Monday, June 3, 2019

Your Food Alternatives/Additions that have helped you?

When I started losing weight in January my goal was to eat healthier (hoping weight loss would be a secondary bonus) so my focus was to cut down on the amount of sugar I was adding to my food. Over the months I've tried several different meals and am really pleased with the number of options on healthy food that I actually enjoy opposed to I hate green food like I was last year. A big help was finding healthy alternatives that I still enjoyed and a few additions to help reduce cravings (more importantly, prevent feeling guilty after a snack).

Here are a few of mine, but what are you some of yours?

  1. Pickled Beetroot (alternative to condiments) - This was the biggest for me. I consumed even more sugar than I realized. Changing bread, reducing portion size and sticking to non-process meat for a sandwich was one thing, but I struggled to enjoy it without that additional flavor of say ketchup. Pickled Beetroot has been huge for me and honestly the main contributor to staying on the diet change in those earlier months, plus it helped bulk up the meal without adding too much on the calories.
  2. Coconut Milk (alternative to sugar & semi-skinned in my coffee) - Still can't touch Tea (I'm a Brit) since a tea without 3-4 sugars doesn't taste right to me, but I've slowly gotten used to eliminating the sugar in my coffee altogether and a big help for that was Coconut Milk which added a nice flavor to the drink.
  3. Peanut Butter (additional snack) - This I've only started doing the last month or so. I still have cravings at night sometimes and so looked into some snack suggestions online. The one that has worked well for me is a teaspoon of 100% peanut ingredient butter before bed. I only do it if I'm feeling hungry to the point of thinking about food and it has really helped without just making me crave more.

I'm still trying new food every week (I now know I love Avocado, but being a terrible tracker of ripe fruit and veg, it has become my eating out treat as most restaurants here have an avocado-based salad) so I'd love to hear your food alternatives or additions that have helped you.

submitted by /u/Cadia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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