Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Not eating much lately, gonna ask about weight loss while I'm at it

Been feeling down lately due to personal issues. This is translating into not eating much (almost not at all some days) for two weeks now.

Thought I could lose some weight while I'm at it; but it seems I have barely lost any at all.

Starting from 80kg (176 lbs), I had been wanting to get to around 70kg (154 lbs). Seems like I have lost just 1 or 2 kg, and I've heard of water weight loss when you don't have carbs, which may be a significant part of this loss since I haven't been eating much overall.

I am also in the mid-20s, male, average height, and pretty sedentary.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Yeltsin86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to come to terms with doing this the “right” way

Over the years I have struggled with OSFED and binge eating. Gaining an losing weight constantly. I am currently at my highest weight ever.

For the past four days, I have eaten healthy and within my calorie limit. I have gone on an hour long walk each day.

In the past, if I wasn’t eating 1,200 calories or less, and busting my ass at the gym burning at least 500 calories, I wasn’t doing it right. Doing this would help me drop weight very quickly, I’d feel great, but eventually my body would crave food to the point where I would binge and gain it all back.

I’ve always had this all or nothing mindset. Which is really stupid.

I am finally trying to accept that I don’t need to do the absolute most when it comes to weight loss. Eating 1,500 calories and walking for an hour is just fine. It’s definitely a lot better than eating junk and sitting on my ass all day.

I am trying to stay positive and tell myself that as long as I stay consistent, I will see results. And I do not need to wear myself out in order to achieve weight loss.

submitted by /u/kbat420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Newfangled Body Posture

Now, I won’t say that I had perfect posture growing up. When I was little, family members would always do that thing where you come up from behind someone in a chair and pull their shoulders back.

Still, in the past little while, i’m the time leading up to my weight loss, I’d been getting better. Or, at least, I thought I was, personally.

But it seems like all that went out the window in the end. I feel top-heavy, and I can’t sit properly in a chair. I’m curious if that has anything to do with weight loss or if it’s just because of the way things are right now.

I blame shaggy and all the “skinny-stoner-teen” characters I looked up to as a kid.

submitted by /u/MrFwuffy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting pretty close to throwing in the towel and letting obesity win

Not looking for advice, I just want to vent. I've been making glacial progress with weight loss because I've chosen to do it entirely through diet. Recently I started trying to eat less meat and more vegetables in an attempt to eat healthier and with the help of ginger supplements, I was able to kill my appetite and go back to eating one meal a day. I seemed to make a little more progress, but then I have a single cheat day and gain it all back. Nothing big and no binging, just kind of, "I think I'll have a little ice cream along with my one meal." Apparently that makes me gain back 4 pounds.

I'm just getting really sick of putting forth effort, going without, being miserable and hungry all day long, measuring/weighing out meals and drinks (the kinds with calories, anyway) and eating below my recommended calorie deficit only for the scale to say the same thing. It just seems like I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, but my body isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing. It's pretty frustrating, and honestly, if I'm going to be the same weight whether I behave myself in regard to food or eat like a pig, I think I'll just eat like a pig and say my current weight is my new goal weight. I'm just very tired of fighting a battle for which there seems to be no victory.

I tried. We can't all be winners, I guess.

submitted by /u/CantFindMyChandelier
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm going to cry once someone finally notices I've lost weight

I swear I've read every article on this topic that my google searches have produced, and dug through the archives of this reddit for anything even slightly related to "when will people notice.." and yet I just can't get enough (sounds like the exact problem that got me to this weight lol).

Basically, I'm very aware that dieting takes time, that this is a marathon not a sprint, that I'm making lifelong changes not overnight changes, and that the "paper-towel effect" is very much a thing.... That being said, I'm still just SO freaking impatient with my weight loss and I'm so desperate to see some visual payout for my hard work. Like I just want even the tiniest nugget of visual confirmation that I'm beginning to look just slightly less obese and slightly more normal.

I've restarted my weightless efforts and I'm just so anxious and the wait to finally see some noticeable, visual changes has got me absolutely tortured.

Been at it for nearly 2 months now, with daily exercise, and most importantly, strict and low, daily calories (so low that even if I was off by a bit, I'd still be losing. But I'm very careful to weigh everything and/or only eat foods with predetermined portions/calories, like frozen lean meals, so I doubt I'm off by anything more than maybe 20 calories at worst).

I know 2 months isn't long in the big picture (especially since I had/have about 100lbs to lose in total to reach my UGW), and I've been taking photos every 3 weeks just to see if that helps me track changes but nope, nothing. Despite having lost weight and more or less dropped a pant size, I look exactly the same. Not even sure how it's possible but that's the case.

I read all these stories of people saying they were losing weight so fast that clothes were falling off and people were constantly commenting and I'm like okay, when is this going to happen for me..??? No one can apparently tell at all. And last summer, I lost over 60lbs and only one person noticed. I finally told another friend and she got flustered and apologized and was like oh, yeah now that you mention it, I think I can tell! I was just defeated that all that work and all the weight lost translated into literally no physical change. People still apparently thought I looked the same as I did with an extra 70lbs on me. Like why even bother if I will forever look like I'm massively obese ya know?

Just really hoping this time, since I'm starting up again at a lower starting weight and adding exercise, that people will comment soon/sooner? Please share with me motivational stories if you felt the same way and how good it was when people FINALLY could see a difference. I need some personal, anecdotal inspiration that my time is coming, eventually. :(

submitted by /u/Otherwise_Sno
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why I think daily weigh-ins are so important - anybody else agree?

So many people seem to advise against frequently weighing yourself during weight loss, some suggest weekly or fortnightly. I'm saying daily weigh-ins are essential after doing it for 258 days.

See the link above to my weight in August. On the 4th August I weigh 85.7kg. If I waited until 29th August for my next weigh in I was 85.9kg - really disappointing, I've put 0.2 kg on over 25 days - potentially demotivating especially knowing I had a calorie deficit of over 15,000 calories during that period.

However with daily weigh-ins you can clearly see a trend line throughout August showing my steady weight loss. I pay more attention to my average weekly weight which for the first week of Aug (29 Jul-4 Aug) was 87.0 kg and last week of Aug (26 Aug-1 Sep) was 85.2kg - 1.8kg lost for the month.

August was a slow month as you can see from my weight loss chart for the whole year but my calorie deficit does reflect this and CICO has held true throughout the whole year:

And finally for CICO nerds, here is my actual weight loss vs calorie deficit. Note that I need to adjust my Fitbit calorie burn by a factor of 0.86 to bring it in line with my actual weight loss, but once I have done that it remains accurate throughout the whole period.

Anybody else a fan of the daily weigh-ins?

submitted by /u/tallmansix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Postpartum weight loss (x-posted).

Over the past month, I’ve consistently been eating at a deficit (usually 13-1600 calories per day) and have lost one pound. There was a day where I was down 2 lbs from where I am now, but aside from one day, I’ve remained the same. I started dieting around 2 months ago and have lost about 11 lbs overall, if that is relevant at all.

Many folks say to eat 15-1800 calories a day to maintain milk supply and lose weight, but my supply is great so I don’t see why I can’t eat less than that. And if “starvation mode” is not evidence-based, it makes no sense why I wouldn’t see a scale loss. I started exercising one week ago, so I can’t attribute an entire month’s worth of a plateau to gaining muscle.

As far as I know, a postpartum/breastfeeding person doesn’t have to eat x calories to lose weight. That would basically be saying that for some people “starvation mode” is a thing, and that gets all the raised eyebrows from me.

Where should I go from here? Stay the course? Eat more? Experiment (and in what way?)

I’m below my pre-pregnancy weight at 3 months postpartum (146.someshit depending on the day), but I’d ideally like to lose 10-20 more lbs.

Any insight?

submitted by /u/heymariehi
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