Thursday, February 7, 2019

My first NSV

I've been a lurker for a while but this is my first time posting. A little bit of background info and apologies as I am on mobile. I started getting my diet officially together about 2 weeks ago (tracking food, CICO, making myself move more, all the good things). However, I started a new job in January and for the moment I'm not in school so I've had a lot more time on myself all of 2019 so far and so the progress to a healthy lifestyle really started about a month ago.

I have been really really good for the last 2 weeks but today at book club I cheated and had 1 glass of wine and 2 medium sized cookies. I'm shocked because I'm not mad at myself like I would have been in previous attempts at weight loss and quite proud that I said no to the other snacks and only ate what I did, I mean a glass of wine and 2 cookies is really not that much it's a normal amount for an occasional treat and was 434 calories in loseit which yes is a fair bit but nothing like my "treat yo self" splurges that I used to go on. Anyways the real shocker here is that I physically feel all the sugar and the little bit of alcohol I had. My stomach is a little ehhh, I feel really shaky from all the sugar, my head is starting to ache a little, and I feel weighed down. Now I'm sitting here like whoa I can't do that again maybe like a cookie or wine but not both next time I want to splurge.

Anyways even though I'm not feeling to hot right now I'm kinda excited because it hasn't even been that long and my body is beginning to reject the bad health decisions and turn itself around and all I have to do is start listening to it. I still have a ways to go but still this is exciting to me.

Thanks for reading my ramble guys!

submitted by /u/ngj1120
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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