Monday, February 4, 2019

My relationship with food has completely changed

I am a food addict.

Actually, no, I WAS a food addict.

Like so many other people, I have tried countless times to lose the weight. I have tried all the lose weight quick pills, the clubs you join to lose with other woman, and even some MLM schemes that have you drink ridiculous things to “melt the fat away” even if anything I did was successful, after a few weeks, I’d go back because I wasn’t fixing the root of the issue, my eating habits.

Growing up, our house was a fen for yourself lifestyle. My parents never cooked for us (even as small kids) and they just kept a the house stocked with ramen, Mac and cheese, sandwiches and lots of junk food and soda. We either ate everything we could, or it was gone and we didn’t eat at all. So at a young age I would eat everything because there was no such thing as portions or saving for later.

Last year I discovered this sub and with it, CICO and IF. Glorious simply truth, PORTION CONTROL. Through out the last 12 months I have attempted tracking my food and learning about food sizes and portions and weighing my food. I’d do it for a couple of weeks then slowly stop, I’d keep any weight I lost off, but i was only losing about 2lbs in two months then it would stand still.

Come December and many attempts at CICO and portion control, and suddenly something stuck. I wasn’t craving food constantly. I would eat small and be satisfied, not stuffed. I was finally eating the way I needed to and felt like food didn’t have control on my life.

I started tracking food again in January, I also convinced my husband to do it with me (it’s been a breeze for him and I’m happy for him) and I have never had such a successful month. I mean I’ve stayed under or at calorie intake goal for the majority of the month and when I have gone over because of a party or Social event, I didn’t binge, I went back on track. I’m not eating fast food, or pizza (jk I eat a shit ton on cauliflower pizza) I stopped drinking soda and I just don’t desire these things anymore! In January I lost 11lbs. That’s over 2lbs a week!

Yeah I know it’s not all smooth sailing and my weight loss will absolutely not be immediate and fast, but this time it’ll be successful. I’m not just losing weight, I am changing 28 years of bad lifestyle and bad food choices. I am losing bad habits. There is no lose weight fast scheme that can do what this community has done for me.

submitted by /u/Siansian010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running with LoseIt - 2/4/2019 - How did you start running?

This is a weekly post for the runners of LoseIt. All levels are welcome, from someone who just did their first C25K workout to the seasoned runner who is training for a marathon or ultra.

This is mostly a thread to check-in with your progress, share victories and race reports, and ask questions.

We have a Strava group for sharing workouts, please feel free to join. It's free! Kudos are addictive!

This was all originally started by /u/ificandoit, but he's now off being a busy new papa.

Each week I ramble on about something to hopefully stimulate some conversation. This week... origin stories.

I was bitten by a radioactive running bug...

We all arrive a running from different places. Some folks have run since school days, others never. Some have lapsed and are returning.

I'm one who never, ever imagined I'd be a runner.

Surprise! You are a runner!

To say I never ran, like ever, would be really true for me. I hurt my back and hips when I was younger and did not have PE/gym class in high school. I played some sports but did not do running drills/training, like ever.

I would say I didn't even think of running, either. I did not dream of running. I did not get new sneakers/trainers and think, "I bet I can run in these!" Nope.

In fact the idea of running sounded ludicrous to me. I thought I'd hurt my knees. I didn't see the reason.

I was also 355lbs (161kg).

But man, did I like walking and hiking. I lost most of my weight via calorie control, with an assist by walking, hiking, and incline treadmilling.

That First Radioactive Running Bug Bite

I stumbled upon running after losing most of my weight loss. I started losing weight at over 355lbs / 46 years old and probably ran for the first time around 260-270lbs. I did intervals, like C25K. But at most like three times a month.

And my knees hurt me. So I stopped.

I got serious about fitness as I dropped into the 230lb (104kg) range. As part of this I did short runs. Not because, you know it was something I gave much thought to. Mainly because I was using every machine in my clubhouse gym and there was a treadmill. Still had knee discomfort.

So I quit running again. And then started weight training in earnest. And that's when it all came together for me.

I was born on planet StrongLifts

Strength training allowed me to run without any discomfort. By working my legs, core, rest of my body I got myself into running shape, without losing any additional weight. The key was leg work like deadlifts, squats, Romanian deadlifts, step-ups, lunges.

I started by doing a program called StrongLifts 5x5. It is Squats heavy and turned out to be perfect for me to start with. I've since done PPL, and now I'm doing New Rules of Lifting.

Running at Last

I started running in earnest and steadily back in Dec 2015 at age 47. I was about 225lbs (102kg). Having worked so hard to solve my issues with it, I was bitten now. I've run steadily, every week, since then.

It was really a surprise that I liked it. I never imagined running. It was a wonderful surprise that I've stumbled upon.

I've now run about six 5K races, two 5-milers, two dozen 10Ks, a 15K and four Half-Marathons. Already signed up for 6 more 10Ks this year. Strava shows shows me at over 2500 running miles tracked. (I ran about a 6 months prior.)

What is your origin story?

How did you start running?

Weekly Check-in

How did your week go? Training going well? Run your first mile? Finish a week of C25K? Let us know!

Strava Group

Join our Strava Group!

submitted by /u/cmxguru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today is the first day of my weight loss journey. Let’s do this.

Hey all. I really don’t even know where to start with this post. I am not someone who has struggled with my weight all my life. In fact, up until about halfway through college, I was at a healthy weight. However, along the way something changed and I am sad to say I now weigh 238.4lbs. I think that once college ended and I started my career is when I really let myself go. I was no longer walking around campus all day with a nice gym within walking distance. Instead, I was sitting at a desk for 80% of my work day, and when I got home I would feel exhausted and have no motivation to go to the gym. Slowly but surely my weight has crept up and up.

For the past couple years I must have started and failed weight loss plans at least 100 times. I never follow through and always give up.

I am done letting this happen. This needs to be fixed now. I used to love running but now I can barely run a half mile without feeling exhausted. I love snowboarding but am too fat to do so. I hate feeling so fat all the time. I wake up feel disgusting because of how much food I ate the previous day. I don’t feel confident in my appearance at all.

Today I start my weight loss journey down to 160lbs. I will be doing a 1000 calorie / day deficit and working out every day. No excuses. Next winter I will be in shape and at my goal weight, and as a reward I am planning a snowboarding trip to Colorado with my girlfriend and friends.

Good luck to all of you currently on your weight loss journey. We can do this!

submitted by /u/neptune0623
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First month CICO Post Mortem - AKA - Hey I lost 22.5 pounds!

Intro: I thought I would a Post Mortem covering my first month of my journey. I likely will do these most months, I may or may not publish them. This is for my first month of my plan, starting Jan. 1 (shout out to Jan 1sters) ending Jan. 31. Please don’t compare my results to yours, everyone is different, but this is my experience and I hope it may be helpful to others. Looking back at what went well, what was a challenge is a very helpful exercise for me.

Plan: CICO. 1000 calorie deficit. Eliminate: Fast Food, French Fried, Chips (my biggest nemesis), sweet desserts. Reduce: breads, pastas, rice. Huh, I guess that’s explains how I got to 300+.

January Weight

Jan 1: 338.5 (BMI – 42.2)

Jan 31: 306 (BMI - 39.3)

Scale Victory: Holy shit, I lost 22.5 pounds in the first month. It pays to start this lifestyle as a tall heavy man with a heavy sodium diet. I carried a ton of water weight and I have a long way to go. In previous attempts I have lost 20+ pounds in a single month, so that’s not new. My previous approaches had been low carb diets which was just not sustainable for me. I believe CICO can and will work for me long term.

# of days scale weight went down from previous day: 18

Biggest one day drop: 3 pounds (Jan 3 to Jan 4)

# of days scale weight went up from previous day: 8

Biggest one day gain: 2.5 pounds (Jan 12 to Jan 13)

# of days scale weight stayed same from previous day: 4

Calorie Consumption

Monthly goal: 61,870

Monthly consumption: 56,902

Low day: 1531 (Jan. 21)

Average: 1835

High day: 2113 (Jan. 25)

Non Scale Victories

I don’t look so bloated.

My wife said hey your tummy is shrinking after hugging me

One of my favorite t-shirts went from being a belly shirt to being a regular t-shirt. It may be surprising to know most of the world doesn’t appreciate a 300+ 50-year-old man in a belly shirt. Although thanks to the ones of you who do!

My ring comes off without half a gallon of liquid soap and water. I can actually take it slide it off at night. That one shocks me.

I get hungry, I get angry. I no longer am getting hangry.


Mostly focused on diet. I do track steps, shout out to my team members on r/team_charmander who keep me very motivated in my steps with weekday hustle contests. I aim for 10,000 a day and I try to do one or two, 30-minute exercise walks during the work week on top of walking my dog (twice a day) and all the organic steps I take.


Starting Jan 9, I started tracking my steps with my new Zip. (I find way too many false positive steps on the wrist worn trackers).

Monthly goal: 230,000

Monthly Steps: 231,744

# of days goal met: 12 out of 23

Low day: 5,551 (jan. 12)

Average: 10,075

High day: 14,056 (Jan. 15)

What went well

Despite my weight, I didn’t expect to lose 20+ pounds during my first month.

It took me 11 days before I wasn’t constant hungry.

By the third week, I often wasn’t hungry during meal times, my “bad” cravings mostly went away.

Stuck to my plan for the month

All my prep left me feeling well prepared for issues

What didn’t go well

Protein bars have been a life savor for me to use as snacks. However, Ive realized high sugar alcohol is causing some unpleasant digestive side effects. I was very happy with the 20g of protein and 1 g of sugar in these bars, so I need to find some new ones.

I know I haven’t lost enough yet, but I would like someone to notice my weight loss.


I spent a lot of time focused on weight loss. I am planning what to eat, when to eat, what I will eat nect, thinking about food, logging my food, thinking about logging food, reading all the various subreddits I get support from, walking, thinking about walking. And when Im not doing that I am reading the various subreddits. I’m only a month in, but this lifestyle has to scale for the rest of my life. I feel like I can, but I spent a lot of time focused on weight loss.

I travel in February, sticking to the plan when traveling worries me.

Tools used

My Fitness Pal, Happy Scale, Fitbit, reddit subreddits

submitted by /u/GotThisNow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 10lbs for the first time ever!

After years of on and off weight loss attempts, I feel like I’m finally on the right path! At most I lost about 5 pounds in my past attempts combined, and I’m 90% sure it was water weight. I’m feeling super accomplished right now! I’ve never seen a number so low on the scale.

Some of the changes I’ve noticed from my last attempts:

1) Using Lose It! instead of My Fitness Pal - I noticed that after a while of using MFP I became obsessed with eating so little that I would get the “you’re likely not eating enough” message which led me down a path of restricting and bingeing. I’ve also noticed the Lose It! goal projection and method of assigning calories to certain meals was a lot more encouraging than the MFP 5 week estimate. Personally I thought that I wouldn’t like not having the 5 week estimate, but I actually prefer the estimated goal date!

2) Meal prepping! Previously I was either in high school or working only part time while being at uni (but not actually attending classes, depression sucks) and my parents would cook for me or I’d pick food up on my way home. But now that I’m working full time and often to late hours at night, I’ve started meal prepping just my dinners. I always have the same types of things for breakfast and lunch, but I found that meal prepping my dinners for the week has helped amazingly! I actually know what I’m eating and I have been trying some healthy foods I didn’t think I’d like!

3) Investing in a FitBit - Now of course that’s not the only reason I’ve had success, plenty of people do so without one, but I found the FitBit amazingly helpful and motivating. Especially the step goals!

4) I have a healthier mindset in general - I’ve accepted that weight loss takes time and I’m no longer trying to rush it. I’m being patient with myself and I’ve also come to realise I can still indulge every now and then - I never realised I could still fit a McDonald’s with friends into my daily calories! I’ve also realised that if I binge the gain I see is only temporary, after a couple of days I’m back to normal which I would have never expected before. I’m glad to have realised that one day of eating badly isn’t enough to gain like 5 pounds.

Kind of a weird post since 10 pounds isn’t a huge number I know, but it’s nice to feel like I’ve actually started to succeed :)

submitted by /u/woosunghyuk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A bit of a chronicle.

SW: 291 CW:260

So back in my high school days I weighed a very lean 165. I got exercise daily from Marching Band practice and drumline practice. Fast forward a few years, and I was put on some nasty medicine to combat mental illness. This medicine made me gain about 60 pounds in 4 months. I sat at 235 for about 3 or so years, and then I had a nasty bout of depression where I ate nothing but fast food for a month, and then I shot up to 290.

I have since gotten on better meds that do not cause significant weight gain. Since then, I really haven't done much exercise to facilitate weight loss, but I plan on changing that this week.I did do about 2 weeks of exercise when I was 291, but since then I've done nothing but eat less, and try to count calories and I have lost 31 lbs. I'm no fitness guru, but I do arm workouts and I walk 1.5 miles when I do (rarely) go to the gym.

So here's to a new year that will have plenty of gainz. I feel as though if I could pick a set routine that I could do would help a great amount, I'll keep doing my 1.5 mile walk and arm workouts. Happy 2019, and I wish everyone well on their endeavors to lose weight.

submitted by /u/ChromaLife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Contest Alert! Win a FREE Air Fryer Just for Playing

Love free stuff? You’ve come to the right place! That’s because, for the entire month of February, we’ll be hosting the February Fun Trivia Contest. With this fun and easy contest, you can be one of the lucky winners selected to win the trending most popular kitchen appliance… an Air Fryer! That’s right: We’re giving away this popular kitchen tool, which is perfect for making healthier versions of all your fried favorites (Click here to get 13 delicious Air Fryer recipes!).

Here’s how it works:

Every Monday for the entire month of February, we’ll be posting an article with a green “Contest Alert” banner across the top of it (see example at left). This banner indicates that this story includes a contest alerttrivia quiz at the end of it. So you’ll read the article, answer the trivia questions at the end and, depending upon how many questions you get right, you’ll get a certain amount of entries into our contest (the best part is, if you’re not satisfied with your performance, you can retake the quiz!).

To maximize your chances of winning, you’ll want to check back every Monday for the next opportunity to play. At the end of the month, we’ll gift the person with the highest score a FREE air fryer!* That’s it. And the best part is, all of the quizzes are open all month long. So even if you didn’t get a chance to take last week’s quiz when it first published, you can still take it, along with any of the February quizzes all the way up until the last day of the month (you just might have to do a little digging on the site to find older quizzes)!

Healthier Fried Chicken & 13 Other Amazing Air Fryer Recipes

Read More

So be sure to visit The Leaf regularly. You don’t want to miss this awesome opportunity to win a FREE air fryer! And that’s not all you could win… SPOILER ALERT: We’ll be running these contests each month, with a different prize each time. Participate in all of our contests, and you could end up with a kitchen full of all new appliances and tools perfect for healthy living!

*In the event of a tie, we will randomly select winner.

The post Contest Alert! Win a FREE Air Fryer Just for Playing appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf