Thursday, December 26, 2019

27lbs total lost today!! Just hit below my plateau of 150lbs this morning and weighted in at 148!!

I’m 5’4”, 22 (F) and have been on my weight loss journey seriously for a year today. SW: 175 CW: 148! GW:~135.

In the fall of 2017/2018 I had started eating meat after being veg for 2 years (I was rlly sick from being vegan). I was used to eating volume and didn’t even realize until I got a full length mirror that I had gained A LOT of weight. (Btw meat is very calorie dense compared to vegan food). I had never been above a normal weight of 145, so for me so this was a huge shock. I had back rolls I had never had, had a harder time moving, and was shocked because my 20 year old self was no longer an active teenager able to eat whatever and not gain weight. At the time I realized my aesthetic weight gain, I had a lot of stress going on and felt hopeless. I had never been on a weight loss journey before, didn’t even own a scale, and just thought I’d always be that weight now.

In summer 2018 I went to the doctors and that’s when I found out I was 176lbs!! I was shocked. I knew I gained weight, but 30lbs since the last time I weighed myself (which is a lot for someone who is 5’4”). Like I said, I was again in disbelief.

Anyway, from then on I loosely tried to lose weight, but didn’t really understand/commit. I maybe lost 5lbs from summer 2018to December 2018. But wasn’t tracking because I didn’t have a scale, and honestly that’s a huge motivator for me. (Just an aside, when I can actually see what I’m doing, for example, eating less in the last two weeks and seeing the scale go down, I’m more motivated).

This is when I got a Fitbit on Boxing Day last year, and my boyfriends roommate had an electronic scale so I used that to weigh myself. This is when my journey really started. This time last year, pretty much to the day.

I weighed in as 170 on his roommates scale around December 27th, 2018. I had started counting calories and went for walks at least 4X a week. I lost ~20lbs by June 2019, and most of that came off in the first two months. I was shocked how “easy” it was because all I did was move more and eat less, and was so happy.

I bought a scale myself in June, but this past summer I got a little lazy while working full time at a desk job, and not in school, and lost maybe 5lbs throughout the summer. In September 2019 my boyfriend and I moved into an apartment together and I weight in at 157lbs and knew I needed to get serious again if I wanted to be my goal weight.

So in the last month I’ve been more serious about watching my calories and doing more activity (walking, body workouts etc). I hit 150 at the beginning of the month and I hadn’t seen that number so low since getting the scale and was thrilled. And today, almost a year anniversary of my intentional weight loss journey, I hit 148 LBS during the holidays!!! I’m so thrilled and getting over a “plateau” (really it was just my laziness loll) brings me motivation to really get those last 10lbs off and tone up before summer!

I know a year is a long time to lose almost 30lbs, but I’ve been able to continuously maintain my weight loss and when I fall off track, I just pick myself up and keep going right on track. I also find since I’m going slower it’s easier to adjust to the smaller amounts I’m eating and I’m getting more in tune with naturally not eating bigger portions and more calories without feeling hungry. I’m sooo proud of myself, and I will try my hardest to keep the weight off, and am motivated to keep going. Happy holidays and I wish all of you, whether you’re starting today, in a week, or started 2 years ago, good luck on your weight loss journey AND WE CAN ALL DO THIS :)!!!

submitted by /u/cucumbers__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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