Thursday, February 7, 2019

Choosing fitness over weight least for the moment.

Since the start of the year, I've really ramped up my physical activity.

I've thrown myself into judo wholeheartedly and I'm hoping to compete in my first competition at the end of March. I've also started an at-home yoga routine that ultimately I'm hoping to do every day but god damn it yoga is HARD and I'm only managing it two to three times a week at the moment.

I'm also just more active in my everyday life.

It's a massive change for someone who until recently was the very definition of sedentary.

On top of all that I also plan to start the C25K soon, hopefully next week, I'm just waiting on my knee to get fully better because I really don't want to deal with reinjuring it.

But even without the running in the equation, I'm ravenous atm. Like I can not stick to my calorie deficit at all and every day that I saw that red number on myfitnesspal I felt like such a god damn failure. I really had to take a step back from myself and work out what I wanted, what was important and figure out the best way to go forward. So I've decided that right now enshrining these fitness changes in my life is my priority so even though I'm still 15kg away from my goal weight I've temporarily lifted my calories to 1900-2000 which is still technically a very small deficit, though in reality, I will likely end up maintaining at my current weight rather than losing just because such a small deficit is very easy to accidentally wipe away.

I think the trouble I had with this decision is that it felt like giving up on weight loss, that like I said I felt like I had failed. It was actually my Husband that kind of made it make sense to me, he said "it's not a failure if you're still improving something about your life. Until recently your something was your weight, right now it's your fitness, it's ok to put weight on the backburner and maintain in order to concentrate on fitness. You'll get to a point where you'll be able to do both but this is a massive shock to your body it doesn't know what the fuck is going on right now, it's doing shit it's never done or hasn't for a very long time".

It was a real ah-ha moment for me when he said that.

So that's my plan for the next three or so months, maintain and get fitter and then see if I can slowly reduce my calories down again so I can continue on with my weight loss.

And I've already come so far when it comes to weight loss (165kg to 91kg ) that a three-month break in the grand scheme of things will barely register.

submitted by /u/vivian_lake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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