Thursday, December 26, 2019

For once, losing weight is NOT on my New Year’s resolutions!

I started here at the beginning of 2018 — 83 kg/183 lb (79 kg after two weeks minus the baby in there)

To today — 59~60 kg/130 lb (maybe nsfw, underwear photo)

I struggled with my weight since and eating I was 13. I didn’t grow up with terribly unhealthy habits, and I wasn’t even overweight to begin with. But as a teenager, puberty body changes drove me into one bout of over-restrictive dieting and over-exercise, which triggered 15 years of yo-yo dieting and emotional eating, which at it’s worst was many years of truly devastating binge eating, along with chronic depression, hitting high weights of 77-78 kg throughout my university years. I began to get my act together once I started having kids and made great recovery strides psychologically, but I still had the physical consequences + 3 nearly back-to-back pregnancies’ worth of weight gain to deal with.

I had all but given up on ever trying to lose weight while I had the stress of 3 young children as a work-at-home parent, until I found this subreddit. I learned the basic principles of CICO and began to believe that I could eat normal food, no drastic diets or exercise routines, just watch my calories and continue being generally active, and still lose the weight, hopefully for good this time.

I lost the first majority of the weight by October 2018 by: Tracking my calories for a short period (by which I figured out my problem was not eating out occasionally, high-carb foods, or putting milk and sugar in my coffee, but the 5000 calories in cakes and ice cream I could slam in an hour binge without hardly remembering it). Weighing myself every day and tracking it in a trend calculating app, not getting upset by fluctuations. Taking every opportunity I could to haul the three kids along walking wherever we needed to go. Generally eating satisfying, balanced meals with plenty of vegetables, not snacking much in-between, waiting until I’m pleasantly hungry to eat and stopping before uncomfortably full, etc. And not stressing too much about the rest.

Past that point, I spent about a year kind of on a weight loss break, picking up some exercise at the gym (shifting my work schedule around to work late night/early morning and getting a workout during daycare hours), and more or less maintaining my weight around 62-64 kg but losing a few clothing sizes from recomposition. I was feeling pretty great by that point, though I still had some problematic eating habits. Then in August/September of 2019, I picked up a running hobby (because for the first time in my life, I was eating healthily enough and was light enough that to my surprise running was actually FUN) and started to strategize my boredom/stress eating and slightly excessive consumption of processed snacks. Since then I have lost another 2-3 kg or so and gained a lot more fitness.

In the beginning I set my goal weight in the low 50’s, just because that was the lowest I got to during my first ever diet, and what I always assumed my ideal weight was. But after the years of slowly and healthily losing weight, I realized I’m satisfied at higher and higher weights. The more I focus on my athletic performance and dial in my eating habits to a happy place, the more I feel awesome staying right around 59-60 kg, which is also a easily maintainable weight for me currently. At this point it is second nature to be vaguely mindful of calories, balance out heavy meals with light ones, and simply eat in a way that leaves me feeling my best - and when I do make a bad choice, to not dwell on it or punish myself, but just make a better one next time.

I wanted to say a thank you to everyone who’s given out such practical and helpful information here, and most of all to the host and fellow participants following along the 30 Day Accountability Challenges, since those have greatly inspired and encouraged me. I’m excited to start the first year I can remember NOT feeling anxious about my weight or binge eating.

submitted by /u/Tigertigerishungry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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