Thursday, February 7, 2019

NSFW Two years and 80 pounds later

January 2017 - Current


SW 250-260 range CW 175 GW ? Height 5’6

I let myself go, first and foremost. After having my second child and coming out of a abusive relationship, I made the choice to stop taking care of myself. Instead of bettering myself, I found myself slipping into a food is comfort mantra and closed myself off from everyone including my children.

For anyone who is a single parent, caught up with a busy life or simply doesn’t enjoy the gym, my advice might help you in the long journey that is becoming healthy, both physically and mentally.

Dieting was the main source of my weight loss initially, I started out small. For liquids, I only drank water or black coffee, and the occasional almond milk. After I became in the habit of that I moved on to what I actually ate, my diet changed majorly. If it came from a drive thru window, it wasn’t going in my body. Dairy products are also a no go, and bread. I cut out things slowly, allowing myself to become in a routine with the food items I purchased, I absolutely did not wake up one day and cold turkey everything.

If you’re a busy person, make time to hit up the grocery store and focus on trying to recreate the foods you do enjoy with healthy substitutes, but make it simple. Don’t make yourself eat anything you don’t enjoy, if you’re not a fan of Brussel sprouts then fuck them, don’t eat them. Portion out what you eat with cheap Tupperware , and think about investing in a cheap food scale, I believe the one I purchased off of amazon was under $15. It helped give me an actual idea of how many calories I was taking in. I stayed under 1500 because I have an office job, you may need more depending on your daily life.

When it comes to condiments I suggest staying away from most dressings even if the label says diet, spruce your salad up with nuts, dried fruits, proteins and vegetables you do enjoy.

I personally realized once I was able to control what I was eating, a lot of my anxieties started to subside. I became in control of myself and my actions, it helped rebuild my relationship with my family and jump start my career.

When it comes to exercise, I found taking things slow also helped. Start parking farther away when you’re going somewhere, do yardwork or take your pet out for a walk or your kids or whatever/whoever you have that takes up your free time. Visit a park for a walk and use the time to reflect on yourself and your goals, go check out stores to browse, if you’re stuck at a desk all day try making it a habit in standing at your desk occasionally throughout the work day. Be social in your own way, and do whatever it takes to make yourself comfortable in the uncomfortable moments you find yourself in. If gyms give you anxiety, find a solution that works for you.

The biggest thing that actually helped me Accomplish losing weight was taking ownership that I had put myself in this position, and to start repairing the “woe is me” outlook I had. Everyone goes through tough situations, it’s just the truth of the world.

I want anyone reading this to know that you’re worthy of accomplishing whatever goals you have if you’re not happy with your life. You don’t have to continue living that way. I hope each and everyone of you finds peace and your own slice of happiness. You matter no what your weight is, and don’t let your current circumstances hold you back. Keep progressing forward, even when you start to slip, just restart the process that got you moving forward to those goals. The beauty of everything is in the journey, not the end.

submitted by /u/WeirdPlots
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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