walk much. While I am obviously totally capable of walking without my dog, it’s more enjoyable with him at my side. :P My weight began to stall towards the end of the month though, so I’ve gotten more serious about exercise. Now that his infections have cleared, we walk nearly every day (usually 30 min during the week, but if I get home from work early we go longer — Saturdays it’s 1.5 hrs and Sunday it’s 1.75 hrs hiking) and I’ve started doing daily yoga (Yoga with Adriene 30 Day) and doing a full-body dumbbell workout (found here). I do yoga before work, dog walk as soon as I get home, and weights in the evenings. I’m planning on doing weights twice (AM/PM) on weekends -- wish me luck!

Tracking: I still use LoseIt!, Happy Scale, and my own spreadsheet. I also got a Fitbit Charge 3 during Black Friday sales, so I’ve added yet another tracking system to my regime. I do not have my Fitbit sync calories out to LoseIt!. I do keep track of what LoseIt! says I burn during X exercise vs. what Fitbit says I burn, but I do not have Fitbit's numbers adjust my net calories for the day. I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. In addition, I took my first body measurements on Nov 12 and plan to continue taking those twice per month. I also bought a full length mirror for the pics.

Regarding goal weight change: When I first struck out on this adventure, I set my goal weight to 135. I later decided to be a bit bolder and go for an 80lb loss of 125. After playing around with some calculators from this post by u/CurlyMope and figuring out my build type according to these websites, I’ve lowered it to 120. According to the build type calculator, my elbow-to-wrist measurements don’t add up so I went for a weight in between the two ranges. I don’t know where I’ll be happy with my weight, so I’m not paying so much attention on that number in particular, but it’s an end zone.

Regarding my spreadsheet: Life is not as easy as a spreadsheet, unfortunately, but it helps me stay focused. When figures go from estimates to facts, the number goes bold. Anything listed as “Projected” is based purely on calorie intake + deficit math. In addition to this main spreadsheet, there are additional sheets in the file: Overall Weight Graph, Month 1 Graph Data, Month 2 Graph Data, Month 3 Graph Data, etc. November added: Inches, 2018 workout log, and 2018 weights lifted.

Alright... I'm off to update the spreadsheet with this month's projections! I wish you all luck in your own journeys. If you have any questions about mine, please let me know! This is just what's working for me at the moment -- remember: find what works for you! See you around the sub and for my next update post in the new year!

submitted by /u/seejor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today marks 2 years of maintenance!

I lost 40 lbs, 2 years and 9 months ago. I am terrified of the weight coming back and have found that maintenance can be harder than weight loss for me.

I get 10k steps 5-7 days a week, continue to eat a low cal breakfast and lunch, then eat whatever I want for dinner.

I have found my eating habits have changed. I make sure to get fruits everyday and veggies a couple times a week (not a huge veggie person). If I eat something high in calories, I make sure the rest of what I eat is healthier. I also no longer like the taste of processed food.

I also weigh myself 3-5 days a week. I have to do this to keep myself at goal. I gained 6 lbs when I switched jobs this year, but after 3 weeks I got my weight back down to goal. If I ever tell myself I don’t want to weigh myself, I make myself get on the scale. The weight is there no matter what, so better to have the data to make informed choices.

I’m excited to start year 3 of maintenance!

submitted by /u/gilmoreteacher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Races and Runners Can Make Everyone Feel Welcome Podcast 102

This episode is part 2 of my interview with the 300 Pounds and Running Podcast host on his viral article – An Open Letter to Race Directors from the back of the pack. Read the letter and see pictures at  Last episode we talked about his weight loss and running journey going from unhealthy to couch to 5k and eventually running  a marathon. If you missed it – I suggest you go back and listen to that episode before this one. It’s important to know where someone is coming from to get the full picture of what triggered this article.

If you are new to the show… I’m Monica – a runner, eater, redhead, Mexican and podcaster in Southern California. I started Run Eat Repeat to document training for my 1st marathon and weight loss journey. Along the way the site grew and now it’s a huge community! Follow along on the site and @RunEatRepeat on instagram.


Warm Up:

My mom who has never been to Europe went to Italy over the week of Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday!!?

So I had 2 options for how to celebrate T day –

A. Go bachelor style with my dad and little brother.

B. Order Chinese take-out… which I guess is also bachelor style?

C-. My boyfriend… who we shall refer to as Newport? … I met his family last month and his dad asked what I was doing for the holiday and said I was welcome to join them. But I felt like Newport should invite me, right?

So I had to basically ask him to ask me to go… which may be a miscommunication and may be a huge red flag. But I’m Spanish and we have a history of bull fighting so maybe I’m attracted to red flags?


I brought over the Baked Brie Recipe that I just posted. It’s amazing. Try it.

4 Ingredient  Real California Baked Brie Recipe


And please complete the RER Mailing List Form here.

I’m planning what training, recipes, meal plans and more you want for next year. Chime in so I can better help ya! Thank you <3


Martinus Evans from the 300 Pounds and Running Podcast

300 pounds running podcast 1 (612x553)_thumb[1]

Last time I talked to Martinus Evans from the 300 Pounds and Running Podcast about his weight loss, running and injuries. That’s the episode before this one if you missed it –> 300 Pounds and Running Podcast Interview Part 1

Now we’re talking about his article – An Open Letter to Race Directors from the Back of the Pack.

You can read the blog post here: An Open Letter To Race Directors

Part of what made it controversial is that he was mad and he cusses. So he got a lot of pushback online. He also got a lot of people reaching out saying they had similar experiences. Mainly I wanted to know what his experiences were at races and what he wanted to happen moving forward.

We jump right into the conversation – so I go straight into asking him about the letter in this one.

Highlights of the viral article:

– Evans is upset after running several races where he didn’t feel included. Some races he felt straight unwelcome and ignored.

– The letter is heated… it has four letter words. And a lot of people got offended by it. But a lot of people also reached out to him to say they had similar experiences.

– He’s run races where the course is shut down and/or aide stations are removed before the appropriate time limit.

– There are also instances where he or other runners have been too slow for the time limit. And he has suggestions on ways you can still make sure those people get to finish safely when closing the course.

– We talk about what he’s experienced as a self described ‘slow runner’.

– We talk about ways race directors can accommodate slow runners OR choose to shut down the courses early and officially change the cut off time so slower runners know it will be closed.

I ask him…

  • What race or run triggered this article?
  • You mentioned not getting a medal – what happened there?
  • Why did you write this? What’s your goal?
  • What do you want to happen from this letter?
  • What has the response been?

Follow him on this site and social media here:


And if you have any thoughts on what runners or race organizers can do to make everyone feel welcome, have fun and be safe – please share it here!

Podcast Awards for this week:

1. Pile on the Miles runners!!!

2. My new favorite eyebrow threading and eyebrow tinting person. I love you.

3. You! Tell me what you do while listening to podcasts!

Tag @RunEatRepeat on instagram and tell me what you’re doing while listening !I love that!

If you have a question for me email or leave a voicemail message with your question at 562 888 1644


Question: What do you think Race Organizers and Runners can do to improve the race experience for back of the pack / slower runners?

Any suggestions??



The post How Races and Runners Can Make Everyone Feel Welcome Podcast 102 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Starting my 200lb weight loss Journey, scared and excited!

I finally hit that point to were I choose life, I found myself weighing in at 378lbs and the only thing I can think of is how did I let myself get this way? With each day passing I can feel myself slowly slipping away and it gets harder every day to wake up from this nightmare, I can't breathe when I walk up stairs and get winded tying my shoes.

Life wasn't always this way, I actually was in shape for a long time but was involved in a car accident shortly after that's when the weight slowly started taking over. Over the next few years one bad meal would led to another and one bad week would led to a bad month, next thing I realize I'm switching from a XL t-shirt to 4x and still questioning how I got here?!

Everyday I would wake up and say "Today is the day!" And by the next day I would have already given up and the weight would slowly keep adding up. Every day I would see my dreams move further and further away and I was starting to accept that this was just the new me and I should just accept it.

Then in 2013 one of the best things happened to me, I met my wife! Now I could go on for days about her but her passion for Fitness is what started waking me up from this nightmare. We moved in with each other and because of my bad choices she had gained around 50 to 60lbs and one morning she said enough is enough! Now she's down 50lbs and her determination can't be stopped.

Watching her fight for her dreams is one of the most inspiring things to me, she doesn't let anything stop her and while she's killing it I'm still slowly killing myself. I can't seem to get it together and I keep fighting myself to start, Every day it's "I'll start tomorrow" and I would just go back to my old ways.

You see I love Helping people, I would go out of my way to make sure the person next to me was happy and give my last dollar to anyone who needed it, I have always wanted to work in law enforcement or any other kind of First Response Police/Fire/EMS and I know with my current situation that is no more than a dream, but one day my wife said something that kinda hit home she said "you must not want it bad enough because if you did, you would want it as bad as your lungs need air"

That was the moment I realized I NEEDED to make the changes in my life and start going after my dreams, I know I have a long way to go and it's not going to be easy but I'm not doing this to just add years to my life, I'm fighting to add life to my years and finally start chasing my dreams and making them become reality.

So I ask if you guys have any weight loss tips or just encouraging words I could definitely use them, I know at the end of the day it all comes down to how bad do I want it but I'm reaching out to anyone who's walked this journey already and can give me some advice on how you stayed motivated and the small things you did that made a big difference in your weight loss Journey!

submitted by /u/Bob_Gets_Buff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat