Friday, June 28, 2019

[NSV] I binged today...but stayed below maintenance

I've been doing great recently keeping within my calorie budget, exercising, and maintaining steady weight loss with CICO. This evening my routine changed, and I caught myself in the middle of binge behavior, snacking and stuffing my face after already eating a larger portion than I'd planned for dinner and having alcohol. But! My dinner was a high-protein black bean noodle dish with snow peas, tofu, and soy sauce (only about 500 cal for a LARGE serving), and the food I was bingeing on was a blueberry flax cereal (200cal/cup). There are some higher-calorie foods in my house right now that I could have gone for, but didn't. Honestly I am so proud of myself right now, because 1) I went for healthier, filling foods when I found myself wanting to stuff my face; 2) I recognized the behavior midway before getting TOO out of control, and 3) I was able to weigh why I was doing it vs my ultimate goals for myself and stopped myself. After making myself drink some water and put away the cereal, I realized I do already feel uncomfortably full from what I ate. And, most important, my overall caloric intake for the day was still under 1600. Little by little, I am changing the though processes behind my unhealthy eating, and getting a little bit stronger every day. This is round 2 of basically the same weight loss (went from 165 > 135 about 4 years ago, and drifted back up), and I am determined to change my mindset and make it stick this time around.

Today I'm also officially more than 10 lbs down from my starting weight from April (F/33/5'3", SW 160, CW 149, GW 120).

submitted by /u/communication_junkie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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