Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Maintenance is tough

Hello all. About a year ago I decided enough was enough at around (225 pounds 5'9M) and I was already aware of CICO from a previous weight loss, but this time I was very determined. I started off at 1500 calories a day and actually kept to it for a few months, no more fast food or anything. I was determined to make it sustainable, and later on I upped my calories to 1800 to be able to have some more leeway during my days. I eventually made it down to 174 and it was the lowest I had weighed since about 12 years old.

I never set goal for a weight, but at that point I figured I wanted another 10-15 pounds off before I started to bulk at the gym. At that time I moved to a new place with new roomates though. My roomates are all great and I love them, but my routine got messed up, and I also decided to go back to school at the same time, as well as accepting a managerial position at work. I was still very determined to better myself, but I ended up putting most of my time and effort into school and bettering my social life.

It is been about a year since I started school, and during this last year I ended up deciding to be content with maintaining. And I tracked calories for my maintenance. But I got confident after some time about being able to eyeball portion sizes, and that worked for a few months. But then I started incorporating things like taco bell once a week on my way to work after school. And over this year I have only gained 10 pounds, which I know is not that much, but most of that is within the last few months. I have also noticed a lot of my binge habits are starting to creep in, and I recognize them and am trying to combat, but it just isn't enough, I have lost some of my former self discipline.

Over time my sustainable lifestyle slowly shifted into an unsustainable one. I am still proud of how far I have come, and I have achieved so many personal records at the gym that I didnt think were possible this last year. I ran for 4.15 miles straight, I ran a 6:18 mile, I went on a 14 mile hike, I have also increased my lifts at the gym significantly.

I think one goal that I really need to work on is getting a consistent sleep schedule, I learned in my nutrition class at school that if you miss sleep, there is a hormone that gets triggered that will increase your hunger through out the day. So I guess I will focus on my sleep, and then commit to counting calories. I realize I am all over the place with this post but I just needed to put my thoughts out into the world rather than keep it all to myself. You all are great and have been a huge source of knowledge and support. Thanks for reading

submitted by /u/loveburp2k16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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