Friday, March 1, 2019

I've always had "logging anxiety".

So I've tried this entire weight loss thing many times. I've lost like 60 lbs and I looked and felt great, and gained it all back (despite the fact that I need to lose about 100 lbs and I was so damn close!).

So like many of you all, I've been using MyFitnessPal to track my caloric intake. But I have always had this anxiety when it comes to logging my food, and if I know that I am going to go over one day, I just didn't log it and pretended that it didn't count, and that's when I would fall back into bad habits. I hated seeing that my calories were "in the red". Hell, I hated seeing that I had less than 400 calories left for the day, even if I wasn't even hungry.

However, for some reason lately I've gotten a lot better with doing that. Today I ate a huge cupcake at work, logged it, and realized that I've pretty much blown the rest of my calories for the day (luckily I had already pre-logged my dinner). But I was surprisingly okay with that. And I think this realization is going to help me be more successful long term. There are going to be high days and low days but the overall trend is most important.

I just wanted to share with you guys! Maybe there's someone out there dealing with a similar issue.

submitted by /u/brittneyacook
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 02 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A good way to kickstart weight loss? Looking for a strict diet plan and/or cleanse...

I am typically healthy about 5 days per week with some moderate exercise but over the past couple years I've allowed myself the weekends off. These days turned into total binge days where I would shovel as much into my body as possible. It actually worked for a long time because the other 5 days I am very healthy, somewhat strict. But I haventt exercised as much these days so I gained a bunch of weight without realizing. So I', looking to kickstart my health journey with a very strict diet plan/restrictive calorie plan/juice cleanse etc etc. I'm open to options and I can be healthy afterwards but I am willing to do something a bit extreme for a few weeks or month if necessary.

submitted by /u/CriminologyRapz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After my 2nd baby, it took me over 3 years to go from a 30 BMI to 20. Here's some things I wish I knew during my first attempts at weight loss.

Progress pic: NSFW

First of all, I am agoraphobic and I achieved everything through diet-only. I do walk on occasion, but the gym or jogging in public is off-limits to me right now, mentally it terrifies me...BUT I understand the importance of exercise and hope to do it soon.

I had 2 kids and topped off at about 190 -195 pounds, BMI 29-30ish. (I do have stretchmarks, some new moms at r/progresspics wanted to know) NSFW:

I tried to lose weight for years, just bouncing back and forth until I realized I needed to pay attention to my body and the way it responded to food. Huge eye opener, and I learned a few things that I remind myself every day, even now.

Food and sugar addiction is real and should be treated as such. You are NOT lazy, you are not a slob or a fatass or anything horrible that horrible people like to say. Your body grows accustom to the foods you like and eat and craves more of it. It's perfectly normal. But it can be an addiction. If there is anything you personally would like to eat less of, treat it like an addiction and cut it out for a few weeks. The withdrawals will come -- the cravings! THEY SUCK. But with me, after a few weeks of going cold turkey, the cravings disappeared completely. I cannot stand greasy, salty pizza anymore....that used to be my favorite food!

CICO. We all have that magic daily number we hit, and our bodies will start storing the calories. I always think of calories in terms of money. Would you rather spend your money on a bunch of little cheap crappy things that will break soon, or would you rather pool your money and buy something fantastic and durable that will last? My food is straight to the point: protein, fats, and a little bit of carbs. I cannot snack because it's so easy to lose track and have all those "little" purchases add up.

Hunger pains are hugely hormonal. i had never understood why people cut carbs and swear by it. But seeing how much carbs cause hunger for me, it's easy now. Blood sugar spikes and drops make me horribly hungry. 200 calories of white bread is nothing compared to the hunger spike I feel in a few hours, and what I end up eating. I have not cut carbs completely, but I do prefer to eat them later in the day, so I am not feeling those spikes all day.

Natural appetite suppressants when things get rough! Black tea is a natural appetite suppressant, and I drink it every day! With whole milk and whipped cream, even. It's all about CICO, you can still have things you love!

If anyone has any other input, feel free to PM me! Or comment, (I know some things are probably scientifically questionable.) I am just going by what I noticed and what works for me!

Much love and best of luck!

submitted by /u/togie_inst
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I’ve hit rock bottom with my weight .. F/ 22yo (almost 23)/ 5’2 / 170lbs.. i need advice, tips, anything!

So as told in the title, im 22, im about 5’2 and i weigh about 170 pounds give or take. As a kid and teen i weighed 115, my freshman year in college i went up 5 pounds and was able to maintain 130 there after for about 3 years. This past year I met my current boyfriend and I gained 40 pounds. When we first started dating i noticed i was gaining gain very quickly. I understand weight gain is normal but growing up and as a teen I was very fit and now well, I’m not.

About 4 months before i met said boyfriend, i stopped exercising because I have bad knees and ankles, my sciatica flares up while running and I have a hard time getting home after a run. I honestly did not notice when i stopped exercising, I was working out regularly until i wasn’t. My eating habits are horrible, I don’t sleep enough and Im constantly stressed. Everything coming together is making me feel so terrible about myself. I said i think I’ve hit rock bottom because Im looking through my clothes for something to wear for my birthday 2 weeks from now and nothing fits. Today I’m going for a run to try and start up my weight loss journey. Also, I want to lose enough to weigh between 120-130 realistically

Please help.

submitted by /u/millzdillz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm doing weight loss differently now

I'm 26 and I feel like I've taken every possible angle to weightloss, and still I ended up a 425 pounds. I beat my head against a wall trying find a solution in between gaps of not caring. Whatever it was that held me back, I just couldn't stick with it, and I hated myself for it. I lacked discipline and resolve and I thought I was unfixable. My mom is a real fitness junky, and she's been really supportive, but she told me she went from overweight to working out every day for 20 years by one day looking in the mirror and saying "I dont want to look like this any more". I did that twice a day and always fell back.

The point I'm getting to is I'm trying something new, I'm not counting calories, avoiding carbs, exercising an hour a day. I'm fixing my head so that some day, it feels only natural to lose weight and keep it off. I never really thought of it as an option, in particular because it's even slower than just losing weight.

I started seeing a therapist about a year ago now. 3 months in, I got prescribed zoloft, and a half a year after that, wellbutrin on top of zoloft. And with talking to a therapist 1-4 times a week, I've just now started losing weight, and I haven't been so confident I could in 6 years. I haven't been actively restricting my diet because I dont need to.

I made a small goal to drink >60 fl oz a day of water, and after a few months, I'm down to one diet soda a day. I made it a goal to go grocery shopping once a week, now I never have a need or desire. to go out to fast food. I hated dedicating an hour or more to exercising, so I started doing small 7 minute exercises spread throughout the day to just get them out of the way. Mental health and finding my own methods to improve my habits did more for me than calorie counting or weight watchers or keto or anything else did. I lost 15 pounds this month by just being my normal self.

I dont think I had a real reason to post this. Just, if anyone finds themselves struggling with weight loss, find a method that's right for you, any way to lose weight that you can stick with is the right way, so listen to a bunch of peoples' methods and pick the one with your name on it.

submitted by /u/highlightsftw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Got my 3rd compliment today!

Got three compliments today so far. One was from my supervisor from my previous position. She told me that I'm looking good. Instant self esteem boost! The second was from a guy who is on the other side of the building that i haven't seen in months. He asked if I have lost weight, to which i told him yes. Told him that I've lost 70 lbs now, and we started talking about weight loss amd exercise as he's a body builder himself. Last one is from a previous coworker who complimented my shirt and that i look good in it (another boost to my self esteem).

Hard work pays off yall. If you feel a bit discouraged, remember that it's all worth it. Remember why you're doing it. Whether it be for your health, your confidence, or for sex, it's easier than it looks. Get in the habit of making small steps and keep increasing your reps, miles, etc.

What's your progress looking like?

submitted by /u/Thebalance21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat