Friday, June 28, 2019

Started at 265 on 4/22. Today, I'm at 233.2 and still working!

Graphical Progression

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my journey so far, and I'm proud of my current progress.

A week or two before Easter, I took a professional picture for work, and was disturbed by how large I appeared in the picture. I checked where I was on my scale, and found that I had grown to the heaviest I had ever let myself become, 265 pounds. Around that time a doctor informed me that I was on the edge of hypertension, and pre-diabetic. I also have been steadily snoring more and more, and am relatively confident that sleep apnea is effecting me more than ever. I am only 24 and 5' 10"-11", a relatively young guy for this situation.

Prior to this, I had floated slowly up towards the 240s, but I had not seen it so shockingly noticeable, and that motivated me to change something.

First, I considered why I was where I was. I generally haven't struggled with hunger, so I can't blame a voracious appetite. The truth of the cause is a combination of eating when bored, and a fairly sedentary lifestyle. I let myself get away, because I wasn't caring about it, even with a relatively healthy diet (heavily veggie and fruit focused, with an admitted excess of non-sugar carbs- but low on refined sugars and unhealthy fats).

So I decided to make changes.

  • The first is to drink a gallon of water a day, which I have done at times in the past, and notably felt/feel healthier when I was and am doing so.
  • The second is to eat once a day, after work. I had done this in my last two years of high school, and it was some of my healthiest weights. Given that hunger isn't something I particularly struggle with, this was a lot easier for me to do than most (especially as my stomach is filled with water throughout the work day).
  • The third was to monitor my calories. Keeping track helps me know where and how I am progressing throughout any given day, and reminds me not to go overboard. I will note that as I usually try to eat until full, tracking calories has actually encouraged me to eat more in my one meal than less relatively often. I can get full on 500-700 calories, but aim for a minimum of 1000 and prefer closer to 1200. That said, the habit of calorie tracking is meant for long term sustainability when I reach a healthy weight. I am also taking a multi-vitamin every other day, and monitoring for any signs of malnourishment.
  • Slowly and progressively increasing my physical activity. I usually try to exercise on a stationary bike for an hour 2-3 times a week now, and intend to make that 4 times a week long term, as well as add a half hour of strength training. For the first several weeks, however, I did not focus on exercising as a diet based approach is easier for me naturally.

With over 30 pound lost in about 2 months, I feel good about my prospects moving forward. My first and main goal is 190, and following that I am intending to get down to a healthier 160ish.

I feel blessed that this is working for me so far, and wish you all luck moving forward. Note than I am fortunate not to struggle with hunger, and to be a guy (for which weight loss is easier, compared to the average woman). I am young enough to change my lifestyle and routine more easily, and have access to quality food and an exercise bike. I am confident that anyone can get through weight struggles, and wish all of you aiming for it success and the support you need in any journey you might be on.

submitted by /u/19683dw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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