Thursday, June 27, 2019

NSV- Survived a trip with my family and still made good choices!

I went away on a 4 day trip with my sister and saw a lot of our extended family during this time. My family has unhealthy eating habits and I was really worried this trip would derail my new healthy lifestyle changes. There is also some family drama that I don't care to go into details about, but it's a total trigger for me for emotional eating. I haven't told my extended family about my goals because I know they would be unsupportive. (I am very lucky to have a husband who is SO supportive of me.) I was able to go away, enjoy the time, and maintain my weight loss during this trip (I didn't gain or loss anything) This is a huge win for me! I still got to go out to eat and enjoy myself, but I didn't binge eat or drink. As soon as I got home, I got back to my normal routine.....Like many people, I've lost weight before and put it back on- this is exactly the kind of thing that I would have let derail me in the past or use an excuse to eat whatever I want.

I've been a lurker here for a while and I want to thank every single one of you for helping me get my journey on a great path.

submitted by /u/xxbuffalovexx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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