Tuesday, January 1, 2019


All my life I have struggled with my weight. I went through an eating disorder in high school, I would sob with guilt and hatred at my size in college, and I tortured myself with stress and judgment at so many mealtimes in my life. I’ve always felt totally out of control (both due to chronic overeating and constant bad food choices).

In 2018, I lost 30 pounds. I have at least 30 more to go to be in the normal/heavy window, but instead of being disappointed or stressed about losing the rest ASAP, I had something happen that changed everything for me.

The weight loss strategy that has SUPER worked for me this year has been doing a Master Cleanse for ten days every 3-4 months, which would erase my food cravings and make it easy/natural for me to not eat sugar, grains, and dairy in-between (but this isn’t the point, read on!).

I did the Master Cleanse (I basically fasted) three times throughout the year, lost 30 pounds, and then did a forth one too soon after the one before.

The result was BAD. I lost ten pounds way too suddenly. Everything just sagged. My body didn’t have enough time to “get used to” the previous weight loss and my skin wasn’t firmed up yet.

So when I lost it too quickly, I was really embarrassed of my body — WAY more than I was while I was 40 pounds heavier! Crazy! Sorry if this is TMI, but I was fine-ish being naked and having sex at 207 pounds, but at 167 pounds, with the sag, I wouldn’t have sex unless I was totally clothed. It would have been my worst nightmare for a guy to have seen me like that (yes, I have some mental work to do too, but there is a good point here, I promise!).

I went on a week-long cruise immediately after that, and when I came back, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, “Damn, I look good!” (This is rare for me lol). I got on the scale and saw I had gained the last 10 pounds back.

WHAT I LEARNED: I don’t WANT to lose weight crazy fast. I don’t have to stress and sob about the slow progression, in fact, I want it to go slow.

I prefer to exercise, eat healthfully (and enjoyably) to lose weight slowly and get the best results possible (I’ll also keep doing fasts just not back to back).

What I love about my mindset now is I’m at peace. I have my plan. I am currently DOING my plan (not saying “I’ll start tomorrow”). My plan is right for me, so I never find myself thinking, “I can’t wait until this diet is over!”. Though I eat basically paleo, I know that technically no foods are “off limits” for me. If it’s a special occasion or if I REALLY want it, I can have it. But I don’t eat until I explode anymore.

I trust my plan and I know I will keep losing weight. No need to rush or panic.

I can’t even believe this is my reality now.

TLDR; I lost weight too fast and was sag city. That experience allowed me to stop stressing about slow progress and actually PREFER it. So much weight lifted! (HA!)

submitted by /u/BlissfulEating
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2s25XAO

How To Plan Your Race Calendar for 2019

How to plan your best running year ever! Check out this video with 5 steps to plan your race calendar for this year. It’s simple but very important if you want to get faster, run farther, PR, get healthier or just have more fun running. I’ve been using this hack to plan my running and training calendar for years. It’s so important to have visual reminders of our goals. Check out the video and let me know what your goals are for this year!

How to plan your race calendar runner year (427x640)

How to plan your race calendar

How to Plan Your Running Calendar for the Year:

These tips for planning your running or racing calendar can work for runners or all levels. Make sure you are setting goals that are relevant to YOU. Your goals should be about your fitness, health, goals, priorities, time, resources, etc. Don’t let other people on social media or around you irl impact how you feel about yourself and the goals you set.

Planning Your Race Calendar:

1. Set goals

set 3 goals – they can be all running goals or a combination or running and fitness goals

2. List races

list the races you want to do, races you do every year, potential goal races…

3. Important dates

note any important dates / events / other and note race dates – check to see if there are conflicts

4. Assess your goals, dates, timeline, your health / life prioritiesr

finalize the races you can do

5. Go!

register, plan, research training plans, get going!

Race Planner printable runner calendar plan (453x640)

Race Planning Tools:

1. Yearly Calendar – dry erase calendar for the year

It’s 2-sided and has the calendar horizontal and vertical

2. Dry erase markers

3. Calendar

4. Post-its (the small ones)

If you aren’t using a dry erase calendar – consider using the small post-its to note potential races and dates.

Now go get em!!

What are your goals for this year?

What races are on your calendar?? Let me know!

Remember to follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the daily run check in!





The post How To Plan Your Race Calendar for 2019 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat http://bit.ly/2R75c8V

Lost over a hundred pounds and gained more than half of it back.

Hi. I’m mostly posting this as a motivational tool and as a way to keep my accountable. I started my weight loss journey at 316 pounds(M 6ft 1in) a year and a half ago. I dropped down to 197 in July of 2018 which I was so happy for. But... I started to binge like a mofo and I gained 67 pounds back putting me at 264 pounds this New Years. I’m a bit angry at myself because I came so far and gained so much ground in regards to my unhealthy eating habits only to lose that same ground to junk food and a slothful lifestyle.

I’m hoping for some motivation and tips from the community on how I can move forward from here. This is what I did to get to 197 to begin with:

-Ate 1800 calories every day(give or take). -Ate the same three meals a day(makes bulk cooking and calorie tracking easier). -didn’t exercise at all(I have a active job).

I really need to get back on this weight loss horse. I had bought all new clothes and everything and now I can’t fit most of them anymore.

submitted by /u/cll52693
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2TkTvI3

I’ve made it my mission to reach my goal weight and reward myself with sky diving.

Sometimes I just need a little bit of a push. Something that I’m actively working towards. And of course I’m working towards getting healthy, fit, and my goal weight. But working towards a number can get monotonous very quickly. So I decided to give myself some rewards for my weight loss. Not just the mirror rewards, or food rewards I’m talking about actual rewards.

And I need a bit of help thinking of good ideas.

I have two categories, one for weight milestones, and the other for dedication milestones. As both are important to me.

Weight isn’t weight lost, it’s my actual weight. And dedication includes being consistent for X amount of time with my tracking, meal prep, and exercise routine.

Here’s what I have so far but I need some help thinking of some more for dedication.

Weight Rewards:

  • 300lbs - Full body Massage
  • 250lbs - Out of state Hiking trip
  • 200lbs - Ski trip
  • 175lbs - Sky diving

Dedication Rewards:

  • 3 months - join a CrossFit gym
  • 6 months -
  • 1 year -

Edit: terrible mobile formatting and then edited again for even worse formatting

submitted by /u/bytemeagain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Rmuuz5

[RANT] My parents think I am stupid for trying to invest in a dietary and bathroom scale, and among other things, they drive me up the wall.

I REALLY, REALLY need to stop talking about my goals with them.

At 5'3" and ~152 lbs, I am the fatass of the family, to the point where they hardly ask whether I ate or not, and find it kinda funny on the occasion they accidentally eat my share of some snack we are having.

I am an idiot with no sense of what a 'portion' is without measuring cups, and other tools. However, my parents do not seem to understand this, and disparage whenever they see me roll in with a dietary scale, or when I suggest replacing the bathroom scale because my brother (who is also fit and healthy) broke it.

When I talk about weight loss, my mother says NO CARBS, NO CARBS like a broken record, and insists I drink vinegar every morning, among other woo.

Also, she stays fit by eating just two peices of toast for breakfast, a very light salad, and a normal dinner with small portions, all work week. Am I pathetic for not being able to do the same? Yeah, but a food scale would make it quite easier to eat a little bit of what is satisfying and still get through my day.

I am worse than the average person at ignoring that hungry, gnawing feeling when I have to study.

Meanwhile my Dad be like, "Yeah, you got a slow metabolism, too bad, so sad."

I'm tired of being inferior, can't wait to head back to the dorms.

Hopefully I can cut the BS, lose the weight and fix my obsessive, negative, and messed up relationship with food in 2019. But nobody bet on me.

submitted by /u/CopperRaccoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Ts8iRB

Happy New Year 2019! A look back at my weight loss from 2018...

Graph here: https://imgur.com/gallery/uljQe1t

I only had two "up weeks" on the year:

One week I gained a fraction of a pound. Eh, it happens. But then I went to Disney World for a 10-day vacation and came back 7 pounds down! So that ended up pretty well. My mind still boggles at that.

Then, on 12/5, I weighed myself and found that I was up FOUR pounds form the previous week. I moved the scale to a different part of the floor. 4 pounds. I was flummoxed (and depressed). I hadn't really been eating THAT differently, and if I was going to gain weight, it would have been the week OF Thanksgiving, not two weeks after. But then the next week when I weighed myself, I was FIVE pounds DOWN. (Net 1 pound down over the two weeks.) I know weights can fluctuate, but that seemed a little bit too statistically weird, so I changed the batteries in my scale and went on with my life.

Net loss, calendar year 2018 (Jan. 10 - Dec. 26): 68.4 pounds (281.8 to 213.4). Not as drastic or as awesome as some I've seen posted up on here, but I'm pretty pleased.

Last week, I wore a pair of 34-waist pants (OK, they were Izod "Stretch" dress slacks, but still) for the first time since I don't know when. Late 90s at least.

Keep on keepin' on, as Foxy Shazam sang.

submitted by /u/askingquestionsblog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2scCDbf

I've finally discovered the base root of my food issues and it's allowed me to move on.

My family and I had dinner with my mom two days ago, she made spaghetti and meatballs with cheesey garlic bread and corn. My mom isn't the greatest cook but it was okay and I had a very light lunch that day so I had room to indulge in a bunch of carbs. I ended the day over 100 calories below my calorie goal. During dinner we were talking about my food choices lately and my weight loss this last year. I've lost about 70 lbs and have several more to go. My mom is losing weight but in the most unhealthy way ever. She even says that every time we talk about food, how she's upset the way she's losing weight and how she wishes it would be different. Anyway she told me my problem growing up was that I just always loved to eat too much, so she just kept cooking food I didn't like so that I would eat less and hopefully lose weight. I was floored. I justed started at her with her shit eating grin on her face like she's a fucking genius. No wonder I shoved food in my face all the time and developed a short term low key eating disorder my sophomore year in highschool. I spent so much money on food at school. Someone brought cupcakes, I'll have 5 please!! I live on my own now, eat McDonald's everyday!! I was fat, she didn't teach me how to eat properly. I gained weight even more when living in my own and fending for myself (not to mention medication influences). Now at 37 years old I've finally figured out proper nutrition. Just this year I figured out why your body would eat at it's own lean muscle if you don't eat enough for long enough. I finally understand how calories work and what proper portions look like. I've tried to lose weight over a dozen times. But after years I'm never going back. I've never been this thin in my life. That night made me realize that I'm not broken, I was just not raised in a healthy way, and I know now. I've worried thought this whole process that my daughter who also loves food would have to go through the same struggles as me, but she won't. She will learn to love food and appreciate what is appropriate for her. She will learn what her body needs to be healthy. I will make her try foods that she may not like but I will not manipulate her with food!! Food is to share and enjoy, not to sneak and hide in your room from your family. Food is nourishment not rewards.

TLDR: My mom manipulated me with food growing up because I liked to eat. Just found out two days ago. I'm pissed. Now I know and I don't have to worry that will happen to my own daughter.

submitted by /u/siralim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2SrDmQZ