Friday, December 27, 2019

New to the sub, new to weight loss, Hi guys!

Hi everyone!

I only discovered this sub recently and I gotta say, I love the positive vibes and encouragement. I think I'll stick around. :)

But anyways, I had a reality check when I weighed myself a few days ago at a friend's place (I don't usually weigh myself, don't own a scale at home, always been afraid of the numbers). I couldn't believe the amount of weight I'd put on over the year. I was embarrassed, and kinda angry at myself.

I'm 24F. Growing up and as a teen/early 20s I never had an issue with weight. I've always LOVED food, so perhaps my metabolism has finally caught up with to me, hah. I've never been one for sports or working out, but I used to love going for walks and dealing with a variety of mental health issues left me unmotivated and dropping things I used to enjoy.

Depression has always been a big problem for me since I was a teen, but the weight did not catch up to me until this past year or two. When I am depressed, I eat. For fun, out of boredom, whatever. Because it tastes good. I never really used it as a fuel, or for nutrients, or to keep me alive. It was just for fun and to keep my boredom at bay for like 5 minutes.

This past year I had an idea that I was gaining weight, but I didn't realize just how much. I noticed my clothes weren't fitting me anymore, or were super tight. I noticed stretch marks all over my body, and extra skin I didn't have before. But I just kind of minimized it and was like "Well it's not that much weight" and then forgot about it.

But I can't keep forgetting about it. I need to be aware of it, and I need to be proactive about it. Ignoring it doesn't work anymore.

So I decided to make steps towards being healthier- I got MyFitnessPal app so that I can keep track of my calories, and I bought a food scale so I can be precise about it. My fiance was super supportive and got me a Fitbit for Christmas! So I'll be able to keep even better track that way.

It's easy to say I'm going to do these things, and to do the first few steps, but god do I hope I can maintain it. I need to, for the sake of my health.

Anyways, whoever has read this far, thanks for reading, hope you all are having a good holiday season and I'm excited to be on this journey with all of you!

submitted by /u/clemthecat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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