Monday, June 3, 2019

Does eating before and after exercise defeat the purpose of losing weight?

Hi guys,

Long time lurker and first time I've created an account to ask a question! After reading everyone else's post in this sub, I decided two months ago that it was time to change my life around for myself and my young family. Gym is going really well and I've cut out a lot of sugary and processed food. I used to have 3 to 4 cans of coke a day, with bags of crisps, biscuits and sweets!

I'm Asian so a lot of my diet growing up has rice and this is by far the hardest part of my diet. However one of my friends said that eating rice before and after exercising actually does a lot of good for the body as it fuels the body back with energy lost after working out. So I'm wondering if this is true. Can I eat rice before and after exercising without it affecting my weight loss?

I'm around 173cm and at 83KG. My body leans more towards ecto-morph. I would say I'm thin-fat, if that makes any sense to anybody! I've always been very sporty so I think my diet hasn't had an affect on the outside of my body until a few months ago. My goal is to get more muscle but also lose the fat I've gained over the years of my terrible diet!

submitted by /u/IllustriousPen4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve never been more frustrated with a plateau.

This is more of a rant, which I hope is ok. I’ve been losing weight slowly but steadily for about 2 and a half years. I’m F/22/5’2 with a starting weight of 193. In April I was at my lowest at 137, and now I’m at 140.
I started grad school in September which really stalled my weight loss, but luckily I was maintaining. However, since January I have been working my butt off, and only seeing little change. At the beginning of May, I started a strength training program with some girls I know to supplement my cardio. I was feeling great doing it, but I’ve actually gained 3 lbs and haven’t lost any inches on my stomach. I’m ready to cry as I see everyone else with these amazing results. It appears now that no matter how much I’m changing my workouts, or eating clean, it’s not helping. I’ve been staying fairly under calorie goals too, and adding more movement to my day (longer walks with my dog).
Does anyone have any words of wisdom? I’m ready to throw in the towel and accept I’ll never be happy with my body.

submitted by /u/sfblslugger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Burn Calories on Vacation (the Fun Way!)

Your plan for vacation: Lounge chair and a good book, some sightseeing and delicious meals. Nowhere on your agenda is the hotel gym—and it doesn’t have to be. You can still burn some of those extra buffet calories by sneaking exercise into your fun. Here’s how:

Move in the Water

Don’t just hang by the side of the pool or take a quick dunk in the ocean to cool off. Stay in for a little and swim, tread water or jump waves. Water offers nearly 15 percent more resistance than when you exercise on land, so even just walking at a waist- or chest-deep depth can burn calories.
Approximate calories burned: 245, for 30 minutes of swimming*

6 Reasons You Need to Plan a Vacation This Year

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Take the Stairs

Burning eight calories per minute may not sound like a lot, but it can add up over the course of your vacation if you skip the elevator on your week-long cruise, when exploring a museum or shopping the mall for souvenirs.
Approximate calories burned: 8 per minute*

Tour on Foot

Checking out the local town or nearby city? Forget the trolley and oversized bus, and sign up for the guided walk. Or just grab a map and explore on your own. For a little extra burn, double-time it up the hills.
Approximate calories burned: 164, for 30 minutes of walking*

5 (Fun!) Ways to Torch Calories in the Pool

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Rent a bike

Take in the countryside on two wheels, or go for a ride on the boardwalk when you need a break from the sand. For the more ambitious traveler, see if your destination offers organized bike tours.
Approximate calories burned: 245, for 30 minutes at a leisurely 10 to 11.9 mph speed*


Your kids aren’t going to let you read that book in peace for too long anyway, so join them in a game of badminton or toss a Frisbee around for a half hour and you’ll burn about 165 calories. Even better, set up a volleyball net on the beach and get a game going.
Approximate calories burned: 327, for 30 minutes of beach volleyball*

How to Pick Your Body’s Best Swimsuit

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Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

You’re on vacation… kick up those heels!
Approximate calories burned: 205, for 30 minutes of letting loose*

*Calories burned are based on a 180-pound person; data computed by the Calorie Control Council.

The post How to Burn Calories on Vacation (the Fun Way!) appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Weight loss/healthy eating tips for nurses

Hello! I’m a brand new nurse but I have been a nurses aid for almost 3 working rotating shifts. I’ve always been on the heavier side ever since I was a child. But now I am at my highest weight in my life, and that isn’t a good feeling. Nursing school was 4 years of stress and even though I tend to make food choices, I gained 50 pounds it seems like.

Now that I graduated I want to make the effort to start changes now that my schedule, though inconvenient, is now more stable. I’ll be working rotating 12 hour shifts (days and nights) 3/4 days a week. I feel like I have a good idea about food changes but some suggestions for good healthy snacks besides raw fruits and veggies would be great 👍🏻

Also looking for exercises and work outs that have worked well for other nurses or people who work long shifts.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/tootiredtoocare118
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exactly one year ago today I decided I had enough, here are the results: From 340lbs to 210lbs! Only thanks to you.

Long post ahead, here's the photos for the curious:

Obligatory "not english native, sorry for errors in the post".

So, a bit about me; I'm 21 years old, 5'11, and all my life I've been pretty much obese.

Since I was 10 years old I had food as the best way to enjoy life and to feel better when times where sad.

On the morning of 3 June 2018 I just woke up and decided that I was done, through this subreddit I learned and comprehended that the only thing that mattered for weight loss was calories. This sub was my company for endless nights where everything I could think of was that I was hungry. Thanks to the countless posts, comments, rants and victories posted in this sub I felt that I, for the first time, was not fighting this alone!

If you have question, want to start a convo or have a similiar story please comment, so the other can see that it's really possible to do it.

I'm making this post because I hope to inspire someone to do the same, because my journey has been everything but easy with countless setback everyone can relate to, but if I could do it, so can you.

How did I do it?

I started at 340lbs (more or so), I downloaded MFP and ate 2000 calories a day without any movements whatsoever except walking or keeping track of macros (there were days I had cravings for chips and that was the only thing eaten that day); at the end of summer I arleady lost 58 lbs!

Through mid September since late October I had the first setback. It was a month and a half full of travels and fun for me, but it was a month full of junk food and regaining bad habits. in fact I only lost 8 lbs, some would say it was still a victory (and now I could think it is) but at the time I held huge standards for my self and thought a lot about giving up. I thought that if I couldn't do it perfectly, then I was wasting my time.

But I decided to go through it and in early November I started working out and re-eating well. I recalculated my TDEE and joined a gym. For those who are ashamed to go, don't. Even if the gym is full of jerks and assholes who judge you, keep going straight forward, think of you're objective and think that there is NO ONE that can stop you reaching your goals!

In only one month I lost 20 lbs, arriving at circa 265lbs! I was amazed and really happy, but then the fire nation attacked christmas holidays came; second setback. In the holidays I gained 5 lbs.

On the 10th of January I decided the hop back on train, changing my workout from 3 days a week to 6 days, recalculated my TDEE again and ate at constant 1000 deficit calories per day (not counting exercise), this time I also kept count of the macros and ate at least 110grams of proteins per day. Fast forward today, I am 210lbs, I'm not done, but I'm by far happier than when I weighted 130 lbs more.

The gym:

Working out is not important for weight loss, one of the catchphrases of this sub is that you can't outrun a bad diet and it's true! But gym gets you focused, gym helps you with body composition, gym lets you go out more and gain more information and advises for this journey. Join one if you have the time, it will only help you!

Few changes in my life:

-Discipline: I'm more focused than ever, I'm strict to my self, I'm more productive and I do my tasks easily and without lamenting much.

-Fashion: I always loved dressing well, but even if I spent 2-3 hundred euros for an outfit, I couldn't rock it without a normal right human body composition.

-I sleep way better!

-I like more than ever going out for an adventure, like trekking, but before I couldn't handle all the cardio.


I really want to thank you for the support, this sub is amazing, and I especially wanna thank me, the me of 365 days ago that decided to don't give up on life but insted to begin it.

submitted by /u/Tasleyn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 3 in to my journey!

So, today is day 3 of my weight loss journey.

Last week I made a few small changes to my diet:

· Walking more – Including two walks over 1 hour each.

· Cutting back on my usual 4+ cups of tea/coffee a day to around 1 or 2

· Stopping eating when I feel satisfied not stuffed!

I weighed myself this morning and I am 3lbs down from beginning of last week.

This week I plan to:

· Keep up with the increased walking adding a 1+ hour walk at the weekend.

· Cut back to 1 cup of tea.

· Drink 64oz of water a day.

· Try to add Intermittent Fasting to my work week.

· Make healthier choices at meal times.

submitted by /u/lizzylou94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Your Food Alternatives/Additions that have helped you?

When I started losing weight in January my goal was to eat healthier (hoping weight loss would be a secondary bonus) so my focus was to cut down on the amount of sugar I was adding to my food. Over the months I've tried several different meals and am really pleased with the number of options on healthy food that I actually enjoy opposed to I hate green food like I was last year. A big help was finding healthy alternatives that I still enjoyed and a few additions to help reduce cravings (more importantly, prevent feeling guilty after a snack).

Here are a few of mine, but what are you some of yours?

  1. Pickled Beetroot (alternative to condiments) - This was the biggest for me. I consumed even more sugar than I realized. Changing bread, reducing portion size and sticking to non-process meat for a sandwich was one thing, but I struggled to enjoy it without that additional flavor of say ketchup. Pickled Beetroot has been huge for me and honestly the main contributor to staying on the diet change in those earlier months, plus it helped bulk up the meal without adding too much on the calories.
  2. Coconut Milk (alternative to sugar & semi-skinned in my coffee) - Still can't touch Tea (I'm a Brit) since a tea without 3-4 sugars doesn't taste right to me, but I've slowly gotten used to eliminating the sugar in my coffee altogether and a big help for that was Coconut Milk which added a nice flavor to the drink.
  3. Peanut Butter (additional snack) - This I've only started doing the last month or so. I still have cravings at night sometimes and so looked into some snack suggestions online. The one that has worked well for me is a teaspoon of 100% peanut ingredient butter before bed. I only do it if I'm feeling hungry to the point of thinking about food and it has really helped without just making me crave more.

I'm still trying new food every week (I now know I love Avocado, but being a terrible tracker of ripe fruit and veg, it has become my eating out treat as most restaurants here have an avocado-based salad) so I'd love to hear your food alternatives or additions that have helped you.

submitted by /u/Cadia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat