Sunday, November 3, 2019

Just started my weight loss and muscle building journey. Few questions to ask

Hi guys,

Its been two months since I started going to the gym. I try going to the gym 4/5 times a week and I have cut down on my diet along with following the diet routine. I started with 60.4-60.9 kg and today I weigh 59.4 which has increased since last week which was 58.4 .I don't understand the logic why is this happening??

This is the first time I am going to a gym. I mainly focus on muscle building and 2 times a week I do cardio depending on my body. when I feel tired I just do walking and some core workout .

I am a vegan I have tried inculcating more protein food in my diet , eating my veggies , milk and curd apart from this I no longer consume any kind of sugar or any junk food.

Can anyone help or give me some insights whether is it normal what's happening with me or am I doing something wrong

PS I know it's a slow process and it takes time and I am not rushing into it but then I don't understand why my weight increased even with no change in my routine.

submitted by /u/pjyoti1235
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Saturday, November 2, 2019

5 month face gains

M 6ft 33 Sw:287 cw:194 gw:180

Start date June 5th

5 months of 1300-1500 cal keto omads

1 hr of spinning 5 days a week

45 min of kettlebells 4 days a week

Maintaining the discipline on cardio has been far and above the hardest part for me, but getting a peloton and sticking to it has been the fuel that has kept me sticking to the whole life style. I don't know if I'd be able to perform such high intensity workouts without the competition factor that's built into the experience.

Highly recommend one to anyone looking to incorporate cardio.

On top of added weight loss, endurance, and all around cardiovascular health have never felt so good.

Plan to introduce heavy lifting once I'm at my goal weight, bump up to 2200 kcal a day with at least 130g of protein. Maybe reintroduce carbs, TBD, god knows I miss them sometimes.

------‐------------------------------------------------------ Pics: Fgains

submitted by /u/R3VERBS
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I feel like I’m never going to lose weight

Hey, I’m a 15F. Growing up, I never had a problem with weight. I was always skinny. I always felt confident within my body, I always went out with friends, I loved shopping, I loved summer as I could go to the beach in my new bikinis etc. Basically, I was just really confident and happy.

When I turned 13 years old, my life took a turn when I fell into a bad bad place. I was diagnosed with depression & everything just went downhill from there. I gained weight like crazy. Ever since then, I promised myself that I would try to lose weight.

I’m now 15, I don’t have depression anymore. I have really bad social anxiety. I do home schooling as I feel way too embaressed to be surrounded by people. I don’t go out, I avoid seeing anyone. I haven’t gone shopping in years and half of my clothes don’t fit me anymore. I have no interest in going shopping because I am not comfortable with accepting the body I have right now. I am not extremley big, Im just a bit overweight. It feels like the more & more I try to lose weight, I just keep gaining it.

I live in a household, where my dad is vegan and he does intermittent fasting. I’ve seen amazing results in him, as he lost about 15 kgs in less than 6 months. I thought maybe I should give it a go, but my dad dosnt reccomend it for people younger than 18. My dad limits the food we have in the house as we aren’t allowed to have soda, juice or anything processed. He mostly cooks vegan food for my family & we do eat pretty healthy.

I don’t really workout anymore. Sometimes I will start a workout at home but a few minutes in I’ll stop from lack of motivation. I don’t really go to the gym, if I do I don’t really do much other than running.

I just feel like Im slowly losing motivation, I feel like I haven’t reached my goals and that they’re slowly just gonna fade away. I cant say I’m trying my hardest, but i’m definitely trying. I just lack any sort of motivation or inspiration. Ever since I gained weight, life has been different and it has changed me as a person. I was just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences? Any tips on weight loss?

submitted by /u/malapxta
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 24 pounds over two years, then gained back over 12 lbs in 8 months

Trigger warning: mentions of depression and body image

Hi, first time posting here. I'm a high school senior, I'm 5'0 and I weigh 134.48 lbs (approx, it fluctuates to 132.28 lbs throughout the week). In 2017, as a result of a gym project where I had to track my physical activity, I lost like 8 pounds in a month (I had started at around 142-143 lbs). This started something I never thought would happen for me; a weight loss journey. By the end of 2018, I weighed 119.05 lbs. My goal weight was 110. I had traveled around that time and I ate enough for two on that trip, came back home and weighed the same. I felt like I had finally achieved a healthy and fit body. Then, school got really difficult. Starting around March of this year, I'd come home and raid the kitchen to forget about everything. I was afraid of failing academically. My mother passive aggressively showed her disregard for my weight gain. My face got wider., my dresses and jeans got tighter. Before my eyes, all of my hard work went down the drain. I try to not see the big picture now in regards to my weight (so I don't break down and cry because I can't believe I ruined what I did). School is even harder, I'm pretty sure I've got depression, and I am always doubting myself because I feel like I'll never amount to other people my age. I can't even begin to think about starting to lose weight again because it is so overwhelming. I'm self conscious, I don't like what I see in the mirror. I eat so much, so so much. When I'm not eating, I procrastinate to escape responsibility because I fear that I can't do anything right anyway. I don't know what my first step should be. I can't limit myself to anything because in times of stress, that's out the window and I'm back to eating until it hurts. More water? More exercise? I have almost no time because I spend around 12-25 hrs a week studying and the rest of the time I spend watching meaningless videos on YT to try and relax. I tried to go for a bike ride a month ago and I was embarrassed by how out of breath I was. I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/daniitessa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What the fuck do I do?

Guys,I need some SERIOUS FUCKING HELP i type right now,let's just say my parents now think I'm a dangerous nut...after I got so damn frustrated over them treating being fat as something that deserves punishment by concentration camp.

I KNOW I'm fat,but jesus,this shit is ruining my fucking life,I exercise,but I admit I'm not doing enough...and I did decide to pig out a bit today...and my parents noticed and then my dad ORDERED me to get on the scale,and I now weigh 237...and that triggered a bit of an argument in where I got kinda pissed and now I had my mom just come in my room and guilt trip me...Forget North Korea,Forget trump..

FUCKING FAT is ruining my life! I honest to fucking god feel like fucking starving right now and I feel like crying.


Any,ANY tips you guys may have would be a fucking godsend!!!

And also,how do you guys deal with parents who nag/otherwise give you shit about your weight?!'s almost like they expect me to be the terminator:Just shut up and take the yelling and criticism without a word,you get angry or mad,they get scared of you...I'm 30,I'm kinda down on my luck and here I was being up in arms about irrelevant shit...when my fucking weight is the true bane of my existence.

Help...advice on how to make my weight loss efforts more effective and how to deal with my parents would be SO helpful right now...god fucking damn it...I was having a good fucking day and then this shit happens.

If you can't give me advice on the above,at least give me tips on how to at least starve myself short term.

I'm getting so fucking tired of this bullshit...I have no fucking job and I have to live with my parents for awhile(And seriously,I'm REALLY thinking about just enlisting into the AF and going from there...and I think I might just do that.)

Fuck my damned life.

submitted by /u/Hayate_Immelmann_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting phentermine prescription today, anyone have experience?

I have a few questions as i am starting my prescription 37.5mg today of Phentermine. Any feedback or anything is welcome!

  1. How long did you take it?

  2. What can i expect on the first day/days/week as far as mental side effects and physical side effects?

  3. How much did you lose over what period of time?

  4. What was your diet while on it?

  5. Bad warnings?

  6. Can i stop it any day, for a day or two then restart? (Asking in case i forget a dose one day, i am forgetful but ill maybe set an alarm).

  7. I have an important special event coming up where alcohol will be served, can i just not take the phentermine that day so i can have a drink or two?

So far i have felt a little queasy, jittery, overall yucky as my body isnt used to stimulants, (even coffee normally makes me feel this way so i dont drink it but once in a blue moon).

My weight loss goal is 50lbs. I am 33/female. BMI is 33. I have hypothyroidism i only got 10 years ago. Prior to that i was always very skinny no matter how much i ate (i actually didnt enjoy being skinny, so thats never my goal), and i was able to model for a living. Ever since i moved to an extremely cold climate was when i was suddenly disgnosed with hypothyroid. When i moved here i was 101lbs. Im looking to be 135, and im 5'2. I just want to be at a weight where i am comfortable with myself again.

Thanks!!!!!! Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/ayediosmiooo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today is the day.

It’s finally happened. I’ve finally hit the breaking point with my weight.

After vehemently avoiding the scale for 2.5 weeks, and eating a steady diet of stovetop macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, sweets and soda, I finally decided I needed to stop avoiding the unavoidable. The number on the scale, gobsmacked me. 230lbs.

I, never, ever in my life, thought I would see that number on a scale. I have been stuck fluctuating between 215lb-228lbs for the last year and a half, but the number never went above the 220’s.

Now, it finally has. I have no excuse. I don’t work out, I live an incredibly sedentary lifestyle, eat terribly and now the results of my bad choices have finally caught up to me. I wish I could blame my weight on ignorance of not knowing how to eat correctly, but that wouldn’t be true. I wish I could blame it on an unsupportive family, but that is also not true. I have to blame it solely on myself. I made myself this way. No one else did.

I have had and partaken in almost every weight loss opportunity ever, but yet, the love and emotional comfort of eating food, won every single time. I’m at the age where the serious consequences of abusing my body in this fashion, are going to begin to rear its’ ugly heads. I feel I have no self-discipline and the biggest sugar addiction known to man.

I know I can lose the weight because I’ve done it before, but laziness and lack of will-power is keeping me from doing it again.

I don’t want to die early. I don’t want to hate the sight of my body anymore. I don’t want to hide myself away from the world because of what I look like. I want to get better. Today is the day, I begin to get better.

submitted by /u/ineedallthehelp86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat