Thursday, June 27, 2019

Always been on this journey, but truly got focus in October of 2018. 50 lbs lost so far!

Hi all. I've posted here a few times. I think mostly, I had posts saying something along the lines of "I'm not losing weight, I don't get it, I'm frustrated". So just wanted to update and say I finally got over the long long stall! So I wanted to talk a little bit about my story and what finally helped me to continue seeing more results..but without making it too long. Here's my stats:

Highest Weight: 220

October 2018: SW 206. Measurements: chest 43.5, arm 13.5, upper stomach 37.5, waist 41, butt 42.5, thigh 23, calf 16

June 2019: CW: 170 Measurements: chest 36 (RIP boobs), Arm 12.75, Upper stomach 32, waist 33.5, butt 38.5, thigh 21, calf 15

(most of my weight was carried in my stomach, finally now seeing progress in my thighs since I have incorporated running)

So for a little bit of background, I've always been overweight. In high school the boys on my bus had a song about my weight calling me a cow. I've gone to the doctors a few times through being a teenager to an adult because I thought something was internally wrong that made me hold the weight. I've dealt with binging. Ive resorted to restricting myself to 500 calories a day. I've done almost every crash diet that ever existed. I've bought diet pills from strangers on the internet that made my heart feel like they were going to explode. I've tried just eating healthy overall, but nothing seemed to work. Or these things would work, and then I'd give up as soon as a I hit a plateau and gain back even more.

In October last year, I decided to go to the doctor again after trying Keto, losing 20lbs, then being stuck for months. I didn't want to give up this time. I assumed again it was something internal. So this specific doctor's office is for metabolic disorders. When you go in, they do a complete blood panel, and then set you up with a nutritionist. My blood panel was mostly good aside from very high triglycerides (which I have since lowered), and my glucose test came back flagged as high, but not enough for the doctor to believe I had any issues. He did prescribe Vyvanse to me for the binging tendencies, so I can not completely credit my own willpower I suppose, but I there were other parts of this initial visit that really helped in my weight loss.

First and most important was getting on that body fat percentage machine, and seeing my BMR. This helped me with tracking CICO, something so obvious, but that I never have done correctly before. Then, the fact that I had to go back to this doctor every other month kept me in check. Having someone I had to check in with, actually two doctors I had to check in with, held me accountable. I still go. It inspired me to go to the gym 5 days a week, and really keep my eating in check. The vyvanse did help mostly with the urge to binge, but it is not the thing that kept me going to the gym or making sure what I did eat was healthy.

Fast forward to probably December-April, I was stuck at around 180-185, and it was the most frustrating thing. Even my doctors seem annoyed by it. I associated it with starting to weight train, because the stall started when I started lifting. My nutritionist at my last visit in April suggested for me to try intermittent fasting, and the doctor said I'm working out too much lol. I was getting conflicting information sometimes from the two, but I took both of those pieces of advice and being to intermittent fast and only ate between 12 and 8, and I cut back on the working out to 3 days a week. Although that seems counterproductive to workout less, I think what it was for me wasn't that I was gaining muscle, but I'd tend to eat more when I worked out and even excuse crummy weekend eating habits because "I worked out so much this week". It just helped overall to not feel so stressed and feel like all my time was dedicated to nothing else but the gym.

I think overall what was important in this new way of eating, is that even though I do count calories, I don't feel as if I'm dieting. I eat mostly healthy, but if there's a day I want ice cream or pizza, I can do so without going overboard now. For me, that was the most important change. My main challenge at this particular moment is trying to find the motivation to make sure I do still go to the gym those 3 days. Since I've found myself losing more without being so strict about the gym, I've honestly lost some of that motivation. I'll get it back though. Anyway, that's my story up til now. My goal weight is 140lbs, and I am 5'2. I've never been this close!! Here's a before and after

TLDR: Highest weight 220, CW 170, GW 140. Weight loss through help of nutritionist and broke stall after starting IF/limiting gym time.

submitted by /u/bloomfield878
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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