Thursday, June 27, 2019

It is no longer a FLUKE!

I am writing this post in hopes that some lurkers here would be encouraged to take the plunge with us in losing weight.

Most of my previous attempts at weight loss haven fallen apart because I just didn't believe I could lose weight, and when I did I chalked it up to just a fluke and not to my hard work. I never got far because I always felt that my weight was just fluctuating and I would end up right back where I started no matter what.

Today was an amazing day for me. Today I jumped on the scale and I weighed 259.8 lbs. Today was the day I dropped out of the 260s. Only now, have I realized just how massive this mental barrier was for me. Everything between 260 and 280 always just felt like 280 no matter what I did. But today, that mental barrier is gone. Only 20lbs down yes, but my whole world has shifted with this one tiny number.

Now I know that not only is it possible, but I am already doing it. I know that my early mornings at the gym and hard work keeping track of what I eat is actually paying off. No one, not even myself anymore can say that it is just a fluke. It is MY hard work and it is WORKING.

When I was quietly celebrating this in my corner at the gym this morning, I wondered how many other people might have a similar mental barrier. Maybe some of you feel the same way about the first 10lbs all the way up to 40lbs. You just feel like you weigh the same no matter what happens in that initial loss.

If you feel like this is you and the thought of losing all you need to lose is overwhelming, maybe you should pick a goal like this. Let's say you have 100lbs to lose. Instead of thinking, "I need to lose 100lbs in the next year or so", just make your goal 20 or 30lbs. If you are anything like me, then hitting that initial goal will be proof to you that you have the strength to keep going.

The truth is, if the only wall ahead of you is only 20lbs, that will make it far easier to scale in a short time. Your goal could also be non-scale related like running 1km straight or doing 15 push-ups. I think it would probably be good to have something you can achieve in at most 2 months. If it goes longer than that you might get discouraged before you hit it.

*I should note too that this goal is relative to height/how overweight you are. For someone trying to lose 20lbs all-together then maybe 5lbs would be a good initial goal.

Just figure out what your "Proof Goal" needs to be and jump off the couch and get to it.

For me, I have never been more motivated in my life than today. The proof that I am actually doing this thing now is so encouraging to me.

Obviously this isn't necessary for everyone, but if you are a weirdo and a crazy skeptic like me who doesn't even believe in the facts sometimes, it might be for you. I hope this can push someone out there to take that first step.

submitted by /u/StarFoxTheSquid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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