Thursday, December 26, 2019

From one perfectionist to another: a tip for when a hard calorie limit is not a feasible solution for you

When I lose weight and choose a calorie limit (1200 kcal, booh) that is hard to maintain on a daily basis (fine, but those weekends, bruh), I find it easier to be a bit more flexible in my deficit.

At my weight, my TDEE is 1700 at sedentary activity levels. By eating 1200 kcal, I'll lose half a kilo/week, and less as the weight loss progresses (less mass demands less energy, so the deficit will get smaller and smaller, assuming an equal activity level).

But 1200 kcal/day sucks. I think it sucks even when I eat a lot of vegetables and end the day full and bursting at the seams.

So I allow myself a calorie range instead. I'll eat up to 1400 kcal per day. But sometimes eating above the "allowed" 1200 kcal leads to a bad conscience, I say, using my perfectionist voice. Like, I'm failing at losing weight, so what's the use anyways. Ofcourse I can have those three slices of cake. I already failed.

Nonsense, I say, using my logical voice.

I find it helps to put those calories into a graph that visualises the date of the end goal. Using's calculator, I'll hit goal weight 14th of May by eating 1200 kcal. By eating 1400 kcal, I'll hit goal weight 28th of August. So I took the numbers and put it into a graph.

So whenever my black hole of a stomach just screams for a small, sugary snack at the end of a 1200 kcal day, I take a look at this graph and tell myself that, yes, I will still hit goal weight eating an extra 200 kcal a day. Just a little later.

It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

submitted by /u/svvvaffles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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