Monday, June 3, 2019

Exactly one year ago today I decided I had enough, here are the results: From 340lbs to 210lbs! Only thanks to you.

Long post ahead, here's the photos for the curious:

Obligatory "not english native, sorry for errors in the post".

So, a bit about me; I'm 21 years old, 5'11, and all my life I've been pretty much obese.

Since I was 10 years old I had food as the best way to enjoy life and to feel better when times where sad.

On the morning of 3 June 2018 I just woke up and decided that I was done, through this subreddit I learned and comprehended that the only thing that mattered for weight loss was calories. This sub was my company for endless nights where everything I could think of was that I was hungry. Thanks to the countless posts, comments, rants and victories posted in this sub I felt that I, for the first time, was not fighting this alone!

If you have question, want to start a convo or have a similiar story please comment, so the other can see that it's really possible to do it.

I'm making this post because I hope to inspire someone to do the same, because my journey has been everything but easy with countless setback everyone can relate to, but if I could do it, so can you.

How did I do it?

I started at 340lbs (more or so), I downloaded MFP and ate 2000 calories a day without any movements whatsoever except walking or keeping track of macros (there were days I had cravings for chips and that was the only thing eaten that day); at the end of summer I arleady lost 58 lbs!

Through mid September since late October I had the first setback. It was a month and a half full of travels and fun for me, but it was a month full of junk food and regaining bad habits. in fact I only lost 8 lbs, some would say it was still a victory (and now I could think it is) but at the time I held huge standards for my self and thought a lot about giving up. I thought that if I couldn't do it perfectly, then I was wasting my time.

But I decided to go through it and in early November I started working out and re-eating well. I recalculated my TDEE and joined a gym. For those who are ashamed to go, don't. Even if the gym is full of jerks and assholes who judge you, keep going straight forward, think of you're objective and think that there is NO ONE that can stop you reaching your goals!

In only one month I lost 20 lbs, arriving at circa 265lbs! I was amazed and really happy, but then the fire nation attacked christmas holidays came; second setback. In the holidays I gained 5 lbs.

On the 10th of January I decided the hop back on train, changing my workout from 3 days a week to 6 days, recalculated my TDEE again and ate at constant 1000 deficit calories per day (not counting exercise), this time I also kept count of the macros and ate at least 110grams of proteins per day. Fast forward today, I am 210lbs, I'm not done, but I'm by far happier than when I weighted 130 lbs more.

The gym:

Working out is not important for weight loss, one of the catchphrases of this sub is that you can't outrun a bad diet and it's true! But gym gets you focused, gym helps you with body composition, gym lets you go out more and gain more information and advises for this journey. Join one if you have the time, it will only help you!

Few changes in my life:

-Discipline: I'm more focused than ever, I'm strict to my self, I'm more productive and I do my tasks easily and without lamenting much.

-Fashion: I always loved dressing well, but even if I spent 2-3 hundred euros for an outfit, I couldn't rock it without a normal right human body composition.

-I sleep way better!

-I like more than ever going out for an adventure, like trekking, but before I couldn't handle all the cardio.


I really want to thank you for the support, this sub is amazing, and I especially wanna thank me, the me of 365 days ago that decided to don't give up on life but insted to begin it.

submitted by /u/Tasleyn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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