Sunday, November 3, 2019

Just started my weight loss and muscle building journey. Few questions to ask

Hi guys,

Its been two months since I started going to the gym. I try going to the gym 4/5 times a week and I have cut down on my diet along with following the diet routine. I started with 60.4-60.9 kg and today I weigh 59.4 which has increased since last week which was 58.4 .I don't understand the logic why is this happening??

This is the first time I am going to a gym. I mainly focus on muscle building and 2 times a week I do cardio depending on my body. when I feel tired I just do walking and some core workout .

I am a vegan I have tried inculcating more protein food in my diet , eating my veggies , milk and curd apart from this I no longer consume any kind of sugar or any junk food.

Can anyone help or give me some insights whether is it normal what's happening with me or am I doing something wrong

PS I know it's a slow process and it takes time and I am not rushing into it but then I don't understand why my weight increased even with no change in my routine.

submitted by /u/pjyoti1235
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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