Tuesday, June 25, 2019

2 weeks in, noticed some changes in mood and body

Hello r/loseit, it's me checking in after 2 weeks of CICO and exercise!

Start Date: 11.06.2019

Starting Weight: 79.0 kg

Current Date: 26.06.2019

Current Weight: 76.2 kg

Weight loss: 2.8 kg

% progress to target weight: 40%

I'm almost halfway to my GW! I'm pretty sure most of the initial weight loss was just the exorbitant amount of food in my intestines and water weight going away, but it's a good motivator! As for CICO, there were a few setbacks, but I try to stay within 100 calories of my MFP target. I also go running and use the cycling machine 3-4 times a week for about 40 minutes per session.

With the change in lifestyle, I've also noticed some changes in my body (warning: may be gross):

  1. I have more energy. Even with the same amount of sleep as before, I find myself more alert and less sleepy.

  2. I sh*t less often. Previously, I had to go #2 once a day. Now, I go 1.5 to 2 days between my toilet meditation sessions. I guess it's my body adapting to having less food in my digestive tract.

  3. I fart less often. I guess this is a corollary of #2 (heh) above, but I get the urge to fart much less often. Maybe it's because of less internal pressure in my guts? Also, even if I have to pass gas, it doesn't smell like Satan's sweaty crotch, only stopping at "slightly unpleasant odor", at least to me.

  4. The food urges have subsided. Sometimes I work late at night, and if I'm passing by my favorite food joint on the way home just as my stomach starts grumbling, I find myself giving in too easily. The temptations are still there, but now, I'm more of "meh, I only have 400 calories left for the day, that's definitely too much".

Overall, I'm feeling really good. I never really had uncontrollable urges to eat, I guess I was just not managing my intake properly and end up eating too much all the time. I hope to report back 2 weeks from now at the 1-month mark with more losses!

submitted by /u/makimelon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Lhvy3D

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