Thursday, June 27, 2019

(SV) SW: 280 CW: 259 21 Pounds Lost!

So, I've lost 21 pounds/9.5 kilos in the month after getting cheated on. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a person who enabled emotional eating and promoted unhealthy life choices (drugs, alcohol), but I accept full responsibility for my physical well-being. Enough about that, I've lost 21 fucking pounds!

So, initially, I started on a fast. This was not intentional, it's just that I found I quite literally couldn't keep food down after finding out, and kept throwing up anything I tried to eat. This "fast" lasted about three days, from roughly May 17th to May 20th.

I took the initiative to weigh myself after this, as I'd definitely let myself go over the course of the relationship, and to my initial bewilderment, I was the heaviest I had ever been: 280 lbs/126 kilos on a 5'6" frame. I estimate I weighed somewhere in the 285-290 range before the fast. Something had to change, and quickly, because I weighed almost as much as my 6'0" father. Before meeting my ex, I had lost nearly 100 pounds/45 kilos, from 260 lbs/118 kilos to ~165 pounds/75 kilos on a terrible diet and gym regimen that felt like it nearly killed me. So, this time I planned to have sustainable weight loss and to eat well and plenty.

I started by walking as far as I could walk through my neighborhood before my legs gave out, and then I'd walk back once I could stand again. This went on for two weeks, and I maxed out by walking the whole 8 miles out of my neighborhood. I then attempted to start C25K, but found the impact on my knees/ankles to be rather painful, leaving me needing a whole day of rest to rehabilitate after just one day. This day off ended up being a whole week of nearly no exercise, but I still ate sub-2000 every day, and didn't eat if I wasn't hungry.

I've had success by eating under TDEE and lifting weights with light cardio before, and decided to give it a try again. At the end of the second week of walking, I decided to start going to the gym with a partner. Our routine so far (it's only been this week) is to do chest on Mondays (Bench Press, Chest Flies, Chest Press, Freeweight Chest Presses, Our gym doesn't have incline/decline benches), legs on Wednesdays (Barbell Squats, Leg Press, Squat Machine, Calf Raises (haven't found that machine yet)), and back/arms on Fridays (Lat Pulldowns, Deadlift, Barbell Rows, Cable Bicep Bar, Cable Tricep Bar). We do 15-20 minutes of cardio before each workout (Cycle, once I hit 250 we're going to switch to the Rowing Machine, but he doesn't know that yet), and typically do 5x5 for any barbell exercises (heavy), and 3x10 for machines/cables. I live 30 minutes from the gym, so I have to get up at 5:00 am to get there on time, which has been interesting, to say the least. I take a lot of mid-day naps.

I calculated my TDEE to be 2,600 calories/day at a sedentary level and decided that I'd start with a goal of eating 2,000 calories per day. I have been undereating by quite a lot, my net deficit at a 2,000 calorie goal (not including exercise) since I started logging on MFP a little over two weeks ago is 16,000 calories. When I hit 250, I'm going to have to start eating more, as my activity level has increased significantly. The important thing is that I'm not feeling any fatigue, I'm eating plenty of protein, drinking lots of water, and I have the energy to go out and do things. I'm not comfortable posting any progress pictures I've taken just yet, as there isn't really any noticeable difference, but I do feel a lot better!

submitted by /u/RedditAddictTragic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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