Saturday, February 9, 2019

I don’t want to eat bad foods anymore

My story is pretty simple - I was overweight since I was a little kid, overfed by nannys and grandmas, never learned portion control and was very lazy, became severely depressed as a teen and became obese at 18 years old. I was always kinda trying to lose weight, but often binged and used food as a coping mechanism, so all my attempts eventually failed. Recently something clicked in me after I ripped my last pair of pants on my thighs and couldn’t buy a new pair because I gained so much weight that I wouldn’t fit in the last size, that stores in my country usually carry. After that something changed. I got... tired. Tired of always trying and failing, tired of being insecure, tired of being weak, both mentally and physically. I actually started losing weight after that.

It was very hard at first, because - I fully admit that - I’m a food addict. I want to eat a lot, always, big meals, snacks, lots and lots of carbs. It calmed me down and it’s tasty as hell. But I pushed through. I was tired of my ways.

Today I noticed something. I have an open bag of honey breakfast cereal sat on my counter and I haven’t even thought of touching it for a week or so. Usually I could eat a whole bag without batting an eye, and if something like that was open, it would be eaten no matter what, so I tried to avoid buying this stuff all together when I started my weight loss journey. But I bought this for my husband 2 weeks ago, he didn’t like it, and I ate a couple of tiny bowls, all measured out and counted. But for the last week I didn’t even want it. Not a single feeling of craving this sugary stuff. I don’t want McDonald’s anymore, I don’t want bread and pastry, I don’t want ice cream, I don’t want pizza and I have some kind of special disdain for soda. I haven’t even noticed this change in mindset until today, but it’s definitely there.

Let me tell you, after I noticed that, I almost cried. Hell, I’m almost crying right now. Because I’m so damn proud of myself.

I still have 40 more pounds to go, but now I truly know that I can do it.

submitted by /u/DreadTown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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