Thursday, February 7, 2019

NSFW Two years and 80 pounds later

January 2017 - Current


SW 250-260 range CW 175 GW ? Height 5’6

I let myself go, first and foremost. After having my second child and coming out of a abusive relationship, I made the choice to stop taking care of myself. Instead of bettering myself, I found myself slipping into a food is comfort mantra and closed myself off from everyone including my children.

For anyone who is a single parent, caught up with a busy life or simply doesn’t enjoy the gym, my advice might help you in the long journey that is becoming healthy, both physically and mentally.

Dieting was the main source of my weight loss initially, I started out small. For liquids, I only drank water or black coffee, and the occasional almond milk. After I became in the habit of that I moved on to what I actually ate, my diet changed majorly. If it came from a drive thru window, it wasn’t going in my body. Dairy products are also a no go, and bread. I cut out things slowly, allowing myself to become in a routine with the food items I purchased, I absolutely did not wake up one day and cold turkey everything.

If you’re a busy person, make time to hit up the grocery store and focus on trying to recreate the foods you do enjoy with healthy substitutes, but make it simple. Don’t make yourself eat anything you don’t enjoy, if you’re not a fan of Brussel sprouts then fuck them, don’t eat them. Portion out what you eat with cheap Tupperware , and think about investing in a cheap food scale, I believe the one I purchased off of amazon was under $15. It helped give me an actual idea of how many calories I was taking in. I stayed under 1500 because I have an office job, you may need more depending on your daily life.

When it comes to condiments I suggest staying away from most dressings even if the label says diet, spruce your salad up with nuts, dried fruits, proteins and vegetables you do enjoy.

I personally realized once I was able to control what I was eating, a lot of my anxieties started to subside. I became in control of myself and my actions, it helped rebuild my relationship with my family and jump start my career.

When it comes to exercise, I found taking things slow also helped. Start parking farther away when you’re going somewhere, do yardwork or take your pet out for a walk or your kids or whatever/whoever you have that takes up your free time. Visit a park for a walk and use the time to reflect on yourself and your goals, go check out stores to browse, if you’re stuck at a desk all day try making it a habit in standing at your desk occasionally throughout the work day. Be social in your own way, and do whatever it takes to make yourself comfortable in the uncomfortable moments you find yourself in. If gyms give you anxiety, find a solution that works for you.

The biggest thing that actually helped me Accomplish losing weight was taking ownership that I had put myself in this position, and to start repairing the “woe is me” outlook I had. Everyone goes through tough situations, it’s just the truth of the world.

I want anyone reading this to know that you’re worthy of accomplishing whatever goals you have if you’re not happy with your life. You don’t have to continue living that way. I hope each and everyone of you finds peace and your own slice of happiness. You matter no what your weight is, and don’t let your current circumstances hold you back. Keep progressing forward, even when you start to slip, just restart the process that got you moving forward to those goals. The beauty of everything is in the journey, not the end.

submitted by /u/WeirdPlots
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV-My body hurts a lot less in the morning.

30F 5’3” Highest Pregnancy Weight: 233 lbs Pre-pregnancy weight: 178 lbs CW: 208 lbs GW: 140 lbs

I posted a few days ago about having 3 babies in the span of 4 years, and my history of extremely destructive weight loss efforts. This is my highest postpartum weight, and my body was in a lot of pain.

Instead of giving myself permission to just not care about what I’m eating until I’m finished breastfeeding my son, I decided to take the slow and steady approach to weight loss using LoseIt to keep track of how much I’m eating, drinking more water and cutting out caloric drinks, and revamping my grocery list over time so me and my family are eating more nutritious foods.

I’m also making it a point to close my Move and Stand ring on Apple Watch daily. I walk with my 4 year old and 2 year old in a jogging stroller and wear my 2 month old in a carrier on my chest when the weather allows. On days that aren’t so good, I try to fit in 7-30 minutes of HIIT, but I don’t freak out if life happens and I can’t fit in a workout. I enjoy being physically active and really I exercise right now to challenge myself, and it seems to be helping me keep my depression under control.

I started in January. It wasn’t a resolution (nothing wrong with those). That was just the point at which I got the green light from my OB to resume normal activities. My first official weight (clothes off, first thing after peeing) was 215 lbs. The largest postpartum weight out of all three of my pregnancies...and I have to say it threw me further into my depression. I had already resolved that I was not waiting a year to tackle this weight. Why? I was still waking up feeling like I was 9 months pregnant.

I’m nursing, so I’m most comfortable sleeping on my side and off my boobs. Well my body weight was crushing my hips and my lady parts, so I was still waking up feeling like a mob had spent all night beating me up in the crotch with a baseball bat. This was really a motivating factor in me getting myself in gear as soon as I got the all clear. I couldn’t imagine at least a year of that.

Well, I realized today that I haven’t woken up with a sore crotch and sore hips in probably the last week or so. It feels great.

I know 7 pounds in a little over a month isn’t a lot, but I’m really focusing on slow and steady to maintain my milk supply and to establish lifelong health habits. I’ve crushed 50 pounds in 3 months after my first child, but I would be lying if I said it was in a healthy way. I was in the middle of trying to lose the baby weight from my middle child when I found out I was pregnant this last time.

This time I want to do this right because my girls are watching me and listening to everything I say about myself. I’m also having my tubes tied, so I won’t be at risk of having my progress reversed by another pregnancy (though I totally admit I could’ve eaten a lot better and maintained an appropriate level of physical activity during pregnancy). I also think this weight loss journey and the excitement about the changes to come has helped me come to terms with being done with childbearing.

TLDR; I have lost 7 pounds over the course of the last month, and it has put a stop to horrible crotch pain in the morning from side sleeping with all the extra weight on my hips.

submitted by /u/LifeAfter3Babies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Choosing fitness over weight least for the moment.

Since the start of the year, I've really ramped up my physical activity.

I've thrown myself into judo wholeheartedly and I'm hoping to compete in my first competition at the end of March. I've also started an at-home yoga routine that ultimately I'm hoping to do every day but god damn it yoga is HARD and I'm only managing it two to three times a week at the moment.

I'm also just more active in my everyday life.

It's a massive change for someone who until recently was the very definition of sedentary.

On top of all that I also plan to start the C25K soon, hopefully next week, I'm just waiting on my knee to get fully better because I really don't want to deal with reinjuring it.

But even without the running in the equation, I'm ravenous atm. Like I can not stick to my calorie deficit at all and every day that I saw that red number on myfitnesspal I felt like such a god damn failure. I really had to take a step back from myself and work out what I wanted, what was important and figure out the best way to go forward. So I've decided that right now enshrining these fitness changes in my life is my priority so even though I'm still 15kg away from my goal weight I've temporarily lifted my calories to 1900-2000 which is still technically a very small deficit, though in reality, I will likely end up maintaining at my current weight rather than losing just because such a small deficit is very easy to accidentally wipe away.

I think the trouble I had with this decision is that it felt like giving up on weight loss, that like I said I felt like I had failed. It was actually my Husband that kind of made it make sense to me, he said "it's not a failure if you're still improving something about your life. Until recently your something was your weight, right now it's your fitness, it's ok to put weight on the backburner and maintain in order to concentrate on fitness. You'll get to a point where you'll be able to do both but this is a massive shock to your body it doesn't know what the fuck is going on right now, it's doing shit it's never done or hasn't for a very long time".

It was a real ah-ha moment for me when he said that.

So that's my plan for the next three or so months, maintain and get fitter and then see if I can slowly reduce my calories down again so I can continue on with my weight loss.

And I've already come so far when it comes to weight loss (165kg to 91kg ) that a three-month break in the grand scheme of things will barely register.

submitted by /u/vivian_lake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My first NSV

I've been a lurker for a while but this is my first time posting. A little bit of background info and apologies as I am on mobile. I started getting my diet officially together about 2 weeks ago (tracking food, CICO, making myself move more, all the good things). However, I started a new job in January and for the moment I'm not in school so I've had a lot more time on myself all of 2019 so far and so the progress to a healthy lifestyle really started about a month ago.

I have been really really good for the last 2 weeks but today at book club I cheated and had 1 glass of wine and 2 medium sized cookies. I'm shocked because I'm not mad at myself like I would have been in previous attempts at weight loss and quite proud that I said no to the other snacks and only ate what I did, I mean a glass of wine and 2 cookies is really not that much it's a normal amount for an occasional treat and was 434 calories in loseit which yes is a fair bit but nothing like my "treat yo self" splurges that I used to go on. Anyways the real shocker here is that I physically feel all the sugar and the little bit of alcohol I had. My stomach is a little ehhh, I feel really shaky from all the sugar, my head is starting to ache a little, and I feel weighed down. Now I'm sitting here like whoa I can't do that again maybe like a cookie or wine but not both next time I want to splurge.

Anyways even though I'm not feeling to hot right now I'm kinda excited because it hasn't even been that long and my body is beginning to reject the bad health decisions and turn itself around and all I have to do is start listening to it. I still have a ways to go but still this is exciting to me.

Thanks for reading my ramble guys!

submitted by /u/ngj1120
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My journey to losing 140 pounds!

The Prince Lewis Journey

Pictures of the Transformation Journey

For my entire life, I've struggled with weight. From primary school, growing up I've been known as "chubby" or "the fat kid." Over the years I tried tons of failed "diets" and weight loss programs trying to slim down. Then, in 2015 I met my trainer, and now also my friend, Orick Nesbitt. He took me under his wing and offered the opportunity to change my life. Things started off great and some weight was loss, but life happened, and in December, 2016 I stood at 5'7 and had ballooned to a staggering and unhealthy 325 pounds.

Lost, tried, and feeling defeated, I called Orick up and said I need to make a change and this time for real! Without hesitation, he welcomed me back home. He taught me that fitness isn't simply about losing weight, but it's a lifestyle of choosing to live healthy by eating well and nurturing one's body. By equipping me with a new meal plan, he also taught me that dieting isn't about starving one's self by eating less, but eating more of what's good for you. In doing this, the weight will naturally drop and more importantly your body will be properly nurtured to be stronger and healthier. Enlightened with this new-found perspective, it was time to put in the work.

I won't lie, that first day was brutal and I questioned what bad thing I had done in another life to deserve such physical punishment; but with each passing day and week my body and mindset adopted and the journey became much more enjoyable. Around this same time, in my social life, after a party one night with friends, they all had headaches and hangovers the next day, which sparked an idea I began the steps to start a beverage business.

Between balancing a new business while trying to attain a new body, life was tough. No, it was not "easy," it was hard work and worth it! It never got easier, I just got wiser, stronger and healthier. Some days I failed, but the key is consistency and showing up every day while sticking to the meal plan; and with a support system of friends at gym, each day got better and better.

Today, two years later, I’ve lost 140 pounds, now standing at 5'7, 185 pounds and the proud owner of a beverage and lifestyle brand. Finally, free from the trappings of my own body and feeling more passionate than ever, I've also once again began creating art.

I don't know who needs to hear this, but if I can do it, you can do! The journey continues....let's do this, together.

submitted by /u/_PrinceLewis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


22f 5'2 167 lbs to 157 lbs

Hi everyone! I weighed myself today and I have good news....I LOST 10 POUNDS! This is the farthest that I have ever been in my weight loss journey, I used to give up in like a week. I know, 10 pounds isn't much but I am just so happy and really needed to share this with someone. I still have a couple more pounds to go. My goal weight is to weigh 125 or 110 pounds(depends on how I look/ feel when I get closer to my goal). I didn't change my diet much. I just added more fruits anf vegetables into my diet and would track my macros and calories (in the my fitness pal app). I would also exercise Monday to Friday at the gym on campus between classes. The food at the cafeteria is unhealthy and filled with calories so I would pack lunch. Weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise. I would also dance or do zumba in my room during the weekends. So, I exercise everyday (Sometimes, I won't exercise on Saturday and Sunday. It depends)

I have always struggled with my weight since I was a kid. It feels good to finally do something about it. I want to start feeling more confident and pretty. I am tired of avoiding the mirror like the plague. I want to be able to wear a crop top with confidence. And, this summer I want to wear a bikini and go to the water park or beach. Summer every year, I wouldn't go to the pool or water park because I hate how my body looks. Heck, I wouldn't even leave the house unless I had to (could have just been my depression but still). I hope that can change this year.

Anyways, I wouldn't have been able to do this without r/loseit 's help (and other weight loss subreddit, YouTube etc) So, thanks for everything! Reading everyone's post motivates me a lot.

submitted by /u/lah_pao
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As a college student, it's okay to miss a gym session!

I was planning on going to the gym tonight but I also have an essay due tonight that's taking longer than expected. At first I was upset because I was looking forward to my gym session since I usually don't have time until the end of the week to work out but hear me out: it's just like that sometimes!! The point of going to college is to get a degree so there's no reason to stress over missing a workout. Although fitness is important to me, academics should be a higher priority! Additionally, for health/weight loss, diet > gym. One day missed won't kill ya. Just kill it at the gym the next time you go :)

submitted by /u/majorheadachebro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat