Monday, June 10, 2019

Weight Loss Update: 438 lbs to 260 lbs. ~ 180 pounds down in 1 year naturally with diet and exercise!

Before and After Picture (438 lbs to 260 lbs)


Since a young boy, I have always struggled with being overweight and have had countless failed attempts trying to lose it. On April 3rd of last year, I decided to finally commit and really push myself to the limit and beyond both physically and mentally. I knew this time was different; my mindset and determination to succeed were stronger than ever before. Over this past year, I have learned so much, about weight loss, exercise, dieting, and myself as a person. With the use of IF/OMAD (Intermittent Fasting/One Meal A Day), keeping CICO in mind, and a consistent workout routine, I have been able to lose 180+ pounds thus far.


I believe that finding a long-term sustainable diet really is essential not only for losing weight, but ensuring you keep the weight off! Finding the right plan is a person to person basis so I did a lot of experimenting with different dieting techniques (IF, OMAD, Keto, Atkins etc.) until I was able to find one that I was pleased by and could see myself doing long-term. Currently, I am doing OMAD/IF on a High Protein, Low Carb diet. Currently I try to keep my macros roughly 40-45% protein, 30-35% fats, and 20% carbs. I am not very strict on these percentages but aim to keep within these ranges as much as possible. Most days I am doing OMAD (One Meal A Day) and I have this meal usually right after I workout (workout is done fasted). A regular day of eating this one meal would be a post-workout protein shake/bar, Chicken usually as my main meat source of protein, or turkey, beef etc. when I can. A salad and veggies as well as often as I can to ensure I get my greens in and a good source of fibre! Then for desert or if I need to get more fibre in I will have a fibre bar, kale chips, granola bar, or protein ice cream, which are all high sources of fibre and taste great! If I am not doing OMAD, I will be doing Intermittent Fasting on usually a 2-4 hour window to eat, where I will have the aforementioned foods except more split up. I am not really a picky eater so this is what my diet mostly consists of.


I have been doing a bodybuilding routine in order to try to maintain and build as much muscle as possible while I am simultaneously losing all the weight I am. So doing a muscle building workout routine has definitely been key for me to help with my physique and not have me looking flat with all the weight I am losing. Also, I workout (both lifting and cardio) in a fasted state, mainly to help burn fat and build muscle more efficiently.

Since I started working out in April of last year, I have tried out a variety of routines (Bro Split, 4-Day UL, 6-Day UL, 6-Day PPL, 5-Day ULPPL) and have had success with all of them but find the best and most efficient for my current schedule to be the 5-Day Upper, Lower, Push, Pull, Legs routine. I do this routine while incorporating cardio (usually HIIT) right after I am done lifting on at least 3 of those days typically. I also try to stay active on any rest days and get cardio in through sports like basketball, soccer, boxing, or going for a jog whenever I can.

Here is the current routine I am following:

Day 1 (Upper Day): Bench Press - 4 sets - 5-8 reps Barbell Row - 4 sets - 5-8 reps DB Overhead Press - 3 sets - 5-8 reps Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups - 3 sets - 6-10 reps DB curls - 4 sets - 8-12 reps Straight-arm Pulldowns/Face-pulls - 3 supersets - 8-12 reps

Day 2 (Lower Day): Back Squat - 4 sets - 5-8 reps Deadlift - 3 sets - 5-8 reps Hack Squat - 3 sets - 5-8 reps Lying Leg Curls - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Single-leg Leg Press - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Standing Calf-Raises - 4 sets - 10-15 reps Core Workout - 4 sets - 10-15 reps

Day 3: REST / Do some form of cardio (Play sports, go for a jog, etc.)

Day 4 (Pull Day): Barbell Row - 4 sets - 6-10 reps Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pullups - 3 sets - 6-10 reps T-bar, Cable or DB Rows - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Close-grip Pulldowns - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Straight-arm Pulldowns/Facepulls - 3 supersets - 10-15 reps each Barbell Curls - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Hammer Curls, Cable or DB - 3 sets - 8-12 reps

Day 5 (Push Day): DB Bench Press - 4 sets - 6-10 reps Overhead Press - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Incline DB Press - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Cable Crossovers (standing or seated) - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Close-grip Bench Press - 3 sets - 8-12 reps Tricep Extensions - 3 sets - 8-12 reps

Day 6 (Leg Day): Back Squat - 4 sets - 6-10 reps Deadlift - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Leg Press - 3 sets - 6-10 reps Leg Extensions/Leg Curls - 3 supersets - 8-12 reps Seated Calf-Raises - 4 sets - 10-15 reps Core Workout - 4 sets - 10-15 reps

Day 7: REST / Do some form of cardio (Play sports, Go for a jog, etc.)


-Ashwaganda (Pill form, one 650mg pill before workout when I need an extra energy boost)

-Kaizen Whey Isolate Protein (2 scoops @ 35g/scoop post-workout usually)

-ENGN Shred Pre-workout (1 scoop 15-30 minutes before workout)


I have really grown mentally and although my weight loss journey isn’t done yet (roughly 30-50 pounds to lose) I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far. Through this weight loss, not only have I been able to get myself to live a way healthier lifestyle and improve my mental and physical health, but I have also found a true purpose and calling for once in my life. I plan to make as big of a positive impact as possible and help/inspire as many people as I can. This is just the beginning and I’m genuinely excited for what I have planned in the future! Thanks for reading, I have love for every single one of you and wish you all the most success on your journeys! :)

submitted by /u/omarthaherfit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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