Saturday, February 9, 2019

Well, that wasn't a side-effect I planned for... (nsfw? probably)

So, I'm on day 3 of my journey so far! I know that the honeymoon phase for trying something new will wear off soon enough, but it's still exciting to at least feel different. Like I'm not sitting around, drinking tons of coffee with sugar and then topping all of that off with a 2000 calorie fast food dinner.

The first few days I've been trying a few different recipes to see which ones I'll like, still sticking to my 1200 a day and always having a backup of eggs and salsa in case I cook actual garbage. But today I woke up with something I hadn't really anticipated.

A period. After a year without one.

Now, a bit weird to be excited about something like that, and I'm bunkering down for one that's going to be absolute hell. It really does feel like, even if I end up with the slowest weight loss imaginable, it's still worth it. Like, I'm still doing something to better myself and it's my decision.

I suppose I can call that a NSV?

submitted by /u/scanlan76
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t want to eat bad foods anymore

My story is pretty simple - I was overweight since I was a little kid, overfed by nannys and grandmas, never learned portion control and was very lazy, became severely depressed as a teen and became obese at 18 years old. I was always kinda trying to lose weight, but often binged and used food as a coping mechanism, so all my attempts eventually failed. Recently something clicked in me after I ripped my last pair of pants on my thighs and couldn’t buy a new pair because I gained so much weight that I wouldn’t fit in the last size, that stores in my country usually carry. After that something changed. I got... tired. Tired of always trying and failing, tired of being insecure, tired of being weak, both mentally and physically. I actually started losing weight after that.

It was very hard at first, because - I fully admit that - I’m a food addict. I want to eat a lot, always, big meals, snacks, lots and lots of carbs. It calmed me down and it’s tasty as hell. But I pushed through. I was tired of my ways.

Today I noticed something. I have an open bag of honey breakfast cereal sat on my counter and I haven’t even thought of touching it for a week or so. Usually I could eat a whole bag without batting an eye, and if something like that was open, it would be eaten no matter what, so I tried to avoid buying this stuff all together when I started my weight loss journey. But I bought this for my husband 2 weeks ago, he didn’t like it, and I ate a couple of tiny bowls, all measured out and counted. But for the last week I didn’t even want it. Not a single feeling of craving this sugary stuff. I don’t want McDonald’s anymore, I don’t want bread and pastry, I don’t want ice cream, I don’t want pizza and I have some kind of special disdain for soda. I haven’t even noticed this change in mindset until today, but it’s definitely there.

Let me tell you, after I noticed that, I almost cried. Hell, I’m almost crying right now. Because I’m so damn proud of myself.

I still have 40 more pounds to go, but now I truly know that I can do it.

submitted by /u/DreadTown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 150 lbs in 10 months (vsg). Now what?

I had the Gastric Sleeve 4/18 at 345 lbs. Today I weigh 195 lbs. I have crushed every projection and lost so much more than I thought I would by this point.

I've done the mental work, too. I have a strong support system. I'm a figure in the weight loss and bariatric surgery social media/podcasting world and I bust my ass daily. I work out. HARD. I track macros. All that. I follow every post op rule to the letter.

This was not the easy way out. It is still not. I am finding that I can eat more now and it is messing with me. I got down to 190 and now I'm 195. That gain has me completely in my head. Am I going back to my old ways? If I can gain 5 lbs, can I gain 50?

I know this surgery was just a tool. That's everyone's favorite thing to say. I'm not relying on this restriction to stop me from gaining weight. I'm just scared. My selfies look great and I feel better and I'm proud and grateful, but extreme weight loss is a total mind f.

submitted by /u/mersault22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss goal met

39/m, 5’8”, SW: 257 lbs, GW: 185 lbs, CW: 184 lbs, new GW: 170 lbs

I have officially met the 72 lb weight loss goal I set last May, with 73 lbs lost in 8 months 13 days. It was a fairly arbitrary goal but one I decided I could be satisfied with.

I did not adhere to any special diet other than tracking my calories and making better food choices whenever possible. I allowed myself to eat plenty of things I enjoyed when I was obese but always made sure to plan other food choices around them to stay within my limits.

My first 3 months of exercise consisted of pretty much nothing but a whole lot of walking. In the beginning my knees would be hot and swollen after a 2-3 mile walk. After shedding my first 40 lbs I began jogging and quickly worked up to running. I began doing timed 5K runs last October and also began hiking and cycling around the same time, although those are on hold for winter. I also spend plenty of time lifting weights as there has been a lot of toning needed even after losing 70+ lbs.

In terms of health, the difference is pretty incredible. I began with borderline high blood pressure and am now at 110/62 (a short time after a run, no less). My resting heart rate is below 60 and I can run a <26 minute 5K with an average heart rate around 160 bpm.

My waist measurement has shrunken from 46” to 34” and my shirt size is down from 2/3XL to M/L. I love my new wardrobe and enjoy being able to shop anywhere I want.

To those of you just starting your journeys or struggling to get back on track, keep it up. It’s worth it.

submitted by /u/nomorelegalese
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and tattoos

Hello all, 38f, SW 314.4 CW 297 GW 165. I started my weight loss journey about a month ago. My ultimate goal is to lose about 140lbs (down 17 already!). In the mean time, I am getting a tattoo on my outer calf in June/July. I have several already on my legs but this piece will be larger and more detailed.

So I was wondering for those that have lost a large amount of weight how were your tattoos affected?

Also, I'm not going to reschedule as my artist is selective of the tattoos she does and has a 6 month wait list. I just want to know what I can expect as far as distortion or other changes?

submitted by /u/echo_of_zuzu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

has anyone felt like people are nicer to you because you lost weight? (26F)

I've recently hit 30 lb weight loss (my BMI went from 31.7 to 26.4)... all the sudden I'm hit with attention that seems overwhelming. I grew up with a mom with very poor self image but I always knew she was pretty. She hid her body with big clothes even though nothing was wrong with her body. She actually has a great body even today. I've grown up doing the same thing and coping with food. I still have extremely low self esteem a majority of the time. I've always been overweight but had hit the 'obese' mark a couple of years ago.

I feel like I wasted so much of my life being overweight and I can't help but feel sad when I know I should be happy.. if anyone has dealt with this, how do you cope?

submitted by /u/chloe0711
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Cranberries