Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hi again Reddit, 7 months later and, well, here we are - almost finished! Original post.


Original weight - 23 and a half stone - (329 lbs)

Current weight - 13 ST (182 lbs)

Total loss - 147 lbs (10 and a half stone) in 7 months.

Ok, to preface the main post - how I feel at the moment.

So it's been a hell of a ride - I started this knowing I'd be where I am now eventually and that I'd be sitting here writing this to you, but the reality differs from expectations in so many ways. I want to be honest and not lie about anything here - I don't feel like I thought I would, I reckoned I'd feel proud and amazing etc, but I just feel .. "okay". Meh about all of it, like 'alright, that happened. So anyway ..."

I'm not really sure why, maybe it's the fact that I went into this with the mindset that I'd let it all fade into the background to make it easier, and over months and months of conditioning it did just that. Maybe it's the fact that I'm still overweight and because I'm such a goal-focused all or nothing kind of person, I don't feel accomplished yet. I'm getting plenty of praise and congratulations from my family but it goes straight through me, like it isn't valid until I reach where I want to be (where I'll be by the end of the year, around 11st.) The 'wow' factor wears off once you get used to this whole thing, and from there it stops being a challenge and just another part of your life. When I get told 'holy shit you've lost so much weight!' it feels like someone celebrating the color of my shoes or the shape of my tie. That's the best thing I can compare it to. I've always been kind of a grouch so you can take a point off my scoreboard here for that, but yeah. That's the real deal of it, cut square and simple. Best I can do.

Oh and don't pay attention to the bullshit I sold myself in the OG - I totally did count calories. And step on the scales. And look in the mirror. Just shut the fuck up past-me, go read or something.

How'd I do it?

No exercise. Not a single jog in the park, starjump, whatever. Sat on my ass like I usually do for the most part, made an effort to pace around while waiting for something that cooked maybe but .. nothing else. Honest!

No junk food. Nothing processed was my rule, no sodas or chips or chocolate etc, nada. If it didn't grow in the earth or live on it, I don't eat it.

Sum of it is, it was the inadvisable way. And as I learned in both consequence and humor, the hard way. I tanked my calories real low to around 200 a day for about 2 - 3 months following my post. Lost a metric fuckton of weight from that, slowly started increasing. 300, then 4, then 5. 4 or 5 months in, 500 a day. Multivit everyday, if I can help it. Also drinking A LOT of water, 2L a day minimum, sometimes 4. Can't stress how much that's helped. Weight loss most certainly did not stop, slowed very slightly. Stabilized to about a stone a month after the first 4. Diet consisted of boring salads and nuts, apples, different random fruits in the beginning. No bad health effects .... yet. Then I got extremely bored of all that, had a big Caribbean take out as a reward with rice, beans, lots of chicken, dumplings, and felt so worried I'd put weight on but to my amazement the weight loss just kept on going. Didn't put on a pound. Even had another less than a week later and it was the same story. I honestly have no idea, more questions that answers, maybe someone can fill me in on just what exactly was going on with my body. So after that my weight loss started to slow, I stalled and hit my first big plateau for the first time. Was at 16st. Lasted about a month and a few days. During that time I decided I'd try upping protein as I'd read that your body burns more fat trying to digest it, so I started eating 4 to 8 cans of skipjack tuna over the course of a week, every week, with fruits and vegetables to accommodate for when I ran out, salads included. Still doing that now. It worked, or at least seemed to - had the 'whoosh effect' and have had it every month since. Also introduced potatoes back into my diet recently and stopped counting so aggressively, eating between 800 - 1k calories a day for the past month.

So the bad side.

Severe constipation. More specifically, a bowel obstruction, my guess anyway. And it's shit - big time. Yes, I just wanted an excuse to use that. So, turns out that you actually can't? just eat a ton of food after having your gut shrink to that extent and expect everything to be fine, as my ape brain failed to correctly process. Where the realization that this was a very fucking stupid idea should've been, instead were circus monkeys enthusiastically smashing cymbals together. I'm an absolute spaceman. So yeah it's still going as I write this now. Started I'd say around the time I had those meals, .. a few months ago. Taken a myriad of different medications, suffering very bad light-headedness when standing up too fast, stress, nausea - I'll leave out the messy details, you get the picture. Meds and more food seem to be working now, very slowly, but more than likely I'll be visiting a hospital soon. Not pretty :-( but if there's anything to learn from it, it's that there are REASONS people that are smarter than you or I tell us NOT to do this the inpatient and risky way, let me be an example. It sucks. Be smart and don't destroy yourselves, people.

The good side!

I look a lot skinnier and more muscular than I used to pretty much everywhere, especially in my arms, face, hands and neck. I feel healthier, can move around more, do more. Skin looks better. I can literally fucking step into my clothes like I'm wearing one of those blow up bouncy suits you for some reason see in weird car advertisements. Libido has increased. Noticeably. Eyesight seems to have improved a little. I think clearer and more effectively, enjoy stuff more. Taste of food is godlike compared to what it used to be, that occasional take out makes me feel like I'm eating in the halls of Valhalla. Hair looks better and doesn't grow out as much, guessing it's a nutrient thing. Or body grew out of it's human Michelin man wannabe phase. I dunno. I'm a ' if it works' kind of guy, I don't think about it too much. Lot of other positives I mostly hear from other people, but we went over that already, so - conclusion!

  • Possibly the only time in my life I can say that I lost a person with everyone dancing in jolly celebration.
  • Bad eating habits are bad + no do weight loss stupid ape no human think way for best results.
  • It's nice! .. but you know, whatever else you've got going on in your life is still there. Can't really burn it off with the fat. So keep that in mind.
  • Extra bullet point because I'm uncreative and too cool for school 😎 👉👉

Couple of months and probably a couple more into the new year before I fully realize my destiny as skeletor incarnate and enact my wrath upon the world. Thinking I'll settle for 10 at the lowest based on my BMI. So I guess I'll be back then? dismissing any acts of god or crossing the street backwards with my eyes closed. But yeah, it feels good Reddit :-)

submitted by /u/throwawaynumerojuan2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gained a ton of weight in college

Hi everyone,

I'm posting on here for the first time as a cry for help or I guess encouragement in my weight loss journey. Long story short, I gained a ton of weight in college due to stress and depression. I used to be very confident in my body and figure - I had a tiny waist and toned legs. I ate very unhealthily and didn't work out. I've come to a point in my life where I can't even look at myself in the mirror. None of my clothes fit me anymore, and even the loosest pants I had in the past fit me tightly now. I can't even wear half of the things in my closet anymore. I'm embarrassed of the way I look, and I know I can look so much better if I lose the weight.

I don't know if any of you have experienced this, but I feel absolute hatred and regret for myself. I let myself eat unhealthily, which is why I'm suffering this repercussions right now. I just want to lose the weight so badly, but at the same time, I hate feeling hungry and I love eating. Please don't say anything rude. I'm posting this to vent and gain some motivation to lose weight. My self-esteem went from 100 to 0 since I gained weight, and I can't really express in words how bad I feel about myself. It's almost as if I want to lock myself away and not meet anyone until I lose it. :(

submitted by /u/janecor11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else stuck in a continuous loop of "it's going to be different this time, today is the day I get back on track" and then falling back into old habits?

This subreddit is mostly positive, so sorry to ruin the mood

For context, I'm a 6'2, 265lb college student.

When I got to college 3 years ago, I weighed about 180lbs. Over the course of two years, depression, stress, and poor choices lead to me gaining nearly 100lb.

Last summer, I decided to fix it. I started doing CICO, avoiding fast food, and drinking less. I went from 279 down to 240. I was feeling great.

Then I went back to class and work, and over this past year I gained it all back. It eats at me (no pun intended) every day, not only the fact that I'm fat and hate everything about how I look and feel, but that I fucked up and undid my progress.

I keep having moments where I decide that enough is enough, I'm going to get back on track and get back to my old self. But inevitably I run out of steam after a few days or a week and end up going back to bad habits.

I'm kind of worried that this is my life now. I never struggled with my weight (or even thought about it) until a couple years ago when I went from a healthy BMI to obese. I've seen my mother go through this over my whole life. She's borderline morbidly obese, and is constantly "starting again" when it comes to weight loss, but she's been doing that for 20 years and hasn't really lost anything.

Anyone else feel kind of stuck?

submitted by /u/Quinn___
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[rant] Had my wedding dress fitting today

I had my dress fitting today. I am down a few pants sizes, and many inches on my bust, waist, and hips.

I started IF+ walking and decided to not weigh myself due to my previous obsession with the scale. My pants began to get so loose and baggy my friends took notice. I then got the flu and unintentionally lost even more weight.

I suddenly fit back into the pants I never thought I’d fit into again. I am so dang happy. I’m feeling physically more capable!

Anyway, my dress is a stunningly beautiful dress. I picked it out months ago and I love it! Today was the first fitting. As this is a plus size dress boutique when they order it they measure every little part of you so it comes and fits likes a glove.

But today, it slid RIGHT off of me. The seamstress kept making snide comments to me about the weight loss.

“Why lose the weight?” “You were fine the way you were” “now I have to change the bones of the dress completely to fit you” “Why didn’t you like yourself before?”

I causally mentioned to my mother that I’m going to work out to tone my arms for the wedding as it’s a sleeveless gown and my mom knew it was because my arms are an insecurity. The woman didn’t like that either and added more comments.

At the time I laughed it all off, but now it’s 1am and I’m thinking about how crappy it made me feel for being judged for losing weight. I have noticed in those types of stores (plus size) it can be viewed down upon and not seen as being “body positive.”

I love myself , I love my body. I love my body enough to lose the weight that is adding stress to it. I love it enough to let it be as capable as it can be and work the best it can. I loved myself at 257 lbs, and I love myself now at 230.

before and after in dress

submitted by /u/fgfrf12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

In a slump

I have been a member of this community for a while but this is my 1st post. I started my weight loss journey last August. I weighed a 139.5 kg(307.5 lbs) and I lost about 19 kg up until Jan 2019. After January I Started College and to this date, I haven't lost any weight. I have actually gained 6 kgs back and its getting really tiring to Motivate myself back up only to crash in a few days. I do go to the gym regularly but I'm having trouble maintaining my diet. The Drive that I had is hidden somewhere and im desperately trying to get it back. Do you guys have any tips on getting back to weight loss? I'm sick and tired of staying fat but With College and everything, it's hard to maintain a diet and go to the gym and stay on top of your classes.

submitted by /u/Katographerquinn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started doing what I love again and weight is dropping

2 years ago I suffered a radial head fracture in my left elbow and soft tissue damage from an accident riding my bicycle. Mentally and physically I wasn't the same having only gone on about 6 rides in those 2 years. In late June I noticed my weight was up at 363 lbs and felt a need to get riding again. I started riding my bicycle again, eating less at meals, cutting out snacks and choosing higher protein/fibre with less sugar foods. I've been doing good with 26-40 km rides almost every other day and my weight this morning was down to 327 lbs. I had to make a new hole in my large belt for work pants and after a while they were still slipping down. I've never been happier to be riding my bicycle again. If you find something you love to do then it makes the weight loss journey that much easier!

submitted by /u/dont_matter_anyways
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from loseit - Lose the Fat