Wednesday, February 27, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 28 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gradual & Sustainable

I'm one of those people who goes on a "diet" every few months (AKA feel depressed, decide I'm going to make a drastic change to loose 50 lbs in the next 3 months, eat only salad for 2 days, give up, and gain more weight). I eventually realized that if I'm going to change it needs to be two things: gradual and sustainable.

I started packing salads for lunch, I've given up the casual 1-2 beers each night, and I'm making an effort to go for at least a short walk every day. They're small changes, but I'm already seeing bigger results than I have in any other weight loss "technique" of mine. Today I stepped on the scale and am officially down 10lbs in under 2 months. I couldn't help but cry. I'm finally doing what I always said I'd do, but without constantly putting myself down or "punishing" myself for having a treat here and there.

Soon I plan on working up the courage to get a gym membership and start weight training. The gym still gives me mad anxiety, but I'm hoping over time I can conquer that fear. I'd love to hear the small but impactful changes you guys have made in your lives, tips and tricks are always welcome!!

submitted by /u/The-new-ERA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Had To Punch a Hole in the Belt (NSV)

So I got a call today from a job I applied too. Looks like I got an interview this Friday! So I went to the store (first time shopping for clothes since starting my journey) to pick up some interview clothes. I got a shirt and some slacks that actually looked decent on me. When I got home and tried on the outfit and realized I needed a belt to tie the whole outfit together. I grabbed my belt that I had wore to a wedding last year and as I was tightening it, I realized I ran out of holes. Had to punch in a new hole in the belt so that it would actually tighten my pants to stay up. I was looking at where I used to wear the belt and it was worn out at the hole second to first haha. So that felt good to realize I had lost about 6 inches on my waist. The weight loss has slowed down a bit this passed month so it was nice to know that even though I'm not making progress on the scale, at least I'm making progress with the inches around my body. Just wanna thank y'all for keeping me inspired to keep going on this journey. Whenever I'm feeling like it's not worth it, I hop on this subreddit and read these inspiring stories that keep me going forward. Thanks r/loseit! Definitely my favorite sub to visit regularly. Let's all keep losing guys :)

submitted by /u/Ducky_Bear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

She was dressed as a thin mint.

I wouldnt call it a weight loss journey more like a better life lifestyle? (Sounds better in my head). I'm making an effort to lose weight. Not for my health because I have lupus and that shits not going away but to be able to keep up with my kids while I'm here. I just wanna be able to continuously wipe my own ass.

Its girl scout cookie season and I ran into a little girl scout dressed as a thin mint. Long story short I'm off the wagon again. It's been 3 days. I'm starting to lose motivation. I put my cookies in the freezer. But not before I started over eating again.

I'm just looking for realistic motivation and for someone to hold me accountable so I can get up tomorrow and have my 3 meals and 2 snacks and not over eat.

submitted by /u/Fatasticfemme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being honest with myself! Wow!

So, I’ve been trying to lose weight this year. My max was 234.8 this year. I’m so upset that I can’t seem to lose any weight even though my fridge is stocked with all the right stuff. I’ve lost 5-7lbs and now it’s all back on. It felt so good when I did.

I kept thinking to my self, just one bad day a week can’t be to blame for me losing then gaining the same 5-7 pounds every week and a half!!

I just made a February calorie spreadsheet, (using my MFP calorie intake diary), and man oh man what have I been doing to myself.?!

What I thought was weeks and weeks of good work this month, was NOT!

Only ate less than 1,500 calories 6 days total

I ate more than 1,700 calories 7 days total

AND I BINGED 2,500 CALORIES OR MORE 15 DAYS this month!!!!!!!

I lied to myself, have you? Please take the time to access your journey and get right with yourself. I now understand my zero weight loss and feel ready to own my progress.

submitted by /u/sheisnotgod
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should You Exercise When Sick and other Q&A from Instagram stories

Here’s the latest Q&A from the @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories. We’re talking about running while sick, blogging or podcasting as a full time job, running the Boston marathon, rest days and tapering for a half marathon. I answered all the questions in video but here’s some extra information.

Running when sick_ How many days do you run in a row_

If you have a question for me… ask!


Ask via Instagram stories: @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories

Call the RER voicemail line: 562 888 1644

Can you exercise when you have a cold chest congestion (640x640)

What kind of exercises if any do you do when you’ve got a head cold, chest congestion, headaches…

Remember the phrase, “If it’s in your chest… you must rest.”

So I avoid running with chest congestion. But I wasn’t clear if you were asking about those symptoms individually or all at the same time?

If I have a cold or headache I’d consider a nice walk, short run, strength training or yoga at home. All that depends on how bad any symptoms I have are making me feel. Above all else – listen to your body. Respect it’s need for rest, fuel, movement, love…

I always suggest that you go to your doctor if you are sick, have an injury or are unsure about any health issue no matter how big or small.

You can also check out these resources…

Is it okay to exercise if I have a cold? from the Mayo Clinic

Should I rest or run with a cold? from Runner’s World

Exercising with Respiratory Infections from Harvard Health


Is RER your full time job?

Yes, this lil website and the RER social media accounts have grown into a full time job for me. I started Run Eat Repeat to document training for my 1st and only marathon and diet struggles. I was having a really hard time losing weight, with my body image, training for a full marathon… and I really connected with people on other fitness and food websites.

I wanted to start my own site so I’d like a professional name / handle to use when I commented on other people’s feeds and blogs.

So I thought up the name Run Eat Repeat… looked it up to see if it was available and opened up a WordPress account to use to build up a blog for free…. RER was created! (Okay the whole process of starting a website or blog is a little bit more involved… but I promise it’s easy. It just takes some steps to get it going.)

I did that about 10 years ago and it was meant to be a little hobby and way to make friends online. I never expected it to turn into a real website with a big following or big social media accounts! But I was having fun and documenting my running and eating and eventually it grew and grew until I realized I could get some compensation for all this work.


Have you ever run Boston or the Houston marathon?

Yes I’ve run the Boston Marathon! I haven’t run the Houston Marathon… yet. I’ve heard it’s a great race and fast!!

I ran the Boston Marathon with the Hyland’s Powered All Women’s Team in 2017. The company is a big sponsor of the Boston Marathon and each year they put a team together to celebrate runners and a legendary race.

The year they asked me they were celebrating women because it was the 50th anniversary of the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon. It was a huge honor!!

And speaking of a big honor… this year I’m hosting the show documenting the team’s training journey!! Follow Hyland’s Powered so you can watch the runners rack up 10,000 all together!!

(Note: Most runners need to qualify for the race based on a time qualification. I haven’t run fast enough for that… yet!)

Boston Marathon tips recap travel information

Boston Marathon Training, Race weekend and other posts:

Training for the Boston Marathon with Team Hyland’s (training recap)

Getting to Boston and the Boston Marathon Expo

I ran the Boston Marathon and all you got was this lousy blog

Boston Marathon Post Race Party

Boston Marathon Race Recap

Boston Marathon Pre-Race Tips and Packing List

Last Minute Reminders for the Boston Marathon


How many days do you run in a row before you take a rest day from running?

I usually run about 3 or 4 days in a row before taking a rest day.


Tapering advice for a beginning half marathon runner? Is it necessary?

I think it’s necessary. If it’s your first half marathon I think sticking with whatever taper the training plan you’re using suggests is the best idea. Tapering for a half marathon or other long distance is often directly correlated with the length and intensity of the training plan. So going off plan for taper is like going off plan for another important aspect of training (which runners are less likely to do).

You want to show up for the race feeling energized and excited! Tapering can help you rest up and be ready to really rock 13.1 miles. But tapering looks different for different runners / plans. Do what’s best for you, your body and your goals.

If you have a question for me… ask!


Ask via Instagram stories: @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories

Call the RER voicemail line: 562 888 1644

The post Should You Exercise When Sick and other Q&A from Instagram stories appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Extremely discouraged after doctor's visit

Hi everyone,

I previously posted about how I was nervous about seeing my doctor and today was my appointment. I show up to the office, never been there before and the nurse was very nice and friendly. Great. I assume the doctor will also be nice and friendly...Wrong. Okay, she enters the room and asks about my concerns and I tell her that I have chin hair (female), lose my hair in clumps, and have bad acne. I also tell her that I would like an appetite suppressant and begin to go onto my next concern as this is a physical and isn't free. She tells me she can only focus on the thyroid issue (chin hair, losing hair, acne) okay, fine. She then tells me that it's mostly due to my weight which obviously I know, but would like some relief. She goes on to say that I'm basically too far gone and I will never be a healthy weight. Mind you, I'm 21 and weighed in at 355. Yup, I know I weigh a lot, but that doesn't mean I can't lose it! Her attitude towards everything was extremely discouraging and unhelpful. She also told me that I should be at the gynecologist due to my issues. Right, well I'm here so? She then asks me in a very rude tone "Can you even exercise?" YES!!!! I just completed an Orange Theory class and signed up for the monthly package, as I am serious about losing weight. The patients on my 600 pound life are able to exercise AND lose weight before even getting weight loss surgery. Anyways, I basically left in tears and couldn't believe that a physician would tell me I will "most likely" never be a normal weight again. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/pubsub1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat