Monday, September 30, 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tasted blood after a run, but I’m not giving up

I’ve been running on the treadmill to lose weight, but I really wasn’t loosing much. Then I cheered on my friend who completed a half iron man. He’s in the best shape of his life and I don’t want to do triathlons but I just want a little taste of that life so much. Not just for weight loss but the comradery, everyone wanted everyone to make it. ...And also how impressed I was by everyone’s bodies. All sorts of bodies and shapes and ages and abilities but they all looked fit and they all were accomplishing something special to them. So I know that’s never going to happen on the treadmill, it’s just not the same as hitting the pavement physically or mentally. So I started a running/fitness schedule and I joined a run club because I’ve started up and eventually quit running so many times I need some accountability, from real people not just from myself. I was so nervous about run club. They were all so fit, they all looked so good, they do this every week, for fun! I could barely get work done the day leading up to it thinking about how bad I was going to be I ran 2 miles straight with them, I pushed hard...and tasted blood. I was absolutely dying and then walked the rest. And you know what? The run club was just happy I joined and came out. They all said it’s ok and I’ll improve. We all had a beer and they all told me about their worst day running Two days later instead of giving up I went for a jog again, same distance, just 2 miles. I felt not just better, but good. I don’t know when the last time I felt truly good from exercising was. Certainly never on the treadmill. I don’t weigh myself anymore, I threw out my scale a while ago, so I don’t know if I’m “losing it” yet, I’m still on this journey, but I wanted to say to anyone that sometimes it’s also about “gaining it” too, maybe the “it” I need is to fail a little bit so that I can succeed later when I earn it, instead of just maintaining like I was on the treadmill by myself I signed up for a half marathon in spring so there’s no going back now. Wish me luck. I’m gonna need it.

submitted by /u/Zanzoken814
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally down to my high school weight!

Some quick stats: 22yr old 5ft female SW: 175/180 CW:140 UGW: 120

Weighed in yesterday at 140lbs! I'm a recent college grad and current grad student so I'm very happy I've been able to hit this milestone with everything going on. I started this journey around the start of February at 175/180lbs so I've lost 35lbs so far. Most of the weight loss was fueled by cooking my own meals and CICO, along with exercise. Looking back, most of the weight gain came from dining hall food (impossible to count calories when you're not cooking your own food and not at a place with calorie counts) as well as some relationship weight and just the college lifestyle in general. Still have 20lbs to go but happy I’m rid of the bulk of the weight.

Though now that I'm a broke grad student, I don't have the money for a gym (that's a lot of grocery money) so I started walking more on campus rather than taking the campus shuttle. And after seeing keto mentioned so much on here and other forums I'm in, I decided to start transitioning towards it. For the past 2-4 weeks, I've lowered my carb intake. Haven't been eating carbs with meals but I do sometimes have carbs in snacks. Honestly after counting my net carbs (since keto is <50) and realizing how the carbs in everyday foods add up, I'm not sure if I'll still try to go full keto but I do enjoy being low carb. I feel that it's definitely part of what's driven my weight loss the past 2 months (9lbs!) and I feel like I have more energy when I have less carbs. Following keto recipe blogs on insta has definitely inspired me to try fun new recipes and stay low carb. And my Fitbit helps me a lot with CICO and staying accountable cuz if I have a bad week, I can look back at how well (or not so well) I ate that week. Lurking on forums and posting once I’ve hit a milestone also helps me stay motivated as well.

What motivated me to finally lose the weight was the desire to finally have a body I could actually be happy with, make sure I don't become a diabetic, increase my dating pool (I was single for the first time in 2 years), and lose weight so that I'd have a better chance to qualify for a breast reduction.

Definitely starting to be happier with my body, though I still see the fat there and know I’ll be happier once I have a flat tummy and less fat rolls on my back. Some downsides have been my boobs getting saggier as I lose the weight (went from a 38G to a 38DDD/E). So they’re def still too big for my frame but look a little better in clothing. Another downside is clothing getting looser not that soon after I buy it since I’m actively losing weight. Trying to balance wanting to look cute without spending too much on clothes that might be too baggy after I lose 20lbs.

There’s little things that show me I’ve gotten healthier. First was the lightening of my neck. For many POC, you can develop “dark neck” (Acanthosis nigricans) once you enter pre-diabetes territory. About 10-15lbs ago, I noticed my neck was getting lighter, which was a relief. Then about 5lbs after that, I also noticed a light line on my neck cuz the skin wasn’t folded over like it had been in years so it was finally able to see the world๐Ÿ˜‚ Last week, I also noticed that my dimples have come back. Forgot I even had dimples since I’ve been overweight for most of college and they disappeared soon after I started. Also noticed my collarbones and wristbands starting to show like they used to. Of course there’s the big things too, like not getting out of breath when walking up hills on campus. That’s a pretty good feeling.

For anyone on the start of your journey, I encourage you to keep pushing! It won’t be easy and I tried losing weight a lot of times before this. But this time was different because I actually stuck with it long enough to see results. I think we get pretty discouraged when we don’t see results right away but weight that takes years to put on is usually going to take at least 6 months to get off. And it’ll all be worth it in the end

Progress pic I took yesterday

submitted by /u/KittyMinty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why can't it be fun?

Day 0

Creating a different approach to weight loss.

"This is so exciting :D Starting my journey today! Away with these man boobs of mine... there's nothing wrong with having man boobs but they were a wake-up call for me. I have a family to take care of and these man boobs are gettings in the way. It's nice to find that I'm not alone in this adventure!" this is me starting today.

I want to make this journey I'm beginning something fun! I don't want to come out as naive, in fact, this is my 3rd attempt at trying to lose my weight and get it to a steady and healthy place. That being said, this time I want to make myself laugh, I want to make myself motivated, I want to make others feel that way. I want to make myself better and capable of facing the world to the best of my ability. And then, when I am ready and healthy I can start my mission to help others. I read somewhere that we cannot help others without helping ourselves first.

I never tried to journal my attempts, but I think this is going to be fun and a new approach for me to weight loss. It's always nicer when you are surrounded by other people that can support and motivate your attempts at life.

I hope I don't LOSE IT... :P (get it?)

submitted by /u/fatlosscomedy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve almost hit losing 20lbs!

I started my weight loss journey in May of this year weighing 230lbs at 5”5. It’s now almost October and I weigh 211. I started out with a mix of intermittent fasting and a calorie restriction of 1200 calories a day, but now I’ve loosened up and let myself have 1500 a day. My face has dropped a lot of weight and I look a lot better, but I still have a long way to go! I’m aiming for 130-140 but I’m honestly just looking for less body fat and to look better. I’m transgender and am going to be starting hormones next year so I’m not quite sure how it is going to effect my weight loss, but here is towards the next 20!

submitted by /u/Queer_glowcloud
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anorexia to being overweight. For anyone who struggled with disordered eating, how did your weight change? At what point were you able to start effectively (and healthily) losing weight?

I had a BMI in the 15s at my worst. I recovered mostly. It wasn’t so much a conscious effort, but I struggled with my mental health and food just failed to be something I could effectively control, and I gained a lot of weight by binge eating and generally just not being careful with what I ate.

I hear a lot about “overshoot” with weight gain/restoration, but I’ve been unable to find many personal accounts. I’m curious about the weight timeline of others who have had eating disorders. I posted here because I know I have to reel in the food party since I’m officially overweight now, and I wanted to know how others approached weight loss.

My weight went from 129 to 143.2 after three days of binge eating, I have heard about edema. My weight fluctuations are kind of...insane, and have always been since I got sick. Does the bloating and fluid retention ever faze out? I apologize if this is the wrong place. Mentioning weight loss generally isn’t appropriate in some of the other subreddits.

submitted by /u/Drichthy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - October Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers! Happy almost October!

A new month is starting which means a new Daily Accountability Challenge!

This is the sign up post to make your goals for the month.

There will be a daily post for you to post your progress on said goals.

At the end of the month, there will be a wrap up to talk about your general progress & how you feel about everything! If you miss the sign up post, you're always welcome to hop in, the waters fine!

You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

Leading by example, here are my goals, subject to mild tweaks as needed!

Weight by end of month (223 - 219 lbs):

Stay in calorie goal (weekly average): 1500 is the general goal area

Exercise 5 days a week: I want to be chasing higher intensity stuff & more strength training. I swear I say this every month! X/X days.

Limit purchased coffee drinks (3 a week): Keeping this because it's now way harder to track Starbucks beverages. X/13 (monthly total allowed).

Self-care time (drawing, journaling, face masks, other moments of non food indulgence): At least once a week, preferably more often.

Practice drawing with pencils/art supplies: I'd like to get back into the swing of doing this daily. X/X days

Try a new recipe once a week: I ended up trying more than one a week this last month & found good new staples so I'll keep this going for the festive month of October! Suggestions welcome! X/X weeks.

Your turn losers, tell us what you’re going to do in the month ahead!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat