Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Vending Machines: What to Buy and What to Skip

Snacks might just be the key to your success when you’re trying to lose weight. They’re built into your Nutrisystem plan to curb between-meal hunger, fuel your energy level and keep your metabolism working. The Nutrisystem menu offers you so many tempting options to satisfy just about any craving, from salty and crunchy to sweet and chocolatey. Nutrisystem snacks come in convenient single-serving packs and they keep fresh until hunger strikes. Stock up on a wide variety and stash them at work, in your car, briefcase, purse and pantry so you always have plenty of healthy choices on hand. So what happens if you forgot your on-the-go Nutrisystem snack and are forced to use vending machines to suffice your cravings? We’ve got it all mapped out for you.

“The ideal snack should provide adequate protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full between your meals,” says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, Corporate Dietitian for Nutrisystem. “Look for snacks in vending machines that are packed with vitamins and minerals. And, try to be mindful of calories. Aim for snacks that provide no more than 200 calories per serving.”

Here are our recommendations for each snack category you’ll find in vending machines:

1. Drinks


Pick: Being a little dehydrated can feel like hunger. That’s one reason drinking 64 ounces of water a day is an important part of your weight loss plan. Try a bottle of water, unsweetened ice tea or club soda to see if that will hold off your appetite until you can get a healthy snack.

Pass: According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a standard can of Cola (about 12 ounces) has 49 grams of sugar. A 16-ounce bottle of sweetened tea has 20 grams of sugar, while an eight-ounce serving of cranberry juice “cocktail” comes with 30 grams. That much sugar is not only full of empty calories, it tends to spike your metabolism briefly and then leave you feeling hungry again a short while later.

2. Nuts


Pick: “My go-to choice for vending machines is often nut mix or plain nuts like almonds,” McCormick says. “I like nut packs because they provide a good source of healthy fats and also have protein—both of which help keep me feeling full longer than snacks with lots of refined carbs or sugars. I look for nuts without added flavorings because they add salt or sugar.” If the serving size of a pack of nuts is more than one ounce, eat only a portion of the package and save the rest for another time since nuts can provide a lot of calories if you eat too much. A serving size should be equivalent to two tablespoons or about half the size of the palm of your hand.

Pass: If you’re tempted to get a peanut-based candy bar instead of just the nuts, bear in mind that it will come with 280 calories, around 17 grams of fat and 29 grams of sugar, according to the USDA—that’s so much more than the 82 calories, seven grams of fat and less than a gram of sugar in a serving of almonds.

The 20 Most Popular Nutrisystem Snacks & Sweets

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3. Crunchies


Pick: When you’re craving a salty, crunchy snack, choose whole-grain pretzels. Better yet, look for pretzels that are unsalted or low-sodium. A one-ounce serving of whole grain pretzels has 108 calories and only one gram of fat, well within Nutrisystem dietitians’ recommendations.

Pass: Potato chips not only come with lots of sodium—140 milligrams in a one-ounce serving—they also load you up with 151 calories and 10 grams of fat. If you do opt for chips, choose baked options, which are better than the standard type because they have significantly less fat.

4. Corn-Based


Pick: Plain popcorn is categorized as an Extra for those on a Nutrisystem weight loss plan, so go ahead, enjoy it! (Just remember that you get a total of three Extras per day on Nutrisystem.) Try for unflavored popcorn, but even a one-ounce serving of cheese-dusted popcorn gives you two grams of filling fiber, along with 160 calories (plain popcorn clocks in at just 110 calories!). Just keep in mind that if you’re opting for a higher calorie flavored variety, you’ll want to be mindful of the serving size.

Pass: A one-ounce serving of a popular brand of corn chips has a similar amount of calories, but almost no fiber to slow your digestion and ward off hunger.

10 Healthy Salty Snacks for Your Late Night Fix

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5. Sweet and Gooey


Pick: When you’re hankering for sweets, sugar-free chewing gum can hit the spot. Each piece has only about five calories, no fat and, obviously, no sugar.

Pass: Resist the urge to press the vending machine’s button for snack cakes such as the famous sugar-filled sponge cake. Each one has eight grams of fat and a whopping 18 grams of sugar, according to the USDA. Instead, save your sweet treat until you can enjoy a Nutrisystem snack like the Chocolate Cupcake, which has only six grams of fat and 11 grams of sugar, plus 20 healthy grams of fiber.

The post Vending Machines: What to Buy and What to Skip appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Eating back a LOT of walking

Hi again, you fine people! As I wrote recently I have had a lot of success with weight loss, to the point that I have to draw a line at 61kg (I weighed in at 63.5kg this morning) and eat maintenance soon.

My question is about eating back calories burned from walking. I know some people never eat back their calories from exercise, let alone walking, and for most people the amount of walking they do in a day is negligible. But I live and work in a city with no car and AVERAGE over 16,000 steps a day, many of those carrying my preschool son. Some days are much more (20-25K) because on Sundays and rainy days we laze around/use public transit and I don’t get more than 5-10K.

My TDEE for a sedentary life at my goal weight is 1630. This would be plenty on a slow day but is drastically insufficient on a busy day. I use a Fitbit but know it overestimates calories burned. What’s a good way to ensure I calculate enough to eat for steps past 10K?

EDIT: to be clear my question is how to count how many more calories to eat on days when I walk more.

submitted by /u/Cuglas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Having a really hard time

Hello all, hope this post isn’t breaking any sub rules but I’m feeling helpless.

I’m writing this post to reach out for any advice or maybe to let someone else know they aren’t alone. Anyway, I’ve really been struggling lately with my weight loss. Im so incredibly unhappy and insecure and feeling the lowest I ever have about myself.

I’ve tried to change my eating habits before, and been successful at losing 13 pounds a few months ago. But I am a two week burnout. Then I go on what feels like a month long binge where I eat snacks and fast food like crazy and totally ruin any progress I made.

I try to set goals and take it slow and not beat myself up and everything else that they say to do when trying to lose weight but man it’s really not that easy.

When I get in the drive thru line at fast food restaurants I almost feel like I’m possessed. I know I shouldn’t be there, I know this is bad for me, and I know this isn’t going to help and will only make me feel worse about myself. But it’s like I can’t stop. Again, I seriously feel like I’m possessed or something.

I made an appointment to see a therapist in a few days to help me make positive changes but I seriously am feeling depressed, disgusting and helpless. I know that I’m going down a really self destructive path, physically and mentally, if I keep this up.

I guess I just want to know how some of you guys prevent yourselves from becoming two week burnouts like me. I’m really struggling with all of this.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. This sub is incredible!

submitted by /u/turkeyleg97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cutting out nightly alcohol consumption is definitely going to help with weight loss, right?

(I know that might be a dumb question.)

So, I am a 26 year old male and have been drinking beer very heavily for the past 4-6 years. Two days ago, I moved into a new space that isn't nearly as much of a drinking environment as previous places I've lived. So I wanted to take the opportunity to try to get sober.

It's probably a bad source of motivation, but one of the first things I thought of when I decided to try to stop drinking (at least on a nightly basis) is that I would probably lose weight.

I am currently 230 lbs at 5'10. The last time I drank was the night before I moved in (three days ago). Trying to get in as much as I could before I moved, the few nights before, I drank 14-15 Miller Lites (16 oz.). At a 128 calories a piece, that's 1792-1920 calories per night. Most nights before that it would be like 8-9 (1024-1152 cal.).

About an hour ago, I did a calorie count for today and I only consumed about 1200 calories. Besides the beer, I feel like that's somewhat common (1200-1600ish cal. a day), if I'm not going out with the girlfriend or something.

Other than that, I'm not very active, not very strict on what I eat, and never seriously tried diet or exercise.

Any feedback or advice would be helpful. I almost went out to get a 12-pack, but writing this kind of distracted me from going.

submitted by /u/Yogi_Bare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My dad accused me of doing hard drugs because I’m losing weight

Today I was in the kitchen, preparing a big plate of CHICKEN NUGGETS for god’s sake, when my dad confronted and asked, “Are you getting too skinny? Doing drugs other than weed?” (I smoke pot and my dad knows this, he sometimes indulges as well.) I tell him I haven’t been, which of course is true. He says okay, but that I’m “doing all the things you’re supposed to look out for,” and cites spending a lot of time in my room, which I have always done, and weight loss. So “all the signs” = two things, I suppose.

For scale, I still have an overweight BMI (5’8”, 169lbs, AFAB.) Over the past year, give or take, I’ve lost a grand total of about 80ish pounds. The first 60 happened very gradually, and largely unintentionally. Then I settled around 185, and about two months ago decided I wanted to make a further change. For the first time in my life I took agency over the way I ate, thought critically about my intake, started excersizing more often and using CICO, with a lot of effectiveness. I’ve also taken a job with a lot of running and lifting (what we do is timed) and am recovering in a real way from binge eating disorder. On the path I’m treading, I should be experiencing life at a normal BMI for the first time IN MY LIFE soon. I have ALWAYS been fat.

I’m really frustrated and upset that he would insinuate that, most of all because it completely invalidates the hard work I’ve done. I’m taking agency for the first time ever, finally doing something I’ve been needing to do (and that he has encouraged me to do) since I was very young. I guess I was operating on the assumption that he was as proud of me as I was of myself, but I guess not.

I’m just really frustrated and sad that he doesn’t believe I’m capable of putting in the hard work and succeeding at something. I want him to understand that the results I’m getting were difficult to get! And I don’t know in what world 169 at 5’8” is “too skinny”. I have no idea what to say to him and I worry that if I further refute what he said he’ll be even more suspicious!!

TL:DR; My dad insinuated that I’m doing some kind of hard drug to lose weight, when in reality I’ve been working really hard and recovering from diagnosed BED. I’m stunned and saddened that he can’t see my hard work and subsequent victories for what they are, and I’m not sure what to say.

submitted by /u/sleepybearcub
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No more PacMan

Hi everyone I'm terrified, Hi terrified, I'm Dad (I love Dad jokes)

So, here goes...

I was a skinny kid, but in my last year of high school I began to gain weight.

I have spent the last 20 years eating when I was depressed and anxious, which has been a lot of the time. When I feel bad I basically become Pac Man, eating my way through shameful feelings.

I have literally ate my feelings, as well as eating instead of saying things I should have said to family members, people at work etc.

I eat to numb out, I eat to comfort myself, I eat when I don't believe in myself, I eat when I compare myself to others and I especially eat when I feel like I am the "ugly friend". I use food to distance myself from others and protect myself.

I want to (but am scared about) eating better because I am tired of getting in my own way with food (and also I do want to feel more confident in my body). I am 30 lbs over what the BMI guide says I should be and I get SO TIRED from eating shitty.

It's weird, because I have open-minded and lovely friends, but I can't talk about possible weight loss around them because they get really mad at me.

I'm not a dick about it. I make sure not to talk about it w people I know have eating disorders, or are in recovery from one. But I am super anxious about this change and want to talk to someone about it.

So, hi!

I'm ZombieSharkRobot and I'm trying to not eat my feelings and treat my body better

submitted by /u/ZombieSharkRobot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat