Monday, June 10, 2019

I want to lose weight

Mobile user and all that good stuff.

I (22F) am 5 feet and half an inch. I am 160 lbs and according to the internet I'm obese. I am also lactose intolerant. The reason I mention that is part of this is I'm going to stop consuming dairy which for most seems obvious but I grew up eating It with parents who didnt believe in lactose intolerance. I've also recently stopped using birth control that I have been using since age 16.

Shortly after starting birth control I started to slowly gain weight. It's been a few years but I'm really starting to notice it. I'm really self conscious and want to try and make a change. I just dont know how...

My question is what advice would you give me for lactose intolerance or has anyone had similar experience or struggle with weight loss? What worked for you? Any help is really appreciated!

submitted by /u/Mouse19966
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Some perspective on progress

There's no way around it, I binged this weekend. I hosted a BBQ at my house, made tons of amazing food, and definitely wasn't as strict with myself as I should have been, especially with picking at leftovers yesterday. I stepped on the scale, and yep, I gained two pounds over the weekend. No prob, my healthy meals for the week were prepped and ready to go, and I was eager to get back to my diet after indulging.

I dragged my butt to the gym tonight and hopped on the treadmill, thinking I would just jog for a few minutes and then go find something else to do. But I got into the groove of my run and noticed that I was beating the (very fit) guy on the treadmill next to mine, at least in terms of endurance (I acknowledge he was probably going faster). I ran 3 miles in 32 minutes!!! My former best time was 3 in 36, and I thought that was a fluke. Even better, 2 months ago I was struggling to finish one 10-minute mile, and now I'm well on my way to meeting my goal of running a 5k with that pace.

I just wanted to share this because I know it's easy to beat yourself up for not seeing the numbers you want or for going a little too far with your cheat day, but find other ways to measure your progress. Let your weight loss and fitness journey spark joy along the way.

And now, I'm going to stretch and ice my ankles before this happy achievement quite literally cripples me.

submitted by /u/femmepyre
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged

I'm frustrated and need to vent. Two years ago I lost 30 pounds in about 5 months just by CICO, no exercise. I'm short (5'3"), but I was breastfeeding full-time, so I was able to eat around 1600-1800cal/day and lose weight pretty consistently. It was actually pretty "easy" at the time and it felt like the weight fell off. I had been heavy before getting pregnant, so it wasn't just baby weight coming off (she was 6 months old before I even started losing weight).

So over the past couple years I gained some weight back, and kept going through cycles of having a couple "good weeks" of counting calories and then a few "bad days" that would offset any progress. I've hovered between 148 and 155 for most of the last 18 months. I weighed in at 154 just before Easter - but then had a rough couple weeks where I binged constantly, and by the beginning of May I was up to 160. At that point I decided to get serious. I joined a gym and have been attending strength training classes 3 days a week in addition to cutting calories, and trying to eat a lot more protein. I've really been busing my ass this whole time, more than I've ever done in my weight loss journey.

Well this morning I had a weigh-in at the gym. When I first joined (May 1st) I was 160.4. Today it had me at 157.2. Six weeks of working harder and more consistently than I ever have, and only down 3 pounds. In the past, there were times I lost three pounds in one week just counting calories with no exercise. Now I'm working out, staying as active as possible, walking 10,000+ steps a day, and eating at a deficit, and it's going soooo slow. I get that I've probably gained a couple pounds of muscle, but still...I'm so discouraged. I've got a lot of experience with counting calories, weighing food, logging in MFP, etc so I feel like I'm pretty accurate. My clothes do fit a little better, and I've had a couple comments from people who say they can tell I've lost weight. But I just feel like I should have more to show for it on the scale with as hard as I've been working this time around, if that makes sense.

Anyway, I just had to get this out there - thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/femalien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My lil Brother’s High School Graduation Party and Great Mexican Food

Hello! This weekend was my little brother’s high school graduation party!! So I want to share some of the highlights because my mom made super easy and cute centerpieces and had a table decorated with his school photos. Everything came out great and it was fun!

The party was at La Barca Grill and Cantina – a Mexican restaurant in Downey, CA. I hadn’t been there before. My parents were going to have the party at their house but had to change it up because they’re working on the yard. Luckily this place was fairly close to home and has a room you can rent for parties. Boom.


For reference (and because I’m always curious where things are in relation to a point I may know) here’s a map of where Downey is located with a few other points of interest:

Party Points of Interest Map Downey CA

* Note: I labeled some races around Southern California – check my Race Discounts Page in case you want to register and save some money. It’s time to start training for Fall Half Marathons and Marathons now!! This includes the Lace Up Race Series and Long Beach Marathon / Half. *

We got there early and decorated a bit. I gave my mom some ideas for the centerpieces but she put them together. I liked the idea of using his graduation picture because we’re celebrating him and it was a good picture!

To make the centerpieces you need: glass vase cylinder, colorful shredded paper, sticks, construction paper, photos [plus scissors and glue to cut and paste the photos].

On the stick: Make the flags with the class year/name. Put the photo on construction paper. Make the congrats message.

We put them together at the restaurant but you can do it before and transport them carefully.

Graduation Party centerpiece idea (1)

The gift table was decorated with a big poster board that had his school picture from every year from kindergarten through 8th grade. We also put up his diploma (it makes for a great decoration too), photos from his activities, balloons, colorful napkins and a box for cards. The card box was labeled so people knew what it was for.

Graduation Party decoration pictures

My dad got a DJ but it didn’t turn into that kinda party. I did love his stickers though! Eat Sleep skratch Repeat… where’s the RUN?!


Aaaaand because it was a Saturday… and we’re Mexican… and margaritas exist…

There were a lot of margaritas to be had!



Since it was a big group party there was a preset menu with 4 choices plus a kid’s menu. All the choices were served with tortillas. Plus chips and salsa of course!

The Menu:

Carne Asada with green onion, guacamole served with beans & rice

Chicken Enchiladas made with green chili served with beans & rice

Pollo a La Plancha grilled chicken with garlic & onions served with beans & rice

Camarones al Mojo de Ajo shrimp sautéed with garlic served with beans & rice

My SIL got the enchiladas

Graduation Party Mexican Food

My brothers both got carne asada

I got the Chicken a la Plancha. Everything was soooo good.

Graduation Party Mexican Food 3

Then we cut the Costco cake and fell into a happy food coma.

Overall: Everything was awesome. I’d eat there again. I’d eat Costco cake again (even though my mom didn’t get the flavor I’d pick). I’d steal some of my brother’s guac again while waiting for my food.

And I’d love a margarita right now. Cheers!

The post My lil Brother’s High School Graduation Party and Great Mexican Food appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat


Wow, it’s been a year and a half since I’ve posted an update. You can catch the original story here:

Since the original post, I am down to 118 lbs and back in a size 2/XS when I started at a 18/2XL. I’ve since found out a lot more about why my fiancé actually left me (6 years of infidelity) and my weight was being used as a crutch.

I’m not angry or upset with him however, because his words from that day were the fuel to my weight loss. I will never forget him telling me I was too fat to love, even if that wasn’t the real reason he left.

I have loose skin. I have stretch marks. I have cellulite. I also have complete love for myself, my accomplishments, the life I’m living and the people in it.

Posting from my phone, but will have photo updates at a later time.

submitted by /u/Samwisegamgee92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Never be to hard on yourself

I am struggling so hard with weight loss. I'm going for gastric sleeve however I need to lose weight. Right now, I'm on a low fat diet and I go to the gym three times a week.

Its sucks because I don't see the numbers on the scale fall like I want. I started at 340, I'm down to 296 in the last 5 months. But it's a steady decline and I maintain the loss.

At the gym the other day I was getting a little upset as i was attempting to reach a new weight/rep combo and i just felt like a total loser because i couldn't do it.

I have a gym log book i keep so i can keep track of everything I do from weekly weights, to my cardio- you get the picture.

So while I'm having a little down time an individual who I see from time to time comes up and starts completing my journal and they see how hard I work when I come in the gym.

While I saw only my imperfection, someone else saw my dedication towards a healthier body and I became their motivation.

submitted by /u/watsonwasaboss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Update: 438 lbs to 260 lbs. ~ 180 pounds down in 1 year naturally with diet and exercise!

Before and After Picture (438 lbs to 260 lbs)


Since a young boy, I have always struggled with being overweight and have had countless failed attempts trying to lose it. On April 3rd of last year, I decided to finally commit and really push myself to the limit and beyond both physically and mentally. I knew this time was different; my mindset and determination to succeed were stronger than ever before. Over this past year, I have learned so much, about weight loss, exercise, dieting, and myself as a person. With the use of IF/OMAD (Intermittent Fasting/One Meal A Day), keeping CICO in mind, and a consistent workout routine, I have been able to lose 180+ pounds thus far.


I believe that finding a long-term sustainable diet really is essential not only for losing weight, but ensuring you keep the weight off! Finding the right plan is a person to person basis so I did a lot of experimenting with different dieting techniques (IF, OMAD, Keto, Atkins etc.) until I was able to find one that I was pleased by and could see myself doing long-term. Currently, I am doing OMAD/IF on a High Protein, Low Carb diet. Currently I try to keep my macros roughly 40-45% protein, 30-35% fats, and 20% carbs. I am not very strict on these percentages but aim to keep within these ranges as much as possible. Most days I am doing OMAD (One Meal A Day) and I have this meal usually right after I workout (workout is done fasted). A regular day of eating this one meal would be a post-workout protein shake/bar, Chicken usually as my main meat source of protein, or turkey, beef etc. when I can. A salad and veggies as well as often as I can to ensure I get my greens in and a good source of fibre! Then for desert or if I need to get more fibre in I will have a fibre bar, kale chips, granola bar, or protein ice cream, which are all high sources of fibre and taste great! If I am not doing OMAD, I will be doing Intermittent Fasting on usually a 2-4 hour window to eat, where I will have the aforementioned foods except more split up. I am not really a picky eater so this is what my diet mostly consists of.


I have been doing a bodybuilding routine in order to try to maintain and build as much muscle as possible while I am simultaneously losing all the weight I am. So doing a muscle building workout routine has definitely been key for me to help with my physique and not have me looking flat with all the weight I am losing. Also, I workout (both lifting and cardio) in a fasted state, mainly to help burn fat and build muscle more efficiently.

Since I started working out in April of last year, I have tried out a variety of routines (Bro Split, 4-Day UL, 6-Day UL, 6-Day PPL, 5-Day ULPPL) and have had success with all of them but find the best and most efficient for my current schedule to be the 5-Day Upper, Lower, Push, Pull, Legs routine. I do this routine while incorporating cardio (usually HIIT) right after I am done lifting on at least 3 of those days typically. I also try to stay active on any rest days and get cardio in through sports like basketball, soccer, boxing, or going for a jog whenever I can.

Here is the current routine I am following:

Day 1 (Upper Day): Bench Press - 4 sets - 5-8 reps Barbell Row - 4 sets - 5-8 reps DB Overhead Press - 3 sets - 5-8 reps Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups - 3 sets - 6-10 reps DB curls - 4 sets - 8-12 reps Straight-arm Pulldowns/Face-pulls - 3 supersets - 8-12 reps

Day 2 (Lower Day): Back Squat - 4 sets - 5-8 reps Deadlift - 3 sets - 5-8 reps Hack Squat - 3 sets - 5-8 reps Lying Leg Curls - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Single-leg Leg Press - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Standing Calf-Raises - 4 sets - 10-15 reps Core Workout - 4 sets - 10-15 reps

Day 3: REST / Do some form of cardio (Play sports, go for a jog, etc.)

Day 4 (Pull Day): Barbell Row - 4 sets - 6-10 reps Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pullups - 3 sets - 6-10 reps T-bar, Cable or DB Rows - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Close-grip Pulldowns - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Straight-arm Pulldowns/Facepulls - 3 supersets - 10-15 reps each Barbell Curls - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Hammer Curls, Cable or DB - 3 sets - 8-12 reps

Day 5 (Push Day): DB Bench Press - 4 sets - 6-10 reps Overhead Press - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Incline DB Press - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Cable Crossovers (standing or seated) - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Close-grip Bench Press - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Tricep Extensions - 3 sets - 8-12 reps

Day 6 (Leg Day): Back Squat - 4 sets - 6-10 reps Deadlift - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Leg Press - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Leg Extensions/Leg Curls - 3 supersets - 8-12 reps Seated Calf-Raises - 4 sets - 10-15 reps Core Workout - 4 sets - 10-15 reps

Day 7: REST / Do some form of cardio (Play sports, Go for a jog, etc.)


-Ashwaganda (Pill form, one 650mg pill before workout when I need an extra energy boost)

-Kaizen Whey Isolate Protein (2 scoops @ 35g/scoop post-workout usually)

-ENGN Shred Pre-workout (1 scoop 15-30 minutes before workout)


I have really grown mentally and although my weight loss journey isn’t done yet (roughly 30-50 pounds to lose) I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far. Through this weight loss, not only have I been able to get myself to live a way healthier lifestyle and improve my mental and physical health, but I have also found a true purpose and calling for once in my life. I plan to make as big of a positive impact as possible and help/inspire as many people as I can. This is just the beginning and I’m genuinely excited for what I have planned in the future! Thanks for reading, I have love for every single one of you and wish you all the most success on your journeys! :)

submitted by /u/omarthaherfit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat