Sunday, December 1, 2019

I've almost reached my goal weight, but might have gained an eating disorder?

Hi everyone, sorry for the long post - I am really struggling at the moment and am in need of advice!

I am a mid-twenties female who has almost reached my goal weight. I have lost 28kg since March 2019 to reach 70kg. My goal weight is 65kg - only 5kg away.

When I first started losing weight, it was honestly pretty fine and healthy - I was reasonable, didn't count calories but ate clean and didn't obsess over it, and I had a solid routine down (meal prepping, my weekly exercise class and walking daily). I had maybe... three binges in the first seven months, but always got back on the horse and was fine the next day.

About two months ago, a very toxic cycle became apparent and I'm not quite sure why. I began to binge more frequently, which led to restriction (triggering horrendous binges about once a week - now it's more like once every three days) and not I would say I have officially developed binge eating disorder. It has taken over my life - I don't care about anything except my weight (am starting to see myself as big and out of shape), and all I do in my spare time is watch food videos, asmr and mukbang videos, and obsess over other people's weight loss and progress pictures/eating disorder stories (I know this is incredibly messed up). I have somehow managed to maintain my current weight over the last two months but I know I will start to gain if this continues, which would suck because I have come SO far and am so close to my goal weight.

As of tomorrow (I write this on the 1st of December at 7.25pm) I want this to end. Not sure how to go back to eating normally and break this cycle but I really would love some advice - tips on how to feel fuller/what to eat, suggestions on how to keep busy/get some hobbies to distract myself, and any podcasts or books which could help me. Most of all, I would love something to read every time I want to binge to convince me not to do it. Thank you!

submitted by /u/roman_holiday_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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