Sunday, June 30, 2019

Frustration, Confusion, and Depression

F15 SW: 240 CW:200 GW:180 Height: 5'9" Activity Level: Moderate (5 times a week weights and cardio)

For the past two weeks I've been stuck in a plateau which I'm trying to overcome. I'm not yoyoing through diets or giving up because I know I've come far and done it before.

Recently I've been going through a depressive and anxious state given that I do nothing but play videogames, cook, clean, and workout while all my friends and family are out and about. Being so low in spirit made me question continuing to a lower weight but I'm set on being at a healthy weight. I can't help but wonder why I've suddenly stopped and even gained back a couple lbs.

My BMR is 1700 calories and my maintenance is around 2400 to 2700 calories. When I got to my lowest, 193, then started gaining back, my aim was to workout harder and increase my deficit by 100 calories more leaving me at 2000 calories a day. Even then I ate less than 2000 because I eat late and get full easier now. Yet, I've gained it back and I can tell it'll start slowly getting higher.

I just need advice as to how to go from here or if I'm missing out on a big piece of the weight loss equation. Is this just another ugly plateau and I'm overreacting?

submitted by /u/justforlosingit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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