Saturday, November 30, 2019

NSV: I had a really bad cheat day, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been!

My main methods of weightloss are CICO 1200~1500 a day, IF 16:8, and 30min of exercise at least 5 days a week! I've lost almost 24kg/53lbs in the last 6 months.

Yesterday I had a pretty bad cheat day, but I thought about it... It wasn't nearly as bad as it would have been before I started my weight loss journey!

I went to the movies and had an entire medium popcorn all to myself, breaking my fast early... But I went with diet soda instead of regular like I would have had before!

I decided to have lunch instead of waiting for dinner to eat... But I went with the 'mini' lunch set instead of the regular size. And I chose to drink black coffee instead of juice, once again avoiding those liquid calories!

At dinner for my friend's birthday party, I had incredibly unhealthy food. Fried chicken, asparagus wrapped in bacon, meat balls filled with cheese... But I also shared my plates of food with the people around me, and I stuck to water instead of alcohol!

For dessert I had a 250cal chocolate chip crepe... but I split it in half with my husband!

Before I learned how to lose weight, I would have eaten all of that and more just by myself and I would have drank a lot of calories too!

I dreaded stepping on the scale this morning, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the excess calories must have shocked the extra water weight out of my system and I weigh half a kilo less today than I did yesterday!

TL;DR: I think that you can be kind to youself and eat what you like on special occasions. But it's still important to make smarter decisions than you would have made before you started trying to lose weight. Moderation is key!

submitted by /u/lucky_chachacha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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