Sunday, March 3, 2019

Do you exercise a lot as well as counting calories/eating healthier?

I’m thinking about starting to do some weight lifting and other strength training exercises. My main goal is to lose weight though, so I don’t want to do anything that could cause my weight loss to slow. Other than the risk of overeating after working out, is there anything else that could cause the weight loss to slow down? Just wanna hear all of your experiences with trying to lose weight while also working out, did you find it counterproductive in any way? Waste of time compared to just dieting? Did it help you lose weight faster? I’ve heard a lot of differing opinions so far from reading about it so I figured I’d just ask you all. While my main goal is to lose my excess weight, I really would like to get physically fit and stronger. I’m just unsure if I should start that now or wait until I’m a lot closer to my goal weight. If it matters im F/22/5’2”/CW:167 lbs/GW: ~130lbs

Sorry if this type of post bothers anyone, I’m very new to this and finally have started seeing some progress with CICO and I’m really thankful for any replies I get

submitted by /u/sassydray
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What’s the strangest comment you have gotten about your weight loss?

Last night was our annual Mardi Gras party and a lot of the people there I only see once a year, which means I got a TON of compliments about losing weight. Most of them were be classics with “Hey where did the rest of you go?” And “you’re half the man you used to be, what happened?” And I’m fine with all those.

One compliment really caught me off guard, I was asked “Are you still trying to lose weight?” I told them yeah because BMI says I’m still overweight and I know BMI isn’t the best but I’d like to see myself classified as a healthy weight. He responds to me and says “but didn’t you used to play football?” And again I said yes and asked why and he told me “oh well since you played football I didn’t know how thin you wanted to get”

What? I ended up just laughing it off and accepting that he thinks I don’t need to lose anymore weight. What weird comments have you gotten?

submitted by /u/Freakyoudude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Brag - One week - 100% tracked and planned

First, I'd like to say that in the past I have successfully lost weight mostly through exercise, over 80 lbs . For me this required going to the gym 4- 6 times per week for weightlifting (about 45 minutes each) and daily walking. It worked great...until I didn't go to the gym as much (it began the winter that we had snow storm after snow storm and temperatures remained 10 below for weeks). Even though I had lost and kept the weight off for almost 5 years, I eventually gained it all back....and then some. Because I never changed my diet or the number of calories I was eating.

As of Feb 23th, I was down 15lbs, again from took a year, because I haven't committed to 10 hours of working out each week. So I decided to really commit to trying something different.

On February 24th I decided to prep all my meals for the week (in advance), and enter each days meal into MyFitnessPal in advance. Doing this allowed me to make sure I was meeting appropriate macros, and cals, and because I thought it would ensure fullness increased fiber. And just like that I lost 2.5 lbs.

I entered all the data from my fitbit and MFP into a spreadsheet and 2.5 lbs is exactly the weight loss the numbers predicted. I know due to water weight and various other factor it won't always exactly match. But it was so validating to make a plan and have that plan work.

I'm now a believer.

Prepping and pre-entering my meals seemed to be key in helping me adhere.

So that's my little brag!

submitted by /u/kohmaru
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I've managed to keep up weight loss, despite a change in circumstances!

I've had a new job for about a month now. My last post here was quite pessimistic. I no longer had the ability to plan and cook every meal and was really feeling down about my chances of giving up. I had similar experience when I was in school, lost some weight, got a job, no longer could control everything and slowly but surely put it back on (and more)

My priorities are different now, but I'm still doing it somehow! It's slower, but only marginally, I lost 6lbs in Feb, vs an average of 7-9 in all other months (minus December haha). It's such a victory for me knowing I didn't succumb, and that despite me being surrounded by cakes and pastries and coffees all day (and indulging often) I'm still managing to lose.

I have stopped exercising which I want to get back into. I still have to adjust to my lower energy levels after a day at work which wasn't an issue before. But my eating is still doing the job for now and that's amazing.

I thought I'd give up but I haven't! And it feels great!

submitted by /u/peekoaway
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An attempt to pay it forward

Hi! I've never posted here before, so none of you know this, but you helped me lose 80 pounds. I’m not big on attention so I wouldn’t normally post a thing like this, but I felt like I had to pay it forward. Maybe reading this will help someone the way the things I read helped me.

I'm a 42 year old 6’3” male, SW 273lb, GW 200 (BMI 25.0/normal), CW 191. Today is the 1 year anniversary of hitting my goal weight, which I guess is why I’m posting this today. Obligatory pic & cat tax.

/r/loseit has a ton of info about how to lose weight, so I’m not going to go there. Instead I want to relate some things nobody told me, or that they did tell me but I didn’t understand. Some are supposed to be illuminating; some are for encouragement or fun.

Some are rephrasings of things others have said. For instance, people commonly say “After losing weight I have so much more energy!” But that’s not how I experienced it, and for a while I wondered if I was weird, or doing something wrong. So maybe my experience in my words will save someone else the same angst.

“Energy Level” Is Subtle

I’ll start with this since I just mentioned it. For rather a long time I was worried that I didn’t feel like I had “more energy.” What does that even mean, seriously? I didn’t need less sleep. I didn’t spontaneously grow an extra battery. I couldn’t fly or throw ki blasts. I secretly felt like I’d failed in some way.

Until one day I mentioned this to my wife. And she said: “Dude, you seem like you have way more energy. You do all these things you didn’t used to do. You do stuff around the house, you are trying new hobbies...” (Which was true.)

Before, if I was sitting on the couch playing a video game and thought, “I should probably go tidy up the kitchen”, it wasn’t that I didn’t have the “energy” to do that. It’s that it was physically uncomfortable to get up and do it -- so I didn’t. It was 80 pounds easier to stay on the couch.

Today, I don’t feel more capable of doing things, but I do feel more likely to do things. “More energy” is not how I’d describe that, so it took me a while to recognize it as the same thing.

Losing Weight Isn’t “Hard” At All… But...

People say losing weight is hard, and for sure it isn’t trivial. But since it’s about not eating as much, losing weight means not doing something, which is the easiest thing in the world. So I didn’t find counting calories and so on hard -- but I did find it damned tedious.

You can’t lose weight without feeling a bit hungry, and you have to accept that sensation for an extended period, with the knowledge that it will one day be over. It was so obnoxious and frustrating: get up in the morning, feel hungry, remind myself of my goals and motivations, start showering and forget about it… until lunch. Still hungry after my salad, gird my mental loins again, it stops. Until dinner. Over and over, every day. Ugh. Not hard, just tedious.

But that’s okay: there are ways of dealing with that. I expected weight loss to be some kind of endless, herculean grapple with a hunger beast, but it turned out to be more like flies buzzing around my head constantly. But that’s good -- it’s much easier to deal with waving away some flies every little while than having to go mono a mono with a colossal food demon.

I think this is probably what /r/loseit folks mean when they say “it’s not about motivation, it’s about discipline.” That particular formulation didn’t get through to me. But maybe mine will help someone else.

Hunger Is a Suggestion, Not an Imperative

I used to think things like, “That was a good breakfast, but hmm, it’s still 3 hours to lunch. Better grab a bagel so I don’t get hungry.” Feeling hungry before my next meal was a failure of planning. It meant I was bad at adulting.

I came to realize that hunger is like feeling sleepy. If you yawn in the middle of the afternoon, it doesn’t mean you have to immediately drop everything and take a nap. It means maybe you should plan to sleep an extra hour tonight -- or it might just mean you’re bored. In the same way, feeling hungry also means that maybe I should plan for a few extra calories tonight -- or it might just mean I’m bored.

It got a lot easier when I understood that hunger is like sleepiness: it’s a suggestion, not an imperative.

I Had to Mourn

There’s no use lying: it’s pretty awesome to eat delicious food constantly. Man, double cheeseburgers are so good, and with a milkshake… Delicious food is delicious, and that lifestyle is a thing of value, however dire its health consequences. And like anything of value, when it’s gone, you feel loss.

This probably sounds foolish to anyone who hasn’t been obese, but you can’t just give that up without having to grieve for it. For me, losing weight wasn’t “hard”, but mourning and acceptance was. Especially since this loss was something I was doing to myself. I wonder if this isn’t actually what derails a lot of people, and if it is, I absolutely understand. I still to this day get a little sad when I remember the old me who could eat whatever the hell he wanted. I had to accept that this thing I loved was gone, in order to move on.

People Gonna People

I was extremely fortunate to have a supportive wife, and coworkers who minded their own and stayed in their lanes, so I have no advice for coping with toxic people. But one thing that surprised me was this: people don’t react the way you think they will.

My best example is doctors. I went in to see my primary care physician for an annual checkup after I’d lost around 50 pounds. She noted I’d lost weight, and after I confirmed it was intentional simply said “okay good” and moved on. No congratulations, not even really interest.

On the other hand, not long after that I saw a specialist about something unrelated, and she was absolutely over the moon. She happily told all the other staff in her office who I’d met and they all came in to see and congratulate me. Absolutely unexpected since this wasn’t her wheelhouse.

I spent a lot of mental energy worrying and trying to predict how various people were going to react so I could prepare for it. But you can’t predict it. I wish I’d just saved that energy.

Your Vitals May Not Change (and it doesn’t mean you failed)

One big reason to lose weight is to lower blood pressure. Mine did go down a little, but it’s still hypertension, and I’m still on meds -- same dosages, even. In hindsight, this isn’t surprising. My grandfather has high blood pressure and has always been rail thin, so I simply won-lost that genetic lottery. I also still have sleep apnea.

In the end, I am okay with this, since so much else is so much better. But in the beginning I pinned a lot of my motivation on lowering my blood pressure. I wish I’d been able to understand how many small improvements would come together to make life so much lighter, so that I wouldn’t focus on just one thing that wasn’t meant to be.

SVs Are Emotionally Confusing

I swear my state of mind is unique every time I step on the scale. At first when I hadn’t seen much progress yet, each new low seemed unreal, and scary. For a while it was making me anxious. I had to force myself to only weigh in once a week, until I could internalize that it was real and I could weigh in daily again.

Weigh-ins close to scale victories were sometimes exciting, sometimes frustrating, sometimes weirdly boring. Actually reaching milestones has meant relief, pride, satisfaction, disbelief, often all at once. The morning I hit goal weight was deeply confusing more than anything else.

I don’t know if this is this fraught for others. But I think for me this was the sensation of my identity changing. The scale and the mirror were showing me evidence of a body that didn’t match my sense of self, and that was disorienting and distressing. Fortunately adjustment just took time (though I still have the occasional wrong-body-image moment.) If this is you, it’s fine. It’ll be fine. You just have to ride it out.

No, They Didn’t Steal My Gold

I didn’t get my wedding ring resized until long after I should have, because I was afraid I’d gain it all back. When I did, the ring was not accompanied by the piece removed, which I was pretty upset about (because of the symbolism, not so much monetary value.) So I called to ask about my missing gold.

I was delighted to learn that they didn’t remove material, but instead compressed it to the smaller size by hammering it on a bench tool thinger. So by losing weight I literally made my wedding ring denser, which is super badass.

I Do Less Laundry

This would never have occurred to me, but now I can wash my entire wardrobe in about half the loads. Much of this is because I used to always wear a button down over a t-shirt as a way to conceal my actual size, where today I mostly wear printed t-shirts. But it turns out a lot of this, weirdly, is the amount of cloth: I dropped from a 2XL/3XL shirt size to an XL (and possibly even L at this point.) My pant size is now 30, down from 40. I was amazed how significant this is. I pack much lighter when traveling, too.

I Enjoy Food More (Including Vegetables?!)

Until I started grudgingly skipping unnecessary toppings, I never realized how little I was tasting the food beneath. Take shredded cheese. I used to put that shit on everything. But when I tried skipping the cheese, tacos were like a whole different food. Suddenly I was paying way more attention to the spices, the tomatoes in the salsa, the sriracha… Same with chili, and today I even appreciate a good hamburger. I rarely use shredded cheese anymore -- it just seems like such a huge waste of calories that I’d rather spend on high-end eating cheeses, or true indulgences like mac-and-cheese.

There’s No Such Thing As a Diet, or, Everyone Is Dieting Always Everywhere

One day I was bitter. I was transitioning to maintenance, and for a couple days I’d not been successful at eating without thinking carefully about it. I’d clearly gone overboard. I had not developed magic automatic food habits. Meanwhile I’d been watching some naturally-skinny colleagues at lunch buffets, and it wasn’t encouraging.

“This sucks,” I thought. “I am going to have to continue to eat carefully even on maintenance. Like look at Mike, his plate has a mix of veggies and grains, and he -- oh I guess he decided not to take that second piece of steak. Ugh. I’m going to have to do that too. Forever. Pay attention to what I eat, just like… the skinny…. people………..”

And in this way I became Enlightened.

Maybe Read This Book

This is totally mundane, but here’s a book that helped me a lot: The Beck Diet Solution. Despite the title, it isn’t a diet. Instead it’s a self-help sort of book that teaches you the skills you need to stay on whatever CICO achievement method (aka “diet”) you like. Things like, how to practice being hungry in a way that doesn’t freak you out. Or, ways to cope with how long-term weight loss is, and not give up. For whatever reason, I didn’t pick these skills up as a kid, and this book helped me learn them.

I Wasn’t Expecting Inner Peace

I guess mindfulness is all the rage as a weight-loss technique. I started doing this too (via the Headspace app), and have found it extremely helpful -- but not for weight loss. For me, mindfulness helps much much more with maintenance, not so much weight loss.

The weight loss phase was about routine, and coping skills. This was an acute thing. But maintenance is about vigilance, moderation, and awareness. This is a chronic thing.

Mindfulness helps me a lot with the chronic, not so much with the acute. This is probably an area where your mileage may very much vary. But if you try mindfulness and it isn’t helping you lose weight, don’t give up; it might come in handy when you reach your goal.

You Are Heard, & Thanks

So that’s what I wanted to share. Hopefully someone out there gets something helpful out of my wordsplat. Two last things before I go.

First, enormous thanks to the moderators here. You’re doing god’s work, and against all odds this is a place on the Internet that is actually helpful and useful. I don’t know whether I could have hit my goal without /r/loseit, but it is amazing that I didn’t have to find out.

And finally, thanks to everyone who posts here. I’ve never commented or posted, and I probably won’t again, cause that’s not really how I roll. But that doesn’t mean I’m not here following along, and witnessing your achievements. Keep posting your SVs, your NSVs, your tips, your progress pics... You literally have no way of knowing how many people you’re helping. There’s more of us than you can see.

submitted by /u/tossedasidelogin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Plateau (F 5'6 173)

Hey guys,

I started my weight loss journey in July/August of 2017. Since then I have gone from 224.6 lbs to 173 lbs ( the least I've weighed is 167 lbs). I hit 173 back in September and since then I have been fluctuating from 168-174, staying mostly around 173 ish.

My weight loss was pretty steady until this past September, where I lost 50 ish pounds in about 15 months. But since then I have hit a major plateau and am not making any progress. I know I have lost focus (my eating hasn't been as great) and I haven't been working out as much as I have historically. I feel physically not as healthy as I have previously, even though I know that I am at the fittest I have been in quite some time. I have started to track my food again which is great, but I really wanna get back on track and feel motivated and really KILL it in the gym. When I kill my workouts I feel more inclined to eat better, it's just a cycle. And I know if I begin to see progress I will feel better and more inclined to stick with it. I know patient and consistency is key, but I am looking for a bit of advice. I was trying to change up my workouts because I thought maybe my body has sort of adjusted to what I've been doing, so I am looking for some advice from anyone who has been here before.

I have been primarily doing cardio 3 times a week, twice being longer 45-1 hour long runs and the other time being HIIT, or shorter warm ups along with 2-3 weight lifting sessions a week. I have been using guides that switch up my lifting routines monthly, so I am not doing the same lifting exercises every month, but still with that I felt as though I had plateaued. I thought maybe I should focus more on some resistance type training, so this last week I was trying the Kayla Itisnes BBG guide, but I don't love it. Honestly, I hate it. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of things they had done that helped them get through a plateau? I was thinking maybe of doing lower reps much higher weights? Right now I'm doing approximately 11 different weight lifting exercises per body group (ie legs, abs/arms, chest/back) with about 10-15 reps and 3 sets of each exercise. I was thinking maybe if I lifted much heavier, and did 3 sets of 6 reps instead maybe that would shock my body a bit?

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated!! I really want to get back on track not so much for the weight loss but because I want to feel healthy and strong again. Thank you guys so much in advance

submitted by /u/mlmjb
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Unexpected Weight Loss Issues

So I’ve lost just about 45lbs since last year and I’m down from 209lbs to almost 164lbs at 5ft3in, 35 y.o female. My weight loss journey has been incredible and I can’t believe I actually made it this far, but I’d like to talk about the unexpected draw backs of losing weight that I never really anticipated or thought about.

  1. My anxiety increased: I see and feel people both male and female treat me differently. I used to be comfortable in my invisibility, but now I see first hand how people treat me better, flirt with me, and treat me with more respect. Most of the time it feels disingenuous and I feel anxious because people who would have never given me the time of day before are now taking to me and being nice to me.

At the same time I can feel the shift in how some of my female friends and colleagues treat me. It’s almost like an imperceptible shift and I notice that a few of my female friends don’t want to hang out anymore. It’s like an invisible competition that I’ve been entered into that I don’t want to participate in, but I have to because everyone around me is making me do it. In a few cases some of my girlfriends’ spouses and boyfriends have made comments on how much weight I’ve lost and I’ve caught side eye from some of my friends when they say this, it makes me very uncomfortable because I don’t want attention from their guys - even harmless attention. I don’t want attention, I just want to be invisible like I was before.

  1. The expense: I’ve spent a fortune on clothes, bras, etc.

  2. Happiness: I thought losing weight would make me happy and to a certain extent it does, but I’ve still got the same demons and the same issues. I’m coming to the realization that I’m still depressed and I still need to take my meds and that no amount of exercise or losing weight will change that. If anything, I feel more depressed now than I was before because now I don’t have my weight to hide behind and blame for my depression.

  3. Cold: I’m cold all the freaking time.

  4. Aches and pains: It’s hard for me to sleep now, I wake up with back aches and my exercise regimen makes my knees hurt all the time.

  5. My breasts: I went from a 38D to a 34B. My breasts sag from all the weight lost and I don’t like how they look anymore.

These are just a few things that I’ve been thinking about recently that I feel a lot of people don’t realize fully when losing weight. I knew that a few of these things would happen, but some of it really surprised me and threw me for a loop and some of it I didn’t expect at all.

submitted by /u/the_dirty_weasel
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