Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I (20F) have no photos of myself. [RANT]

Hello LoseIt community,

First off, I apologize for the format (mobile) and for the rambling. I just need to get this off my chest, I guess.

Last year for my 20th birthday, my mom and I went to my favourite place on earth, Disneyland. I had such an amazing time. However, one part really stings from it; I have no photos of myself from my birthday. I have photos of the park, sure. But no photos of me or my mom.

I’m 20 years old, and I only have maybe three photos of myself that I actually like from the ages of 11-20. Almost ten years of my life. I have photos of my family and I on other Disney trips, but I would never look at them. I hate them. I hate the way I look in them. I hate how fat I am in all of them. Even pictures of my high school grad. I had this super beautiful dress, but I hate all the photos of myself in it.

I guess I’m just sad. I’m sad that I lost my teenage years because of my weight. I’m sad I don’t like any photo that’s ever been taken of me. I thought about it this morning when I saw that a local photographer was doing a sale on summer photos. I thought about doing it, just so I have some photos of me at 20, but they’re still pretty expensive and I don’t want to waste money on something I’ll hate.

I’m going to the gym tonight, so hopefully that’ll make me feel better. Days like this, weight loss seems so unobtainable. It feels like no matter how hard I try, I’ll never get to where I want to be. It feels like I’ll never be comfortable with myself. I guess it’s just hard to keep up the motivation sometimes.

submitted by /u/heyyall604
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm disabled, had spinal surgery, and want to lose weight (again). Are there any new resources I could use to make the journey easier?

I'm male, 29, and currently 250: the heaviest I've been in ten years. I had spinal surgery in November and, while I've generally recovered, I still face some limitations from my disability (drop hand/foot, balance issues, inability to drive to/from gym, etc).

When I weighed this much ten years ago, I practiced weight watchers and did Dance Dance Revolution every day after high school. But now I'm just overly tired all the time and my neck still kind of hurts when I have to walk around.

Are there any new resources that could potentially make my weight loss a bit easier for me? I'm just so exhausted that it's difficult to do much of anything.

submitted by /u/FaolanBaelfire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm at the weight I was when I gave up on weight loss last time and I'm having a motivational crisis

I started losing weight in 2015, and by 2016 I'd dropped to 192 pounds from a starting weight of 237. At that point, some events in my life occurred and I started stress eating. A lot. And I quit monitoring my caloric intake and I quit exercising.

At the beginning of 2019 I was back up to 220 pounds. Am now down to 192 again, which was great when I saw it on the scale, but I'm having this weird psychological reaction to it where I'm afraid that maybe I'm literally incapable of losing weight below this. I've noticed my eating has started to slip a bit the last couple weeks, which has left me in a plateau instead of the relatively constant loss I've been in since February. Does anyone else experience this kind of motivational issue? I am really afraid I am going to backslide and gain all the weight back again. I feel stupid even typing this out but I'm hoping someone has good advice or maybe just a kind word.

submitted by /u/DubiousBeak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The second word I ever said was “chocolate”.

I was the chubby kid. My second word was chocolate. I’m not saying that to add emphasis to my story, I’m saying it because it’s fact.

I was probably “normal” until about 7-8 when I was old enough to realize that my parents would cave and give me whatever I wanted to eat in order to prevent a tantrum. I look back at pictures of my formative years and it’s usually my parents (who were relatively thin), me and my balloon sized stomach. I by no means am blaming my parents for my weight. I know unequivocally that they did and DO love me unconditionally. In fact I think they loved me so much that they didn’t even “see” my size.

Let’s add puberty and acne and grades 5-9 (US school system) and it is a recipe for disaster. You could offer me the amount of the national debt IN CASH and I still wouldn’t go back to those school years. I didn’t help matters; for example I remember having one single pair of jeans that fit and I probably wore them almost every day. It’s not that my parents wouldn’t buy me clothes, it’s just that I was A) too embarrassed to admit my issue and B) in hindsight I don’t think I cared about my appearance as much as I probably should have. I am fortunate in that my mental health has always been stable at that stage and my parents instilled a confidence in me that I will be forever grateful for.

Besides one bought with a very unhealthy, quick weight loss (which I gained back plus some) I was overweight until my late 20s. This might sound drastic but I was so tired of having the excess weight that I quit dairy, gluten and sugar cold turkey. Within a year I was 5’2” and 113 lbs. I did work out occasionally but for myself, it’s consisted almost entirely on a dietary change.

Besides +/- 5 pounds vanity pounds I have remained this weight for roughly 7 years now (37F) and it’s not easy. Food has had such an influence on my life that sometimes I will go as far as declining social outings because I know the event will be based around food and drinking and I only allow myself two cheat days a week. I’ve even added carb counting to my list of no-no’s.

To bring this full circle, I’m not telling this story to brag. I am telling it because after A LOT of self inflection I realize that I am so grateful for those years. Do I want to relive them? Absolutely not but I’ll go as far as to say that I wouldn’t be the person I am without them. Struggling with weight has allowed me to be sympathetic and less superficial. The majority of my friends are overweight and, much like my parents, I don’t “see” it. I pray that nobody ever thinks I am judging them.

I think the reason why I am bringing this up is because I own a clothing boutique and a young girl and her mother came in. This young lady reminded me of myself at that age. She found a shirt that fit her and she loved it. After paying her mom told me that her daughter rarely finds something that fits that she is genuinely excited about and that really hit home. I had to choke back tears because I’ve been there...

Thanks for anyone who actually read this 😊

submitted by /u/anotamissanonymous
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Making a vow to r/loseit to get back on track.

Hey folks! I just wanted to make a statement here to hold myself accountable.

I started my weight loss journey a few years ago at 290 lbs, and went down to 230 lbs through a lot of effort. I then fell off the wagon, but got back on it last spring, and made it to 225. However, between a trip to New York City and summer vacation in general, I've gone back up to 230lbs.

Today, I'm making a vow to get back on the wagon and resume my loss. If you have any advice for someone trying to get back on the CICO wagon, I would love to hear them.

I'm having a lot of trouble resisting treats when they are available, and this is particularly an issue, as my office is frequently offering up pastries and the like.

submitted by /u/Cydrius
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat

Most people are surprised to learn that strawberries aren’t actually berries at all—botanically speaking, that is. This member of the rose family is the enlarged receptacle of a flower. Regardless, of its origins, the strawberry is a delicious and healthy fruit that is packed with vitamins and minerals. In fact, strawberries are actually higher in vitamin C—and lower in calories—than oranges. They also contain folate, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, and magnesium—making strawberry recipes the ultimate (and healthy) treat.

In addition to being nutritious, strawberries are also an incredibly versatile fruit. They can be sliced, baked, pureed or even just eaten whole. Their sweet flavor makes them ideal for healthy snacks and desserts that will satisfy a sweet tooth without derailing one’s healthy lifestyle.

5 Foods that Boost Your Brainpower

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Here, we’ve rounded up 12 delectable strawberry recipes that are as healthy as they are delicious:

1. Strawberry Icebox Cake with Lemon >

strawberry ice cake

To kick off our strawberry recipes, you can have your cake and eat it, too! If you’re looking for a delicious strawberry dessert that’s also simple to make, then this just may become your go-to recipe. This icebox cake is made using only six simple ingredients. It has the flavors of vanilla, lemon, and of course, strawberry, all wrapped into one delicious cake. For all that flavor, it’s surprising that a serving is only 152 calories. It counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra on your Nutrisystem meal plan.

2. Sweet Strawberry Cheesecake Pudding >

strawberry cheesecake pudding

If you love strawberry cheesecake but don’t want to be bogged down by lots of calories and sugar, then you’re in luck. We’ve found a way to pack in the same flavors into a much healthier alternative—pudding! Besides eating it with a spoon instead of a fork, you’ll hardly notice a difference—except that it’ll only set you back 98 calories. The pudding features fat-free cottage cheese, low-fat cream cheese, sliced fresh strawberries, vanilla extract and stevia. Puree them together, and you’re done! It’s that simple. This sweet pudding counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra on your Nutrisystem plan.

3. Strawberry Mint Smoothie >


If you’re a fan of smoothies, this is one you’ve got to try. The combination of strawberry with some cool mint flavor is out of this world. And all it takes to make is combining strawberries with a handful of mint leaves, nonfat plain Greek yogurt, skim milk and some stevia. Blend it all together and sip away. At only 172 calories and packed with so many healthy ingredients, this is a smoothie you can feel good about. It counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel on your Nutrisystem plan.

How to Make Dried Fruit without a Dehydrator

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4. Strawberry Chia Jam >

strawberry chia jam

Jam is a great way to add some flavor—and nutrition—to your morning whole wheat toast or afternoon snack. And since this strawberry chia jam only has 29 calories per serving, it’s not adding a ton of unnecessary calories. Because this recipe uses chia seeds, you can also feel good about the fact that you’re packing a good source of omega-3s into your day. You might be surprised to know that, gram for gram, chia seeds contain more omega-3s than salmon. On the Nutrisystem plan, a serving of this jam counts as one Extra.

5. Strawberry Fields Overnight Oatmeal >


Making your own oatmeal is a lot easier than you may have thought. In this version, skim milk, Greek yogurt, strawberry jam and freshly chopped strawberries are combined with warm, fiber-filled oats. While oatmeal is definitely known for its fiber factor, oats also pack in a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as more protein and healthy, unsaturated fats than most other grains. A bowl of this hearty oatmeal will leave you feeling full on only 206 calories. It counts as one-and-a-half SmartCarbs, one PowerFuel and one Extra.

6. Kiwi Strawberry Slushie >

strawberry slushie

A delicious and healthy slushie might just sound too good to be true. But this recipe will prove it’s not. Ice, strawberries, kiwifruit, lemon juice, and water are blended together for a perfectly scrumptious frozen treat. You’ll not only get all the vitamins out of the strawberries, but the kiwi, too. Kiwi’s green flesh is full of nutrients like vitamin C, K, E, and folate and potassium. One of these slushies is just 73 calories and one SmartCarb—making this one of our ultimate strawberry recipes!

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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7. Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles >

strawberry pineapple

Treat yourself to one of these healthy popsicles for a fun way to fit more fruit into your day. Easy-to-make, these popsicles combine fresh or frozen strawberries and pineapple with some water. Freeze in a popsicle tray and—voila! You’ve got some gourmet-looking homemade popsicles that are packed with vitamins and minerals. Pineapple is known for having high amounts of vitamin C and manganese. One popsicle is just 32 calories and counts as half of a SmartCarb.

8. Strawberry Feta Spinach Salad >


Strawberry recipes don’t always have to be a dessert. Combining strawberries with iron-rich spinach punches up the nutrition factor of this yummy salad. It’s light-but-filling and makes a great flex lunch. On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, two Vegetables and one Extra. If you’d rather have it for dinner, just add a PowerFuel, such as some chopped nuts or chicken, and you’ve got a balanced meal.

9. Healthy Non-Alcoholic Strawberry Daiquiri >


If you’d like to enjoy a tasty strawberry daiquiri without the empty calories from the alcohol, then we’ve got you covered. This non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri recipe is absolutely packed with strawberries—both fresh and frozen—as well as some zesty lime juice. You’ll feel as though you’re indulging but will only be sipping a mere 55 calories per drink. A serving also counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan.

Superfood Saturday: Berries

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10. Strawberry Chocolate Protein Popcorn >


The unlikely flavor combination of strawberries, chocolate, and popcorn just works in this tasty popcorn treat. Whether you’re enjoying a nighttime movie or you just need an afternoon snack, this sweet popcorn will satisfy your cravings and only has 151 calories per serving. After popping your kernels, the popcorn is misted with coconut oil cooking spray, sprinkled with chocolate protein powder and mixed with freeze dried strawberries. It counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

11. Strawberry Delight Fro-Yo >

strawberry froyo

If you are looking for a delicious treat that won’t do any diet damage, this healthy Fro-Yo is a great choice. It features four cups of frozen strawberries blended together with honey, plain non-fat yogurt and fresh lemon juice. It’s smooth and creamy to satisfy your craving for something indulgent—even though it’s low in calories. On the Nutrisystem plan, it’s one SmartCarb and one Limited Extra.

12. Strawberry Kiwi Fruit Leather >

strawberry recipes

This homemade fruit leather is one of our favorite strawberry recipes. It’s such a sweet treat that it’s almost shocking to realize it uses not only fresh kiwi and strawberries, but also a cup of spinach! You’ll need a food dehydrator for this recipe—which is a great tool for making other sweet-but-healthy snacks such as dried fruit. Packed with vitamins, this healthy fruit leather treat is only 65 calories per serving. It counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra on the Nutrisystem plan.

The post 12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Low/No Calorie Mint Options

Thanks so much to all of you - you've been a huge inspiration and have helped me make it through 1/3 of my weight loss journey so far.

I'm a 6'5" 35/M so I'm doing CICO, limiting myself to 1800-2000 kcals per day. Problem is, I also quit smoking about 2 years ago. I quit with nicotine lozenges, and then quit those as well about a year ago by switching to Altoids or other sugar-free mints. I still chomp mints like crazy and would prefer not to stop, as when I try to stop I get very tempted to smoke again.

I never bothered to count my mint calories, they're just some sugar-free mints? Must be negligible.

Nope. Started tracking those and turns out I'm ingesting 50-200 kcals of mints per day! Plus, now that I really think about it, the ingredient list for lots of these mints is pretty complex. I'm also trying to generally eat simple, plant-based foods and 50 altoids/tic-tacs per day doesn't really line up with that.

But, I NEED MAH MINTS. Honestly, I just love having a strong pepperminty taste in my mouth often. I drink 10 20oz water bottles/day so it's not an issue of being thirsty.

Has anyone faced this problem? Any suggestions? I don't really like that most of these mints are quite sweet, I don't need a sweet taste, just a strong minty taste.


submitted by /u/heyallsagan
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